Monday, February 5, 2024

This Too Shall Pass

 Well, the meeting with the city was very disappointing. Everyone was there. 

The neighbors will not allow us to dig up the pipe, so a new line will have to be run. It will cost us in the neighborhood of $10,000. 

The neighbors were aggressive and hostile, and had a lawyer, a smooth talking guy, who said, "You have my sympathy..." 

'No. No I don't believe we do...' Of course, I did not say that outloud, but as the song goes, he 'reeked of insincerity'. 

One of two things has happened here. The line from the demolished house was capped by the city. The man who did it claims that nothng  was 'y'ed' off of it. Something seems to have been. Or the pipe could have been damaged by heavy equipment. We will never know because we cannot dig it up.

The plumber got so angry, he got in his truck and left. 

We met up with him later. 

He said, "They are just awful, awful people. That city guy made me so mad, I knew that I was going to lose my temper. So I left. I'm sorry." 

We could not disagree with his assessment, and since I had to walk away, I couldn't fault him for leaving either. 

We mapped out the path forward. 

Yeah. We could waste an awful lot of time trying to fight this legally, but in the end, I think the best thing to do is to fix it as quickly as we can for the tenant's sake. 

As far as the neighbors? I don't even know what you do with people like that, but what I do know is that we are going to take the high road on this one. We are not going to throw good money after bad, trying to prove a case that we are not able to prove. I'm also thinking that the city screwed up too, but they are going to be concerned about covering their asses on this one.  

You know the funniest thing? I have never talked to the neighbor lady before. Not one word. She snapped, "Sure, you can go ahead and dig....after you pay us half the demolition costs." 

Stupified, I said, "Why would we owe you half of that?" 

She believes that we reported them to the city for a derelict property. I said, "Becky, we absolutely did NOT report you to anyone. If that's what you're upset about,.."

The city official waved his hand impatiently. "That's not why we're here..." 

I bit back the "Listen, asshole, I didn't bring the topic up," and went inside to speak with our tenant. And to cool down. Those two things. 

I said to the tenant "I don't understand it. I've never saiid a word to the woman before today." The tenant knows that feeling. She told me that the neighbor glares at her in a shockingly hateful way every time she sees her. They've never spoken either. 

I said, "Well, all I can say is that if she shows up with a plate of cookies, telling you that she's heard you've been sick...DON'T EAT THE COOKIES! That's how people wind up on Dateline."

Good to find the humor in the situation. 

This too shall pass. 

Someone repeat it back to me please! I need to hear it from someone else. 


  1. Some people just don't get it. They make life miserable.

    1. Well, in the end, we leave them to their own miserable lives.

  2. The neighbor doesn't know the meaning of the word, apparently. What a nasty mess. I think you are right to just move on. No value in continuing to be upset and angry, but you are now forewarned about this "neighbor".

    1. Oh we knew what they were before this. We own the house on their other side. ๐Ÿ˜•

  3. That's bloody frustrating. My blood would have been boiling. Good on you two for taking the high road. It's not an easy road to take.

    1. If there was one way to hold them accountable, I would do it in a minute. I am disappointed in the city, though.

  4. You’re a better person than I am, but I’d be making myself feel better by lovingly imagining the cookies *I* would bake for *the neighbors*… ๐Ÿ˜†

    1. I guess I am not like that. I am mad, though. It is frustrating. And unfair. But in the end, we have behaved like good people. That is important in this world.

    2. (This was meant to be a joke…. For sure, I wouldn’t be poisoning anybody!)

    3. Oh I took it as a joke! I meant that I just don't see revenge as the way. I look around this world and I cannot see any good from retaliating. I never dreamt for a minute I had a murderer among my commenters!

  5. Taking the high road will save you a ton of heartburn for sure. And it’s all for the best not to have to interact with these horrible people any more than you need to!

    1. We used to be friends with the husband, but that dried up. I have no idea why. We had a tenant who was a pot stirrer. We decided not to renew her lease because she was lying about us, as well as to us. I sometimes wonder if she got them fired up. She has been gone for a couple years now. But, in the end it doesn't really matter. We have no reason to speak with them.

  6. I would be feeling a little like taking some revenge somehow.

    1. No. I would never do that. I am not above hoping karma nails them. While I am watching.

    2. Andrew, P would be like that. He can be quite vengeful.

    3. Jaycee, might we borrow P?

  7. Jeepers! Can you skip the pipe and put in a composting toilet? Or a genuine outhouse? Build one for City Hall too. Maybe just lean a shovel against the City Hall door for all of the poo to dig around. Definitely a chapter in the "bad things happen to good people" book. Yep, Karma will get them eventually. Linda in Kansas

    1. The bathtub, the sinks, the washer, are drain into those drains.

  8. How awful for you. I don't know why some people have to be so difficult.

    1. Well...after sleeping on it a night, we have figured out our way forward. A mistake was made. We will front the money, but I am quite sure we will get it back in the end.

  9. There is always a way to get round problems..but this is so sad.
    If only you could end up owning the middle property!

    1. Ai yi yi. These people would be a nightmare to do a property deal with.

    2. But once done would be a load off your minds and backs!

    3. The property is not for sale. They would never sell. That isn't even an option.

  10. Why don't you sell the neighbouring other property and make a nice profit?

    1. They would want it for nothing because it doesn't have sewer access.

  11. Those people must be the most miserable curmudgeons in the world. Anyone with that much hatred in them cannot be happy, and apparently they want to share their unhappiness with the world. I'm so sorry this is happening to the two of you. They are paying for their actions, I'll guarantee you, and will be paying right to their graves. Nobody can be happy with such a devilish attitude.

