Friday, September 15, 2023


 When times are tough, the tough get scrubbing. 

Last night was not a good night, and required a great deal of thinking. I am not a person who can sit and think something through. I need to be working feverishly at whatever it is that I'm doing, my mind moving as quickly as my hands.  

If you were to measure the size of the shock by the amount of work completed, well....

I scrubbed the bathroom floor and baseboards on my knees. 

I pulled out the cabinet at the end of the long hall and polished that to within a inch of its life. I scrubbed and polished the baseboards in the hall too. 

I scrubbed the pile of pots and pans from my last batch of tomato processing. 

I did laundry, washed, dried, folded, AND put away.

I washed every rug in the house and by the time they were done, the floors they lay on were scrubbed too. 

I polished the furniture in the livingroom. I pulled the cushions off the couches and vacuumed underneath. 

I vacuumed the whole downstairs. 

It is dark now, and the house is quiet. I can't say that my mind is quiet, but it is definately quieter. It is what it is. 

Oh. And I got my new electric toothbrush today. Unlike Tasker, Nick, and Ed, I do not have strong teeth. They need all the help they can get. 


  1. You have WAAAY too much energy. Did you have too much coffee, or one of those Red Bull drinks? Goodness! Rest a little somewhere! Or, come to my house to do some cleaning! Linda in Kansas

    1. Ugh. I don't know how anyone can drink those energy drinks. *shiver*

      For years, I've been telling Tim that I thought he needed a new wife. I thought it would work better if he moved one in that liked to clean.

  2. I'm sorry. When I had covid and was cooped up and frustrated, I got a lot done around the house--not that I wanted to. It gave me a sense of accomplishment that cheered me up a little. I hope things get better.

    1. Life is littered with bumps in the road, isn't it? You change what you can and deal with the rest the best way you know how.

  3. Wow, your house is not small but you were so busy. I wish we could motivate ourselves a bit more.

    1. I think my biggest problem is that I tend to accumulate. I got rid of a great amount of things that I no longer need/use.

  4. Oh dear. I feel guilty now for letting the dust build up too much.

    1. Oh Jaycee. I was moving furniture. Dust bunnies the size of cats running about the house. Don't feel bad about a little dust.

  5. Working through thought, thinking through work. ((0))

    1. I thought this through yesterday too. At the end of the day, when you look at all you accomplished, it makes you feel very if you can handle anything.

  6. I understand completely. I deal with stress and worry in much the same way.

  7. Your stamina in noteworthy. Glad your activities helped somewhat.

    1. Well, after a sleepless night and all that work, I am happy to report that I slept like a rock last night. Things always seem to be easier after a good sleep. Of course, now I remember who I am talking to, and that reply almost seems mean.

  8. Strong teeth? Me? I don't trust electrics, and use a soft brush.
    But surely all this wasn't just because of thinking about toothbrushes.

    1. Really? That's interesting. I use my electric toothbrush and a water pik.

  9. This made me tired. I'm going back to bed.

  10. For many years, when my husband was in the middle of a project and wondered what avenue to take next, he just waited until we had sex. A couple of minutes afterword, he'd have his answer. Of course, at our ages he doesn't have that option, so he doesn't get a lot of answers to his problems any more.

    1. Oh my gosh, did I let lose a bray of laughter!

  11. Goodness, I wonder what is bothering you so! I must have a calmer life because I don't remember the last time I cleaned all of the

    1. Our house is old. The baseboards are white and about 6 inches tall, with trim molding on the top. They are not something that stand for being ignored too long.

  12. Glad you got that out of your system, and that you followed it with a good night's sleep. I do wish I had someone with your energy around to work on my apartment though!

  13. You handle stress more productively than I do.

  14. At times, I suppose. Sure beats falling all apart, which I have been known to do.

  15. At least you're channeling your tension into something useful!

  16. I understand. I do the same. After my son's death, I often worked until 4 in the morning, cleaning, sorting closets, mindless jobs that kept me from thinking too much. I would fall into bed exhausted, but at least I could sleep.

    1. I cannot imagine such a loss. My condolences.

  17. In my view, that kind of work signals bad or unsettling news. My thoughts are with you.


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