Saturday, September 23, 2023


My grandson has been keyed up all day long about some on line 'market' that was going to be open for only 24 hours. Everything was free. He and his friend were beside themselves about the things they were going to get, tools that would greatly enhance their ability to play 'Gorilla Tag'. 

When they got home from the fishing tournament, they both flew past me in the kitchen and thundered up the stairs.

I was putting a pan of tomatoes on the stove when they came thundering back down the stairs. William said "We need you to link your PayPal account to the market!"

I said, "We are definitely not doing that. I thought this was all free."

William pulled on his lip. "I was wrong about that..."

I turned on the burner. "We are not linking credit to your VR."

Heavy dramatic sigh. Heavy, depressed footsteps prodded slowly up the stairs.


  1. Replies
    1. I can't imagine just handing him a credit card and letting him go into a store, virtual OR real. I'm a little shocked he thought for a minute that was going to fly.

  2. Like berated puppies, their world has ended.

    1. His wretched grandma to blame for his shattered little heart. Woe. Woe is me.

  3. Like I've said, you're a good, sensible, strong Grannie. This will teach William to read all the fine print; and if it's not there in the promotion, he'll learn it's a rip off. Linda in Kansas

  4. Sensible.... sometimes even the small print can be misleading....or missing. A hard lesson to learn but we'll done

  5. Hopefully a lesson lesrned - one that we all have to learn - the earlier the better!

  6. If something sounds too good to be true - it probably is.

  7. Time to teach him that “there is no free lunch”. Gigi

  8. Well done Grandma, there! Sad little guy who thought the world was free. Well there is a lot that is, but not coming through your internet!

  9. A valuable lesson learned -- nothing is ever free!

  10. What a disappointment! A lesson sadly learned.

  11. It is a very difficult concept, trying to understand that money does not grow on trees. I am sure your grandson will learn eventually. Cut your credit card in front of him one day.

  12. Reality often has a way of bringing young kids up short, another lesson learned. :)

  13. The sooner he realises the internet is awash with scammers and develops a general wariness, the better!

  14. Hi Debby. A tough lesson for them to learn but a necessary one.

  15. Ouch.. how disappointing for William! But a lesson learned too. I love hearing about how you’re such a good friend and teacher for him ❤️ Xo, Ricki

    1. Whoo, boy. It will take him a while to see that as being a good friend. What the actual H he thought I was going to say is not clear. I think PayPal was required to go in and look around, but something pretty sketch about that.

  16. Replies
    1. Oh Joanne. This gave me a laugh.

    2. Virtual reality beats literal reality handsdown. At least when you're 12

  17. Joanne said it perfectly. How in the world did he think it would be that simple. I had to laugh. Kids.


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