Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 Tim worked on receptacles today. I vacuumed plaster dust from the pantry, in preparation for laying the tile floor, which I am quite excited about. 

There really was not much for me to do today, but my sister has enough green beans and has been trying to give them away before she pulls the vines, so I picked a half bushel of green beans. 

The tender beans were cut to size. I will blanch and pop them in a ice bath in preparation for the freezer tomorrow evening. 

The too large beans were removed from their leathery pods. Toss in some onion, celery and kielbasa, and let the thing simmer on low in a crock pot for the day, and that will be supper tomorrow with some garlic bread. 

There were some tiny beans which I saved too. Those I sauteed whole in bacon grease, with a generous handful of garlic, some black pepper, and a smidge of salt. I actually found this recipe online and it sounded fast enough and easy enough. It is what I ate for supper, and lo...it was good!

Tomorrow will be a different sort of day. I am meeting up with a group of people at the local river outfitter. We will be taken down river and dropped off to work on a section of river to pull water chestnut, and invasive that clogs a river and makes kayaking and canoeing difficult. That's this week's adventure. Also a foraging opportunity. I will probably bring home a couple dozen of them, because we do like stirfry in this house. 

So. That is the plan for tomorrow. It gives Tim a chance to continue on with the electrical stuff, which is pretty much a one man job. The wires are run, but he's putting in the receptacles, hanging ceiling lights and fans. 

By the end of the week, I'm hopeful to have the pantry floor done. It will be the first completed floor. 


  1. Good on you for making excellent use of garden produce.

  2. That's a little project in the midst of a house building. Where do you get the energy?

  3. I have never thought to do beans thus - only ever fresh and plain. You have opened my mind. And water chestnut is good in stir fry

  4. I thought water chestnuts grew in cans, whole or sliced. I've never seen the plant with it's nuts. Hmmmm. Linda in Kansas

  5. A floor!! Getting there 🙂
    I love water chestnuts in a stir-fry..the crunch!
    Green beans heading for the freezer here..I'll keep one or two plants just for ripe beans to dry...for eating and sowing next season

  6. Never a dull minute in your life, I love it! I have never even considered where water chestnuts come from, other than in a can! Green beans cooking always remind me of my Grandma; she cooked hers with a big hunk of fatback and they were oh-so tender and delicious.

  7. You are such a busy person. Enjoy your clearing and foraging and tile laying.

  8. Joining with like minded people to get rid of pest weeds must be a good thing to do. You have risen in my estimation.

  9. No rest for you, Debby! Sounds like you are enjoying yourself, tho!

  10. Wow! This all sounds busy and good.
    If you ever want to pull up invasive plants on land in Florida...

  11. Your blog keeps tickling my stomach. Yesterday, I had sausage, peppers, onions and tomatoes on my mind all day. I even looked up a recipe. I've never seen, ate or cooked them but it sounds delicious and I plan to try it later this fall when the cool weather sets in.

  12. I had no idea water chestnuts were invasive!

  13. I thought water chestnuts came in a can ,,,, I must admit I had never considered what kind of plant produced water chestnuts either.

  14. Like many others I never really associated water chestnuts with, well, water. I lovely to be able to harvest your own and help the environment at the same time.


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