Wednesday, February 21, 2024


 Ms. Moon gave me a giggle. She commented that Tim must like to shop. 


Tim likes to go into a store and look for what he's looking for, and when he finds what he's looking for, he's done. Well and truly,'time to go, here's your hat, I'm in a hurry'. 

So. We got to IKEA. First things first. We found restrooms, and then, it was well past lunch time, so we went to the cafe. And for all of you who suggested them, yes. We had Swedish meatballs. Just the fact that he got mashed potatoes and gravy made the man perfectly happy. I loved the lingonberry sauce. Tim did not. So, I got his lingonberries too. (I have spent 26 years getting all his tomatoes too.) 

Then we went looking. We didn't need furniture, of course, but we did look at their desk chairs. We want a cloth one that will withstand cracking and peeling and impatient cats. Tim was amazed at the pricing. We looked through the kitchen displays and Tim found just how our kitchen would be set up. He really fell in love with one of the exhaust fans there. We looked at their shelving and storage set ups and discussed the pantry set up. 

I even found a kitchen sink that I think Granny Sue will approve of.: 

We did not get this, because there was no need to. It was not on sale, but we knew what we wanted, and we knew where to find it. It's not a time for us to be dropping a lot of money anyway. We got the second bill from the plumber which was over $5300, on top of the $4300 excavation bill. So we are being a little frugal for the next couple months. 

We couldn't find the bathrooms, which turned out to be downstairs on the first floor by the warehouse. It was okay. I was picking up little things as I went. A string bag. A really heavy duty flat edged wooden spoon, a couple spatulas, a nice stalk of bamboo...I was having a perfectly nice time ambling along stopping to look here and there, picking things up and considering them. 

We got to the first floor and it took forever to find the bathroom sets ups. We wandered through the maze that is IKEA, asked a guy who gave us great directions, but it didn't help. And then we asked another guy who actually walked us to where we needed to go. 

A lady walking past stopped dead in her tracks and said, "Where did you get your bamboo?" 

I said, "Sadly, I can only tell you that they are somewhere on the first floor with the other live plants and that they are on an end display running alongside the aisle.  There are tons of them priced at $2.99." She laughed, and I knew she'd been lost in IKEA before too. 

We walked through the bathrooms, discussing the pros and cons. I wanted a big sink, something that would hold my water pick and our toothbrushes and the toothpaste. Just some space to set stuff. 
He pointed out a couple double sink set-ups but then I saw this, forty inches, ceramic. Tim liked the base of it, with the drawers instead of the cabinet like we have now, and wouldn't you know it? It was on sale! The sink, normally $399 was marked down to $280: $120 for the ceramic top. $160 for the base. Tim said, "You would never get that kind of heavy duty top at Lowe's or Home Depot for anything even approaching $120." He stood studying it. 

We got ours in white. 

They also had a matching cabinet, just over 3 feet tall, but shallow. It would slip into the wall at the side of the sink. We already have the mirror we are going to hang above the sink, but a medicine chest is a nice thing to have, especially when the plan is to make every inch of space count. And this was marked down to $57. Tim said, "I think we need to get these now." I thought that was a good idea too. They have a 10 year guarantee. 

We talked to the associate as prompted, and we made arrangements purchase and pick up our bathroom. Tim was ready to go. He wanted to goosestep me right out of there. We'd only been there a couple hours. It had taken us longer to drive there than we spent there, and that included lunch! I told him firmly that he was going to hold his horses. I spent another few minutes browsing around, having my little looky-loo. 

In the end, we spent $367, total, $357.22 including tax on the bathroom stuff, and a shocking $10 on fripperies that we surely did not need, but that I wanted. 

We drove home and Tim kept saying, "Yes. That was a good store, and we are going back when it is time to put the kitchen together. He really liked that he'd found a kitchen that was the rough footprint of what our kitchen would be. It was nice to see how it would all fit.

I was just happy that I could count on another trip there. 

We stopped into the new build to haul our boxes inside, and then stopped in to visit with my sister and brother-in-law. 

Dave said, "So what did you think of IKEA? Isn't that a cool store? I really like how they have everything set up and designed for small spaces..." and the men talked. Tim said, "We stayed for two hours!" as if that had been a great achievement. "Two HOURS?" Dave and Anna said. "Nooooo. You hardly had time to look around!" 

Next time we go, I'm going with them

But we still cannot believe that we have everything we need for our bathroom except for the exhaust fan, tub surround, and the bathtub/shower fixtures. So far we have spent less than $700.


