Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Things that Make Me Sick to My Stomach.

You know how when you're both dreading an appointment, but resolute about just sucking it up and doing what needs to be done, and find out what's going on? And so you're trying not to be overtly emotional because there's absolutely no reason to be emotional, because this is only a test? There's plenty of time to feel completely like a ninny, or to get emotional when you find out the results of the test. So it was a quiet morning here as Tim got ready for that appointment...and then his phone rang. The appointment was canceled because the two doctors who needed to be there couldn't be there. The nurse told Tim that this is a pretty regular problem. 

Wonderful. We've waited a couple months to get this appointment. 

Shit like this gives me a stomach ache. 

But we simply went ahead and got ourselves down to the build to work on the roof. My job was handling the saw on the ground, cutting the 16 foot roof purlins to 14 feet 11 1/4 inch lengths, and marking them at one foot, so that Tim could easily see how he needed to set it for the overhang. Then I trotted the boards up inside and climbed a ladder to push them up to where he was standing on the top plate of the frame. And I couldn't look at him as I pushed the 2x4 up between the trusses, because it made me sick to my stomach to see him standing there on top of the wall handling the length of board without holding on! The problem was that I couldn't NOT look at him either, because I was afraid I'd do something stupid and knock him off. 

I had such a stomach ache. 

And then he needed a pry bar and a hammer, which meant that I had to climb up to the top of an 8 foot ladder on to the horizontal piece of two trusses and hand the things to him. I couldn't look down because it made me sickish. I couldn't look up because it made me sickish to see him silhouetted against the blue sky. And did you know that trusses wiggle? I gritted my teeth and got it done because he was doing the balancing act, the tricky stuff. 

Stomach was doing some flips at that point, but I was brave. 

And then the thunder started and it was time to pack up, and I was not at all sorry, truth be told. Well, until he got the call that his truck was ready to be picked up from its front end alignment. Since we had to pick up some stuff with the dump truck, the plan was that I'd drive the dump truck home. I HATE the dump truck. It's big, but I wasn't driving the other truck, because 1) it is his pride and joy. 2) it's a standard, and while I can drive a standard (and actually prefer to drive a standard in the winter), I can't drive this truck. The clutch is very stiff, and I'm terrified of doing some kind of damage to his truck. (See 1) 

So. I was driving the dump truck and I was not happy about it. When it came time to leave the garage, I couldn't even get the dump truck into drive, which made my nervous stomach even more nervous. Tim was pulling out in the other truck and I waved him down. He stopped. I said, "I can't even get the stupid thing in gear!" Well. That's the sanitized version of what I said. It had been a rough day.

In any case, he said explained that I had to pull the gear shift lever really hard. "No. RRREEEEALLY hard..."

My son observed once that Tim had a higher tolerance for things that don't work right than most human beings. He is right. This is probably the secret of our successful marriage, as well. 

In any case, I got the truck to move and I picked my way slowly down the road, and I was happy to pull into the driveway. 



  1. I couldn't do all of those things that you and Tim are doing. I just couldn't. I'm so nervous for both of you... Please be careful!

  2. Please consider hiring some folks a tad younger to do that tricky stuff you two are doing. I've had patients who had falls; some off ladders. It's not a pretty outcome. Guess driving a giant truck isn't like getting a VW into gear. Pepto Bismol for the night, eh? Linda in Kansas

  3. Not such a good day all round. I can remember my husband sitting astride the roof in our old farmhouse, edging along it with a bucket of cement over one arm and a large slab of stone in his hands, to cap a chimney . . . My son wisely told me to go inside and stop flapping!

  4. Over here our Health & Safety police would be having a screaming fit over you two!

  5. I can't even watch strangers working up high like that.

  6. While more in the past when tech was a bit more problematic, my partner would end up in a rage when something went wrong or wouldn't work as he wanted. If my mother's beads got in a tangle, she would either throw them on the floor, which was preferable to her other method, forcibly rip them apart. I am not sure I quite have the patience to untangle Christmas lights, although I have our own in the past, I do focus on making things right by thinking about what is happening and why. So, maybe not to the extent of Tim, but I am reasonably patient.

    I suppose as owner builders, you aren't subject to workplace safety laws, which would probably have you in gaol by now. You know the risks and make the judgement calls.

  7. And no safety gear....I don't blame you for feeling nervous and stressed
    Appointments..that is so unfair..get on to them for a quick date fix..seeing as they cancelled it

  8. Probably it is time you said NO to this construction site worker demands. A woman at your age should not be straining herself beyond her capacity and strength, like this. It is extraordinary that such a thing should be expected of you, at your time of life.

  9. This made my stomach tense up just reading this post!

  10. No. I would not, COULD not do what you are doing. No way in hell.

  11. If I get a stressed stomach ache, it usually sends me to the bathroom! You are lucky it doesn't hit you like that!!

  12. As usual, what you do, both of you but especially you, astounds me. Most women (and many men too) would not be doing what you are doing.

  13. My heart races a little (okay, a LOT) when heights are involved.

  14. I feel your pain about the appointments. Dad had a long awaited dentist appointment - he no longer had the toothache but dentists are very thin on the ground out there and you never know when the next chance may be. So he organised for someone to be with Mum (and that someone had to reorganise her day for that to be possible) and and then got a call that, as the x-ray machine had broken down his appointment would be cancelled.

  15. Geez! I can't even. What a day. What risks. What stress. I hope you got some rest, at least.

  16. With all those stomach upsets, I'd say you need to get to the emergency!


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Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...