Sunday, September 1, 2024

Nothing New Under the Sun

 We got a base for the sink, but after placing it, have decided that it won't work. We will either adapt it, or take it to an Amish craftsman to make some changes. I think we could manage the thing ourselves, but Tim wants it done by an expert. 

Yesterday was a strange day. I poly'ed trim boards while Tim drove the tractor to my nephew's machine shop for a repair. 

I felt strange and light headed. It just felt as if I was moving underwater. 

I worked and felt like crying and I really had no idea why but by lunchtime, things were not better, and I was starting to feel nauseous. 

So. It was not a productive day. 

Tim has one of his trucks pulled out of the garage, and so it gives a wide open bay. I walked down to feed the cats. I do not feed them until they actually come to the dish, trying to force the 'taming' process. I sat down and called and called. Finally they came. First Possum. Then Tiger. Then Sigh (who has blue eyes) and finally Mini, the biggest cat who looks so like mama that I have trouble telling them apart. But sure enough, there was no heart shaped patch of fur, so it was the kitten. 

They scampered around nervously, but they did eat while I sat back and watched and didn't seem too troubled by my presence. 

We came home early in the afternoon, and I lay down and slept, The nap did me good, I think. I felt much better after I woke up. 

It was a quiet night, and we went to bed early. I was awakened by screaming. The neighbors were going at it hammer and tongs. I couldn't hear him, but I could hear her. I could see him, sitting on the bed. It looked like he was folding clothes and packing. She was shouting "GO! Just GO!" (among other things). Their bedroom window is perhaps 20 feet from our bedroom window, and I felt like a peeping tom.

Tim went to the computer. I went back to bed and turned on my reading light and finished my book. "The Same as It Ever Was". It was a book that I identified with quite a lot. I can't say that I liked it, but it was real, and I understood it, from all the angles. There is nothing new under the sun. 

Six hostages found in Gaza, dead. 

There is nothing new under the sun. 

Biden vows that Hamas will pay. I like Harris' take: Israel has the right to defend itself, but how it does so matters. She advocates for two states. It would solve the problem wouldn't it? 

I read that fully one half of Ukraine has been destroyed at this point. 

There is nothing new under the sun.

August is gone. September is here. The seasons change. The sun has seen all this before as well. 


  1. I'll have to take a look at that book, sounds interesting. I've been dealing with vertigo and extreme fatigue this week, which sucks. I'm glad you felt better after a nap. I hate feeling sick.
    As for Gaza and Israel, there doesn't seem to be an answer, which breaks my heart, while more children die. Old men don't seem to care that children die, in Gaza, or Ukraine, or Sudan. They are selfish bastards, all of them, stealing lives.

    1. When the Israeli Finance minister made the claim that it might be moral to starve 2 million people but the rest of the world would not allow it, it told me all that I need to know about Israel.

      Harris is right when she says that Israel has a right to defend itself, but how it is done matters. Israel crossed a line, long ago. We should not be supplying them with any military aid.

  2. It all goes around and around, ad infinitum.
    I hope you are soon feeling better and back to your normal self.

  3. Some days are just weird and very uncomfortable. I'm glad you felt better after your nap.

    1. It was not a productive day, that's for sure.

  4. I wonder if the poly fumes are getting to you. Maybe a fan while you work would help?
    There has been fighting and sadness in the world as long as there has been humans it seems but also kindness and love. So complicated.

    1. You know, Ellen, I actually think that was it. When I went back the next day, as soon as I walked in that room, I became light headed. That work needs to be done in a well ventilated area from now on.

  5. I thought you were going to say you were getting sick. I'm glad the nap made you feel better. Ellen D's theory about fumes is interesting.

    I have not even looked at the news this weekend, and now I'm glad. I don't understand why the two-state solution is such a nonstarter for some people. To me it seems so sensible.

    1. I think that she may actually be right.

      Sense seems to have been lost in all the tumult.

