Wednesday, July 19, 2023

What We've Been Up To

 It's been a while since I wrote about the house. I was away for a week, and I made Tim swear to me that he would do some small jobs while I was gone and avoid the heavy work. There is a lot going on here, most of it unbloggable, and I've been struggling. I was looking forward to time with my grandaughters. I haven't seen them since the beginning of December, and a baby changes quite a bit in just 7 months. 

I just wanted to have my week. Tim didn't want to go, because he can't just do nothing for a week. I can. I planned to sit back and enjoy it, too. 

Tim and I came up with a list of tasks that needed doing and I headed off feeling pretty confident that he was not going to push himself physically, especially since it was supposed to be awfully hot for the week. 

Long story short, I had a wonderful time with the grandchildren. I did not expect the baby to warm to me. After all, I was a stranger to her. I am thrilled to report that she and I got along just fine. She warmed to me enough that her mother was able to take in a afternoon matinee. She had a chance to go out to breakfast with her oldest.

When I got home, Tim needed to do some work on my car too, so that took a weekend, but Monday morning we were back at it. We put up two walls with my sister and brother-in-law's help. Tuesday, we were back up there. We put up one wall ourselves, and my brother-in-law came over and helped us with the final wall. 

Today, Tim had to run up to place the order for the roofing materials at Eastern States, which is about an hour from here, so it was a relaxing morning. I had time to get the laundry taken care of, folded and put away, egg salad made for lunch, take care of my plants, and tick a few little tasks off my to do list. 

One of the tasks I've been meaning to do is to call and cancel our Netflix. I kept the password on a post it note inside the tv stand, but of course it was not there. When we switched over to streaming our television, Netflix needed us to sign in again. We debated changing the password, but in the end decided that with the Roku, we have access to more television and movies than we have ever had in our lives. We made up our minds to cancel the Netflix. But, hey. I've been busy. 

So I did live chat with Netflix today and was gobsmacked when the woman said that we had a $19.98 + tax charge. I told her that I did not understand why we owed any money at all. English was obviously not her first language, but she patiently explained to me that we had not used our Netflix for the past two months. She meant that we had a credit, not a charge. 

I did not expect that.

Tim got home and we ate lunch and headed down to the new build. We put a second top plate on the walls for stability. Tomorrow, we begin setting the roof trusses in place. We expect two days and that will be done. The roof materials will be delivered Monday morning. I will feel much better once the place is roofed and sheeting is up on the outside of the walls. 

I promise I will be better about pictures. 


  1. Hope you two can get some rest around all of that! Be careful! Linda in Kansas

  2. Once the roof trusses are fixed in place, I should think the structure should withstand almost anything.
    $20 is not much but a nice little bonus. Ask William's advice on how to spend it.

    1. I just want the place protected from the weather and lockable.

  3. I had Netflix for some years and then stopped using it when I changed my TV. I forgot about it for a couple of years and then one day realised and cancelled it. They didn't offer me a refund and they've been offering to reinstated me ever since.

  4. You are an impressive crew of two. We piggyback on daughter’s Netflix, but we honestly don’t use it much. I don’t think we would carry it just for us.

  5. I was piggybacked on daughters Netflix as was her son and her lake house but netflix changed their policy and I got the axe. I did not bother to get and pay for it and don’t miss it.. I like watching youtube better. Gigi

  6. I'm always impressed when you detail all of the work you and Tim are able to do on your new house. I would have no idea about any of that and wouldn't trust any structure that I built!?!
    I'm visiting my 2 oldest grandchildren on Saturday and I haven't seen them since December either! I can't wait!

  7. I wish we could see our collective crew of grandchildren more often.. especially as my daughter's twin boys have ASD and need more frequent contact to be easy with us.
    Good to have time to do things apart..then back at it together..when do we get photos next, please?!

  8. Looking forward to seeing the pictures. A lot of progress has been made and I can't wait to see it. Also, glad to hear you had a wonderful time with the grandchildren.

  9. That house is coming along at breakneck speed, though I understand your desire for under roof and lock and key. I also feel the speed is taking a toll on you personally and on your relationship with Tim.

  10. I'm amazed that you got a credit! That is awesome! Hmmm... ROKU? I hadn't even considered that.


I'm glad you're here!

Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...