  1. I hate going to IKEA, just because it's always so busy, otherwise I love looking at how they've set things up. Our kitchen cabinets came from IKEA and all the lower cabinets are pull out drawers which I love. Way easier to get at things. We also got some butcher block countertops on sale because they were changing how they made them. I have three small counters in butcher block and the island has corian, a solid surface countertop. Love both of those.

    You must be getting excited. I can't wait to see the finished product.

    1. It will be nice to have the bathroom in, that's for sure. We were surprised at how empty it was! I guess the time to go is during the week!

    2. IKEA is never not busy here.

  2. You guys are having fun putting this house together. You're doing a great job of planning and shopping.

    1. This part is the fun part, for sure. There was plenty of not fun stuff leading up to this, and there's plenty of not fun stuff to come, I'm sure, but putting things together is fun.

  3. Your husband shops like my husband. He liked shopping during Covid even better. He still shops the early hour when they first open. He looks ahead to see if they have items in stock and (his favorite stores) if they list the aisle so he can go straight there. Then he quickly pays for his purchases and leaves. What is even funnier is with all the "looking up" on the internet, he won't preorder for pickup because he doesn't trust it.

    1. If we are at an antiques store, Tim likes to browse. But something like this? He knows what he wants, he gets what he wants, and then he wants to get going.

  4. I've only been to an Ikea once, and found it a bit overwhelming - so much there - it reminded me of the first time we ventured into Toys-R-Us (after only children-present-shopping at the Early Learning Centre previously!) Glad you found what you wanted, AND had the obligatory meatballs. You made me LOL when you said next time you're going with your sister and b-in-law!!

    1. It IS overwhelming. We were lucky that it was not busy when we were there. It was nice to linger and to look. It's just that there are so many different things there, and a lot of really, really good deals. Some of the things require some thinking. Do I want this? What would I do with it? Where would it go? I hate just buying willy nilly. I like to shop mindfully. It's hard to shop mindfully when you are being danced right out of the store. But he was impressed with it, and is planning another trip in April.

  5. You had a really successful trip. Two hours really isn't long enough so going with your sister and brother-in-law sounds like a good plan. ;-)

    1. It WAS successful. Tim even got excited about that part of things. He liked the store.

  6. I'm with Tim! A well-planned commando raid - get in, locate your target items and get out. Of course the whole set-up in IKEA is to get you wandering around as much as possible, parting with you money on things you didn't know you wanted.

    1. 'Well planned commando raid.' *snort!* I have to confess that I am like that when it comes to going to Walmart or even the grocery store. I know what I want, in, head for the register after a quick eyeball of the clearance section, out, home. But John! They had some nice things at good prices, and I wanted to seeeeeeeeeee....

  7. I hated ikea! We only went to look as we were near one. I didn’t like the fact that you had to walk all the way round to make sure you saw everything. I only found out later that there were other ways out, much shorter routes. Not impressed.

    1. That part is overwhelming, I'll give you that.

  8. I love going round IKEA just have to go with the flow, follow the arrows and keep an eye on the maps...and aim to go when it's quieter!
    I put a kitchen in from there in my last house. It just worked!

    1. WAIT! They have maps???? That would have sure come in handy.

  9. My long time office chair started peeling last summer and by late fall, I had enough and went looking for a replacement. With two kids around, I wanted to avoid cloth which is hard to keep clean of potato chip crumbs so bought another "leather" one that I thought was of better quality. I got it home, wheeled it next to the old one and saw they were the exact same chair. So I expect I'll have the same peeling issue in another 10 years. Perhaps by then I can get a cloth or mesh one.

    Two weeks ago, while picking up flowers for the wife, I also picked up a wooden spoon with a straight edge.

    1. They are a handy tool. I didn't have one. For $1.49, I didn't see how I could go wrong.

  10. I have only ventured into an IKEA store once, when my sister took me during a visit across the water. I felt quite claustrophobic as I couldn't easily see the way out. Although I would love to browse there I would be uncomfortable feeling trapped!

    1. I was being held my husband! But, it was fun.

  11. The shop that makes you walk around the whole store because the short-cuts are well hidden.

    1. Gz said there are maps. That would have come in handy. And a compass. Professional scouts.

  12. I forget where, but there are maps to show shortcuts in Ikea, if you don't want to 'follow the path and you will go from end to end'. I'm glad the meatballs did not disappoint. My Ikea time tolerance is a bit on the low side.

