Sunday, September 15, 2024


It has been a frustrating few days. My computer has been infected with something. I haven't had access to Facebook for several days, for the crime of posting porn, which I can assure you I have not done. I contacted Facebook (purportedly) who wanted a minimum of $299 to protect me and my computer. When I refused, he got a bit incredulous. At that point, he made two claims that I knew to be a lie. 

Our computer is in the shop. My phone was running so slowly that it was nearly useless for any purpose other than making a phone call. I thought that the two things were related. Turns out that a half hour on the phone with a phone tech fixed that. 

Hence this post. Be back when I can.


  1. A local computer place can clean your computer up nicely, however, not cheaply! Sorry! Change your password! They probably told you that, too!

    1. Our computer guy has always done a great job, and his prices are always fair.

  2. If this aver happens again, turn your computer off immediately and take it to a reputable repair shop to have whatever is on it removed. Anyone who wants money up front over the phone to "protect" your computer is scamming you. Those people are pretty much scum. Good luck.

    1. As soon as I realized I was not talking with Facebook, I was on the phone with our computer guy. The computer was in his shop within 2 hours.

  3. I am so sorry to read this. It's just beyond infuriating. Over the years we have been boarded by various viruses, and it's crazy making.

    1. We have been pretty lucky really. But it was scary to believe you were talking to Facebook and realize you are not. That is a pretty tricky little set up.

  4. Facebook will probably sort itself out in a week or two. In the meantime, enjoy not having it. I've now managed to condition myself to look at it only once a week.

  5. Make sure to change any passwords saved on the computer.

    Facebook has been acting strange. They recently removed a post I shared saying it was spam. It's a video from BBC about kids.

    1. I posted something with a fact check. They removed it as false information. Which was the point of the post!

  6. The you wonder what it was that you did wrong that caused the problem, and it may have been nothing you did.

  7. How frustrating! At least you've managed to stay out of jail! Linda in Kansas

  8. They just about phished you in with that $299 scam.

    1. Yeah, I figured it out just as soon as he matter-of-factly brought up money. I think he was sure he had me.

  9. That is the craziest thing! Sheesh! Did you hear about another Trump assassination attempt today? He's from Hawaii but he's a transplant from North Carolina so we don't take blame for him.

    1. It Is getting crazy. I cannot wait for this election to be over.

  10. Facebook removes posts for no good reason - infuriating.

  11. Although I do post on Facebook, I don't place a lot of value in it should it be taken from me. But I would be concerned about a virus on my computer. I have all my data backed up to the cloud but it is such a long process to put it all back where it belongs whenever I upgrade my computer I certainly wouldn't want to do it in-between times due to being hacked. Hopefully they can clean up your computer and restore it back to normal.

    1. I don't care about posts. I care that my secondary authentification codes were being sent to another phone blocking access to my own account, which also kept me from messenger which is how my daughter and I call each other.

  12. Oh, yeah, definitely a scam. Facebook is not going to ask for $300 to clean your computer!


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