Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ain't dead yet

 It is the third day (4th day?) into this covid stuff and it is quite clear it will not kill me. The worst of the respiratory stuff is over but this morning, I did wake up at o'dark thirty with the most awful headache and body aches. I got up and took two tylenol. Coming back to bed, I heard Tim stirring. I asked him if he needed tylenol as well, and he said that he did. After a couple more hours of sleep, I woke up freezing and am currently sitting here in a flannel night gown with a fleece bathrobe. I still have a terrible sounding cough and body aches. 

Tim? He's driven down to the new house to work on lights. 


  1. It seems as if you're on the mend, though slowly. I hope Tim won't regret working. Keep well!

  2. I guess you aren't saying Tim has the "man-flu" like my wife says whenever I'm sick.

  3. Imagine how bad this virus hit people in the early days with no vaxes to mitigate, and I have heard that the virus was stronger then too although I don't know that for a fact.

  4. I hope you recover soon Debby. It can knock the stuffing out of you.

  5. Like you, we haven't had it (yet), but you've shown there is no such thing as immunity.


I'm glad you're here!

Ain't dead yet

 It is the third day (4th day?) into this covid stuff and it is quite clear it will not kill me. The worst of the respiratory stuff is over ...