  13. There are Facebook groups dedicated to IKEA shortcuts apparently!

  14. We have fun at IKEA and once bought wooded countertops there. A friend still lives in that house and reports that they have held up very well. Jackie

    1. correction - wood Jackie

    2. We have our kitchen cupboards. Hickory cabinets from a friend's house. He put in a new kitchen after a tornado damaged his home. We got them for a couple hundred dollars. We have an idea for a counter top. Not sure if it is doable, but we'll talk to our sawyer. If it can be done, he'll know how to do it. But the stuff we looked at seemed nice enough.

  15. I was in Ikea in the Algarve a few years ago dreaming of buying a bed settee for our holiday home one day. We still haven't got there.

    1. You're just a young pup. You've still got time.

  16. Do you have a date in mind for when your new home will be completed? Or is that flexible?

    1. It's still flexible. Tim wants to be there by next summer. I don't think so, but we will see how it shakes out.

  17. Did you go to the clearance???? That is the first place we go too as my husband always needs "shelves" and I most always find treasures there also. Worst is when i text my daughters and they ask for pics of what is there. Always a treasure!

    1. Oh yes. I never miss a clearance section. There were things that I was interested in, but I reminded myself quite sternly that we. do. not. need. furniture. I'm pretty sure that we don't need shelving, but we'll have a better idea about that once we actually begin to do the 'finishing' work.

  18. Ah- now I understand! Glen and I never really shop together. Or not often. We do if we're buying a new appliance because I'm obviously going to be the one to use it mostly. But oh, he does love to try and bargain. That man will bargain at Walmart. This drives me crazy.
    I've never been to an Ikea. They have one in Jacksonville, I think, and one in Tampa- neither right next door to us. My daughter Jessie and her husband did their entire kitchen from Ikea and I like it fine. They do too which is the important thing, of course.
    I really am glad that you got your bathroom sink and cabinet. Sounds like a good deal, too. And now that part is done and dusted.

    1. I like that the vanity is off the floor and that you can clean under and around it easily. I want all my pantry shelves to be on wheels so that I can pull them away from the wall for a quick clean. I am really being mindful of things like that at this house. I have never tried to bargain at Walmart. I'd like to watch Glen at work!

  19. I only went to ikea once, got so lost and frustrated that as soon as we could get out, we did. Didn’t even buy anything. Never ever wish to go there again. Gigi

    1. LOL. I do understand. I was lost. But I wasn't worried about it. I think that Tim was a little more bothered.

  20. I love ikea too, we find the best time to get there is about 6pm on a Saturday evening. It's quiet then, we have an hours journey as well. It can fill a boring Saturday night just right - glad you enjoyed Anne

  21. Glad you had such a good time, I love the line "Next time we go, I'm going with them."

    1. I would have liked to explore more. I would also like to find those maps that Gz was talking about.

  22. I think Tim is somewhat like most men. I don't like to browse aimlessly. I don't mind taking my time in the grocery store, but then I am mostly following a list, and I have a purpose. lol

    1. You have never seen him in an antiques store. Wander aimlessly? The man is an expert at it there!

  23. Congrats on the successful IKEA run. I have only been there once and it was so long ago that I can't even remember how long we were there. The nearest one is in Salt Lake City so we have learned to live without it but I am glad it went well for you and Tim.

    1. Once we get this house built, I'm sure that we will, once again, learn to live without it, although I can envision Christmas shopping trips there. They have some pretty cool things.

  24. Wherever I live in the world, I always have access to Scandinavia and I am fluent in IKEA. I’m glad Tim liked it, high praise indeed!

    1. It kind of tickled me. I tried to explain what it was, and it caught his interest right away. I don't think that he could even comprehend it until he saw it. PLUS! There were mashed potatoes and gravy. He was telling his daughter about that this morning.

    2. Pro tip from the natives: Stir your lingonberries into a glass of cold milk and drink it with your food. Not kidding.

  25. !!!!!!!!!!!!! The things I learn from blogs! Even my own!

  26. Sounds like a great trip! When new teachers come to our school every year in August, the school sets up a trip to IKEA to help them furnish their flats. It's pretty much an all-day affair! It must feel great to have the bathroom worked out and the kitchen more or less planned.

  27. I love the look of the farm house sinks... but. Those right angle corners are difficult to clean. The bottom of the sink is fairly flat, which will slow draining. I miss going to Ikea, we haven't live near one for a long time.

  28. Aww gee... You're making me miss IKEA again. We used to always get the Swedish meatballs and lingonberry sauce.

  29. You are so funny! Yes I do like that double bowl sink, lol. And I really like your bathroom sink. Nice find!


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Makes me Giggle

 I was trolling through the local for sale stuff and I saw a picture of a kitchen stove. It was a 'professional series' and it had a...