    1. I can only hope you're right, that they reap as much unhappiness as they sow.

  12. Good grief - you can do without people (and city councils) like that. Mind you, Councils always take the moral high ground, especially when they are wrong about something as they don't want to lose face!

    Sorry that you are having all this hassle and other nasty neighbour accusing you when you weren't responsible. Tomorrow is another day - and indeed, these things will pass.

    1. They will. It made me happy to read about your day with Little I. I wonder if your little I has the same name as my little I.

  13. One of those people for whom nothing is ever right except themselves.

    1. Unfortunately, three of those people for whom nothing is right except themselves. They have a grown daughter. And we own property on both sides of them. Oh, the joy...the joy!

  14. There is so much anger in the USA right now thanks to the fat orange haired wanna be dictator!

    1. Oh they were like this long before he happened along.

  15. How frustrating. This is not most of us, but it is affecting you now.

    1. It is, but my brain works in such a strange way. I went to bed last night certain that I would not be able to sleep. I fell soundly asleep. I woke up because I had to...well...never mind, but I woke up, and the answer to this is on my phone. All of it! I'm not sure how I missed it, but in the heat of the moment, I did. I came back to bed and Tim was wide awake. I explained my thoughts on it and he was glad too.

  16. Yes, this too shall pass. There. I agree with you. What a hassle!

  17. From your last comment, it sounds as if you have worked out a good solution to the problem. Glad you decided to take the high road.

    1. It's so strange how my brain works. I woke up in the middle of the night and the answer was right there.

  18. Well, it sounds like you're handling the situation very maturely. I wonder what is up with that neighbor? I think some people approach the world very aggressively every single day, trying to fend off any imagined assaults but creating hostility everywhere they go. They sound awful. Can you put up a fence?

    1. They are threatening to. LOL. Sounds like a great idea to us. There is opioid addicition issues.

  19. Good neighbors are a blessing. Bad ones are demons from hell.
    As George Harrison so wisely put it, "All things must pass. All things must pass away." (You said to remind you.)

  20. Dealing with entities governed by laws that by definition, can't be vague, is an impossible fight to fight using common sense. From my arm chair, I think you are making the best move and I probably would have done the same.

    I have pondered a lot on whether bitter people realize how different their lives are due to their always being bitter. Few friends, no helpful neighbors, etc. I know more than a few bitter people and while on talking terms with most of them, they don't seem to realize that they are slowly decreasing their social circle all the time instead of it growing like mine does. Eventually it ends up at zero and they are alone, all because they couldn't be anything but bitter all the time.

    Yes, it will pass and I hope it does so quickly for you my friend.

    1. They are strange people. They've sued or been sued or threatened to sue so many people in the neighborhood that they really have isolated themselves, just as you have said.

  21. Everything has been said. I would just use one word. But not in public on someone else's blog.

  22. Oh, dear Graham. We have both thought much the same. So far, nothing has been said in public. Thank you for the giggle.

  23. My old Nan used to say 'The Good Lord always pays his debts' and I always say, what goes around, comes around. They will pay in some way for their meaness towards you - life will catch up with them.
    You were definitely the bigger person, so we'll done and good luck for the future Anne, Shropshire

  24. Your old nan was a very sensible woman, Anne. The world needs more of her ilk. That being said, we will be discussing this with a lawyer.

  25. Well, you certainly had this pair pegged, asshats they are. Yikes, what unreasonable people. I wonder if you & Tim could deduct the $10K from your taxes as an improvement or maintenance. Just a thought...

    1. We will be able to deduct it from next year's taxes. We will cash in one of my small 401k's to pay it up front. It is not the end of the world, but it is aggravating that we are paying for someone else's mistake.

    2. Cold comfort, but it still pisses me off that you have to go through this. You should run for city council, bring some common sense to their administration.

  26. I am glad you were able to leave without being incarcerated. I am not sure I could have bitten back those words.

    1. Borrowing a phrase...'I've got a cunning plan'. There really is no point in loud public scenes. I think when people push like that it indicates a lack of self control. We stay quiet, we watch, we note, we collect the information.

  27. What was the answer you saw on your phone?

  28. So sorry to hear about this mess. We have awful neighbors too. So awful that the son went to prison for rape,child porn and taking up skirt pictures of teens. Its been a real joy living next to them for 30 years. {Sarcasm}

  29. I’m so glad you took the high road… people make their own lives miserable, but you don’t have to join in. Best wishes.. Rigmor

  30. You are doing the right thing, I think. I have wonderful neighbors and am so thankful for each one of them and feel blessed after reading your problems. Wish I could help out but not sure how.

  31. There is really nothing that can be done. Not at this point. But we are actively working on fixing the problem and holding those responsible accountable. It will be okay. This could have been financially devastating. It isn't. So we are lucky when all the facts are laid on the table.

  32. This too shall pass. Repeating as you asked! But, in all honesty, it really will :-) Jackie

  33. Sigh... yes... this too will pass. I do sympathize. We have a rental property too and the neighbor next door keep driving our renters crazy until they have to leave. sigh... I hate to say this but they never complained about the white couple that originally rented from us. However, that older couple (granted, no kids) had to move back to the mainland. Now we have local families renting and the neighbors have done nothing but complain. Sigh...

  34. Uuuuhhh... and yes, the neighbor is an older white couple too.


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Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...