Sunday, February 18, 2024


 Today is William's birthday, lucky number 13. He is officially a teenager and quite pleased with this. He got a smart phone, his first. He's carried a flip phone since forever. Evidently, that is the social kiss of death in middle school. They have to put their phones into a box when they enter a classroom and there is always giggles to see that lone flip phone in amongst all the smart phones. 

He was relating his relief to me when called me for the first time on his new toy. 

I observed that middle school is like that, that there are always kids that look for something different in their classmates and then single that difference out to make mockery of. "It's what they do, and kids like that will find something new to make fun of. You simply don't pay attention to their nonsense..."

He said, "Okay then. Let's change the subject."

Anyways, despite the fact that I rained all over his parade, he'll be over for dinner today. Boston Cream Pie. He will be spending the night since he doesn't have school tomorrow and both parental units are working. 

Houdi was pretty sick on Friday night. I couldn't believe it. Tim said, "I heard two cats out there fighting." I said, "When?" He couldn't remember. But there it was. The cat been bit squarely in the butt. (Remember the last time he was injured, it was also in a place one does not normally pet their cat). So it would appear that he's not the aggressor in these cat spats...more like 'full escape mode'. 

But we had to get through the weekend. We got some topical antiseptic and epsom salts, and there was much squalling and hissing and a regular old set to. He was not a happy cat. Amazingly, my oldest put out an APB on facebook, and someone had 6 pills that had been prescribed for their little dog last fall. He donated them to the cause. Based on weight, I've broken the contents of the capsule down into 3 doses. 

The turn around was miraculous, and the festering is gone completely. Much relief about that. He's pretty perturbed about the small rations. His dry food is set out only after he's had his two tablespoons of wet food with his antibiotic dose. He also is not allowed out, which makes him very ornery indeed. 

Interesting to note that as a feral, he's always been standoffish. When he got sick the first time, there was a big change. I slept one night on the couch, holding him on my lap. He's turned into a huge lovey. This time, he seemed to know right away that we were trying to help him and for all the caterwauling and hissing and struggling, he did not try to bite. Most importantly, he did not run and hide when we were finished. He sat in the hall watching me, and in pretty short order, he was sitting on my lap. 

We've got snow here. It looks very pretty. A good wood fire going in the wood burner. 

Quiet day. I need to get moving. I've got a couple cakes to make. 

Gees: I know what I've been meaning to tell you about. 

I found these pickles at the store, and oh, my, are they fine!

The next time that I went to Aldi's, they were gone, and I was disappointed about that. On a whim, I sliced a cucumber into spears and restuffed the jar and stuck it back in the refrigerator. I tried one yesterday. Mmmmmmmmm...I like a pickle that bites back. I bet by the end of the week, they will be perfect. For 75 cents, I got a new jar of pickles!


On top of everything else, the washer simply stopped spinning. It drained, but did not spin. 
I hated to tell the news to Tim. It was one more expense we did not need right now. (although the first bill from the excavator is in and it is less than $4300, which $1700 less than the quote, a nice surprise). Anyways, when I told Tim, he said, "oh, that's nothing. Remember it did that before?" I didn't, but he said, "We just unplugged it and gave it a while, and then plugged it back in." Sure enough...

We just need them to get us through until the move. 
We are buying a new washer and dryer for the new house. 


  1. Happy birthday to William. Other children can be so unpleasant, can't they?
    Poor Houdi, but how fortunate that someone had the right tablets and could give them to you. Weekends with a sick animal are no fun at all. I'm glad he's recovering. Maybe he will finally learn, even as a feral, that indoors is much safer and warmer than outside.

    1. I've made the decision to stop feeding the ferals. I feel really bad about that but we have too many.

  2. We give our animals eggs to condition them. Our hens and ducks are laying like mad at the moment. Indian omelette for tea tonight.

    1. Oooh. I've wandered off to read about Indian omelets. They sound wonderful!

  3. Happy Birthday William!
    We have sun here today so I hope your snow doesn't move in our direction.

    1. We are supposed to have a warm up later in the week, so I'm not sure of where our snow will go!

  4. Your washer may just need a new belt. For some people this is a DIY, not me, but wasn't an expensive repair.

    1. Tim can do this, but the belt is fine. It was the computer. Unplugging it caused it to reset. It runs fine.

  5. Happy Birthday, William! Clever move on the pickles>

  6. I think appliances are like computers. Sometimes they just need a restart! (Since modern ones contain computer components I suppose this shouldn't be a surprise.)

    Glad William had a good birthday. A smart phone is a rite of passage these days!

    That pickle trick was good thinking!

    1. We bought one of those fancy pants washer. It quit working within a year. It was the motherboard. They replaced it for free
      That motherboard failed before the second year was out.

  7. Poor lil Houdi! I am SO glad my two are strictly indoor cats. Poppy always sits at the front door as I am going in and out, but so far has not attempted to make a run for it. Quite frankly I think she is too much of a wuss to like being outside in the cold.

    1. He is pretty miffed about being kept indoors. I am hopeful that he will get used to it. It would save a lot of headaches.

