Sunday, September 22, 2024

Guess who's coming to dinner, take 2

A little bit harder to see (remind me to close the tool box just below the camera) but to the right of the picture, you'll see a glinting eye. Follow that body down to the long rat-like tail. Yep. It is a opossum...

...not to be confused with Possum: 

Opossums are not a bad creature to have around, but we wish that he'd stick around outside. Again, he doesn't seem to bother the kittens. 

We did set a trap for the raccoons though, baiting it with chicken bones. Those clever raccoons merely tumbled the live trap around the yard instead of going into it to get the chicken bones. Raccoons can be a nuisance. 

Ignore the background on this. I took the picture just outside the basement door. We have not done a lot of landscaping, other than spreading the huge dirt pile, and collecting the rocks, and planting grass seed, but I wanted you to see the variations in colors of the insulators. There are also various manufacturers here, as well. They are nothing special but they are a reminder of a day gone by. 

It's been a quiet day here. It is the high holy day of football. Our book club is reading an author that is new to me: Chris Bohjalian. I am reading The Guest Room right now, and I have The Buffalo Soldier for when I am done. They are the perfect books for me at the moment. They are relative quick reads, engrossing but not complicated plots. 

I have 15 more postcards to do and I'm done with that project. 

Our little town hosted a trump rally yesterday. It was advertised on the courthouse lawn, something that people  thought was unjust, since the courthouse is supposed to be bipartisan. In the end 26 people showed up although many drove by to beep their horns in support.


  1. Cool glass insulators. Does 26 count as a rally? Was it really raccoons that messed up the trap, or rally attendees? Just had to say that. Linda in Kansas

  2. I used to indiscriminately feed all comers, cats, raccoons, possum, skunks, until someone reminded all the latter were potential carriers of rabies. My cat food bill declined precipitously.

  3. I really like Chris Bohjalian‘s books, thou haven’t read all of them.
    I also haven’t received my postcards yet!!😳I sent a message, and was
    told to be patient…🀷‍♀️Since I’m not a citizen, I feel it’s a little something I can do - encouraging people to vote! Hope your wildlife situation gets sorted out soon- we’ve had a tiny black rat snake hanging out in front of our house for a month now.. does nothing, moves a little bit around in the same spot..?! I’ve no idea what that’s about! (It’s too small to catch any of the nuisance chipmunks here) But I’m not too worried,
    -yet, that is!πŸ˜… xo, Rigmor

  4. Possums used to creep me out (the rat tail and the hissing) then I found out their favorite food is ticks.
    Now I love them.

  5. Racoons sound like they are quite smart too.
    I thought that to collect insulators when I was young was very nerdy. I think I had about a dozen but I don't think any were clear glass.

  6. Take 2 from me (Rigmor): While I’ve read Chris Bohjalian books, I confused the author with another, and this is a favorable book of mine:
    David Baldacci’s ‘Wish You Well’ - not a mystery book as most of his are! Highly recommended by me😊


I'm glad you're here!

Guess who's coming to dinner, take 2

A little bit harder to see (remind me to close the tool box just below the camera) but to the right of the picture, you'll see a glintin...