Monday, September 23, 2024

Feeling Positive

On the way to the new build yesterday, Tim said, "I am definitely coming down with a cold."

By last night, I was sneezing my head off. It is not an exaggeration to say that I will sneeze 15 times in a row or more. I felt achy and tired, and I said, "Well, thanks for sharing, fella." And then I went to bed. 

I woke up this morning and felt worse. Still sneezing. And coughing. Zero oomph. As far as I know, sneezing was not a covid symptom, but I could not stop thinking about the book club meeting. One of the ladies there has some serious health issues. 

So, I took a covid test, to rule out covid. I was shocked to see the second line appear. Tim is positive as well. All these years and we have never had covid. 

He thinks he feels better from yesterday morning. I feel worse. I also now have a cough to go with the sneezing.  

Tonight, we both went to bed early. 

1 comment:

  1. Well, that's a bummer. I hope you make a rapid recovery.


I'm glad you're here!

Feeling Positive

On the way to the new build yesterday, Tim said, "I am definitely coming down with a cold." By last night, I was sneezing my head ...