  6. There's a lot to be said for a power nap Debby.

    1. I rarely take them, but I just may have to start.

  7. The world is a sad place, all we can do is look out for the bright spots.
    Hope you're feeling better.

  8. Ellen's point about the fumes is a valid one...

    Such sadness and hate everywhere

    On a positive point if he has gone you should be able to sleep better..but she won't for a while...been there...

    1. They BOTH seem to be gone. It's interesting. They left the bedroom light on, but I don't think anyone is there

  9. The fumes from that poly likely affected you, that stuff is nasty. The whole situation in Gaza is horrific, I agree with Madam Vice President, Israel does have a right to defend itself, but what they have done and continue to do is way beyond defending itself, it is now genocide.

    1. I really think that all of you who said that might have a valid point, interestingly enough.

  10. Once at a previous house, our backdoor neighbors came out of the house screaming at each other while I was grilling. It was still going on when I finished grilling and went in the house ten minutes later. It was very hard for me to pretend I wasn't there grilling.

    I am at a loss for a solution to the Israel/Palestine situation. The two state solution or possibly three state solution sounds like the best solution from my perspective, but nearly every book I have read from the perspective of Israelis, Gazans and West Bank citizens say that can never happen. Each want the land for themselves because it is their right. It would be nice to live in a world where that part of the world was at peace but I think it is a pipe dream for you and I. Perhaps our children or grandchildren will figure something out.

    1. It's awkward. I felt like if I turned on our bedroom light, they'd know that they were being heard. Later it occurred to me that they are living in an apartment building. I'm sure that the whole building heard them. I don't suppose it mattered to them.

  11. I wish all wars and disagreements were not new and that they hadn't happened. However, historically people have always been fighting.

    1. Remember shocked we were about the My Lai massacre? I think of that so often, that as a nation we were shocked that women and children would be killed as part of a military operation. Look at us now. We barely blink.

  12. I'm glad you felt better. I thought you were heading for a bout of something.
    It's a sad situation next door, by the sound of it.

    1. It is sad. Nobody's been there since. These young people get themselves into such 'fixes'. They rent an apartment and if one moves out, the other hasn't got the money to keep the apartment on their own. It is a sad situation.

  13. I'm glad the nap helped. Those 'off it' bouts can really make you feel awful.

    1. Naps are not something I do often, but I had a nap today, too. For some reason, I'm just exhausted.

  14. I am too upset with world news right now to be myself.

    1. I often think of John from 'Beans and I on the Loose'. He refused to follow news. At all. Just lived his life on the road, and read his books, and worried about his cat. I find myself thinking maybe he was on to something.

  15. If you feel like that again, sit down and take your blood pressure. Drink more water; willing to be you're dehydrated. The nausea isn't a good sign. Might want to consider your plans for heading to the ER or doc for any future events. Bummer about the neighbors. Linda in Kansas

    1. It's not dehydration. I really do think the folks above hit the nail on the head. I had to return to the house Sunday to feed the kittens. I walked into the room with all the polyurethaned boards and immediately felt light headed. From now on, it's either done outside, or the windows will all be opened.

  16. Sleep is a great cure. It sounds as if you were overtired.

  17. My dad heard his neighbours arguing in their garage. He stood out of sight. The husband shouted "And I expect they'll be listening next door".

    1. Your dad was far more polite than me. I'd have yelled back, "It's kind of hard not to hear."

  18. Sigh. They've been talkin about two states for about 75 years. If only it had been accepted back then.

    1. You are right. It is just one more thing that is not new.

  19. It can be depressing, can't it. Yet we try to stop war by sending more weapons. Does it ever help? I don't know.
    We glorify war. Everywhere there are memorials, museums, and then there are all the books, movies, biographies extolling the virtues of generals, of campaigns. Men (and some women) dress up on weekends to re-enact battles. It seems as if we can't get enough of war.
    And so it goes on, and no one seems to realize that we are so small, just a blue dot in a huge universe, all screaming and clawing over this little Earth, until our short lives end. And the next generation does it all over again. Yet we consider ourselves the superior species?

  20. "We try to stop war by sending more weapons. Does it ever help?" I honestly don't think so


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