  8. I wish my washer fix was as simple! It beats itself to death if I don't load it with extreme care and very small loads. But it is still working, thank goodness.
    Teenagers. Itbis a wonder any of them survive! But happy birthday to William!

    1. I had a washer like that for a time. When I had three kids as a single parent.

  9. Happy Birthday to William! Middle school kids can be awful, but they'll all grow out of it soon enough. Boston Cream Pie is one of my favorites, and I love spicy pickles. Good for you on reusing the pickle juice!

    1. It would be nice to think so! Happy planting your seeds day to you. I loved your post! You and Greg are in such a happy place in your lives right now.

  10. Thirteen is indeed a very important birthday! Hurray for William! And he won't be teased about his phone any more.
    I'm so glad that Houdini got the medication that helped him. My cat Jack just went through this a month or so ago but we were able to get him to a vet who just gave him a shot- so much easier than trying to dose him.
    Also glad that Tim remembered how to "fix" the washer. May this trick work for as long as you need it.

    1. The last time we needed to do this was about 5 years ago.

  11. What will you be doing with this place when you move to the new house? If you will be selling, and if you do need a new washer before you move, could you take it with you? Of course, you may be planning to rent, and I might be p1$$ing in the wind.

    1. You are not pi$$ing in the wind. We want to get those stackable ones for the new house. The main consideration though is that the ones we have were a nightmare to get down the basement steps. We want to take a miss on that if at all possible. This house would sell. It is wayyyyy too big for a rental. It could (and was at one time a two unit, converted from a one unit, and then once again restored to a single family home. We are too tired to do that all again.

  12. My washer and dryer are both about 40 years old! My washer used to beat itself up until I got a handyman to level it with the levellers on the bottom thar I didn’t know were there. I only have needed the dryer repaired once and the repairman told me to hang on to it as they only make appliances to last about 6 years now! If I ever need new ones I will not buy any with electronics in them. Glad Houdini is doing better and that William is happy with his iphone. Kids can be very cruel. Gigi

  13. Poor Houdi, a bite on the ass, so embarrassing. It seems like expenses never end sometimes. With retirement I will need my own vehicle, as we only have one. Sigh.
    Happy birthday to William!

    1. He is just not cut out for self defense, I guess!

  14. What a relief that Houti improved so quickly. I remember that last time it took a while to work out what was best to do.

    1. Deja vu. I knew something was up as soon as I saw his behavior. I expected to find an injury.

  15. Poor Houdi..give him a stroke and ear scritch from me.
    And a hug for William, if he isn't getting too big for that ( they grow back into giving hugs later!) My grandsons will be 13 this June coming...and yes, time does fly, especially as we hardly see them

    1. If we are not in public, I can probably get away with a hug!

  16. Two snake bites close together would have been unusual. Good to hear he is quickly recovering.

    1. Oh gosh no! It was a cat fight! Not a snake bite. They are not something you have to worry about in the snow. That snake slither in between the sheets of insulation during the summer.

  17. Our youngest will be leaving private school for the public school on the far side of town this fall. We decided it was time for a phone. I went to the phone place and it was going to cost me $400 for a flip phone. I was resigned to paying that price when she asked me if I would consider a free iPhone13. So my youngest will never know the joys of carrying a flip phone in a smart phone world.

    As a former designer of them, my guess is that the low level drain sensor on your machine is failing. It is the sensor that verifies all the water has been drained before spinning the drum up to speed. Unplugging the machine probably de-energizes it and allows it to reset back to a state that allows you to use the spin cycle. I'm guessing it is less than a $10 part if you can locate it on your machine and online.

    1. Tim is pretty good at appliance repairs, as long as computers are not involved. William just had a $30 Trac phone. We just needed him to be able to reach someone in case of emergency.

  18. Congrats to William, both on being a teen and getting a smart phone. Of course there are some big things coming in his life still, like drivers license etc. Glad to hear Houdi is well and treated appropriately!

  19. It is a milestone! I remember how important it felt to me to be a teenager.

  20. Happy birthday to William. I remember when I got each of my granddaughters a smart phone. They were pleased.

    1. He sure was happy with his parents, that's for sure.

  21. Belated happy birthday to William, may he enjoy his Smart phone. Also glad that Houdi is on the road to recovery. Thelma x

    1. It is a relief! The cat. Not sure about the teenager. Lol.

  22. Happy anniversary of being William's Grandma! Glad that Houdini turned a corner - and I do like the sound of those pickles!

    1. It is also the 13th anniversary of meeting Amanda, Mark, Jack, and Sarah in New York City. How long ago that seems. I never would have reckoned that I was not going to Australia as quickly as I had it planned in my mind.

  23. When I finish a jar of dill pickles I finely slice red onions and fill to the level of the vinegar and leave in the fridge for a few days. It makes great sandwich pickles and when they are used I put the vinegar and some baking soda down the sink drain to clean it .I do like to get my moneys worth from the things I buy.

  24. I've only had sweet pickles lately to add to our tuna or egg salad sandwiches. I think I've got a craving for green olives now.

    People are actually asked not to feed the feral cats in Hawaii now because of the proliferation of the population and they have devastated the native bird life. I wonder why they haven't kept the population of the feral chickens down.

    Sigh... seems like it's harder being a kid these days.


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