Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Tim's been steadily working on receptacles/sockets/powerpoints/whatever they are called where you live. He has put up a the light in the pantry. He has installed the fan/light in the bedroom. 

I put down the tile in the pantry yesterday. 

It will be grouted Monday. 

We had a wicked storm here last night, and it rained like crazy. The lightning flashed over and over, multiple times in a minute. We were at a restaurant when the skies opened. By the time we left, I stepped off the curb to get in the car, and was in water up to my ankles. (They were hiking sandals, so no harm no foul.) In any case, Tim drove home with the wipers at top speed and it was still difficult to see at times. 

I woke up a couple times in the night to hear it raining hard. 

This morning, Tim is back working on the electric. I stayed home today. Mattie gave me a big bag of tomatoes. I've got them stewing in a roaster with onion, garlic, green pepper, mushrooms and fresh basil and oregano. We will have spaghetti with homemade meatballs for supper tonight, and I'll have enough to tuck away in the freezer probably 4 or 5 meals later on. 

The sky is dark, the sun is strange, and it's obvious more weather is on the way. It's okay though. The house smells great, and the kitchen is getting some long over due attention. 


  1. Sounds like a good day to be cozy in the kitchen.
    Y'all are really coming along on your house!

  2. Your house is progressing well.
    We have some heavy rain here too - too much for the guttering to cope with but some good fine days for autumn too

  3. You've reminded me to check my sleep app to see how well I didn't do last night. Oh, there we are 4h50m. Sometime soon the app will tell me that I ad not doing well. 😊

  4. You managed to lay the tiles in the pantry, as you wanted to. Tim is working so hard. It's all the little details that take the time just as you think you can see the end in sight.

  5. When we remodeled our bath room we decided to add a light with a small fan. Best thing for me, when I am out of the shower and still warm the fan is a blessing.

  6. You two are really checking things off the list for the new house. When do you anticipate moving in? Your sauce sounds delicious!

  7. I made pepperonata as well tonight..but with sweet red peppers and tinned tomatoes

  8. That sounds like a storm we rarely ever see, especially the rain.

  9. I think that I can smell that sauce from here- yum!

  10. It's been nice here until yesterday and it's typical Irish mizzle weather here. My newly transplanted leeks will like the dewy weather.

  11. Looking grand! I can smell dinner from here! Linda in Kansas


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