Sunday, September 10, 2023


 Yesterday, Tim walked in to get a rubber seal for an outlet in the basement. I waited in the car. He came out 15 minutes later with a boot box under his arm. 

Now, you have to understand that the man just bought a pair of boots at Necker's General Store not more than two months ago. I made a face at him as he got in the car. 

He grinned. "Guess how much I paid for these?" he said. "$60! Marked down from $185!"

"But Tim," I started. "There isn't anything wrong with your other Muck boots." 

"These are insulated. They go down to -50 degrees." No arguing with that, I guess. Later, he gleefully pointed out that the boots were $225 on Amazon. I pointed out that we don't buy from Amazon anymore if we can possibly help it. 

But here's the thing. I rearranged the bedroom and I needed two runners to go along side the bed to match the rug that I brought a while back to go at the foot of the bed. (It's complicated, but I know what I need). It is tax month here, and we will be paying our first installment to our taxes: $5200. So I said to myself, "Self. You don't need those runners. You want those runners and that's two very different things. You can wait until next month." And I agreed with me, because I was absolutely correct.

But there's my husband with another pair of new boots. I was thinking as we drove to the new build. "You know what? Tomorrow, I am going to buy some runners for along side the bed to match the rug at the foot of the bed." 

He looked at me and said, "Okay." 

Huh. I just thought there'd be a bit more discussing involved. 

Anyhow, today was the day. I worked some more in the bedroom. You know how sometimes you just accumulate stuff? There was an accumulation of things that I decided to donate books, clothing, shoes, the like, and so I began bagging that up. I dusted and vacuumed. The room looks a lot roomier rearranged. 

I had bought the rug at Lowe's. It was being clearanced out a while back and I was hopeful of finding two matching runners. So I went there first. Alas. it was not to be. 

I ambled out back to look at the clearance plants, as one does. They had a magnificent cart full of yellow and orange day lilies going for $4 a pop. There was all sorts of goodies on that cart. A man and a woman were loading up a cart. A second guy came up pushing a cart. "We're going to need a bigger cart," he said.

I said, "Well, that's something that I have never heard my husband tell me in the middle of Lowe's garden center." 

The three of them laughed. 

One man was still loading up the cart, and the woman said, "I am not sure these all fit in the car" and the man with the bigger cart said, "We'll make 'em fit." 

I said, "My God. He's, like, the perfect husband!"

The woman let go a bray of laughter. She said, "But he's not my husband!" and quick as a wink I said, "Well, if he's not yours, can I have him then?" 

The woman was still howling as I went around the corner. 

I ended up getting 4 carpets. I also got two pots on clearance so that I could bring in my geraniums from their concrete urns outside. They wintered so well last year, I'm eager to try it again. 

The new rugs look nice in the bedroom, and tomorrow, I'm hauling my schefflera home from the green house. It is probably 15 years old and it has gone nuts over the summer. It's going into the bedroom on the table in front of the french doors, which don't get used in the winter anyways. At this point, it will take up quite a bit of that window.  

Everything looks nice in the bedroom. and it made me happy to survey the new setting. Now. If I can just get used to it. I got up in the middle of the night last night, forgetting the the bedroom was rearranged. I did quite a bit of banging around before I remembered that fact. 


  1. Oh my! For a little while I thought you were going to say you ordered rugs from A….zon! Glad you found them elsewhere!😄Regarding geraniums, I’ve overwintered 5 (!) trailing plants a couple of years now, and it tickles me pink every spring that I’ve saved around $125! They are the best plants for our sunny porch, they love the sun and hardly need much watering! Xo, Ricki

    1. You know, A-----n has been far easier to give up than I expected. I haven't bought anything through them for about two months now. No. I bought two rugs from Lowes and they went in the front hall. I bought two rugs and two planters from Ollies. The mismatched rugs from the front hall: one went out in the mudroom and fit perfectly. The rugs from the mudroom came in and went in a corner of the library where the fireplace wood gets stacked. I put the second hall rug on top of those so there is a nice padded place to protect the hard wood floor.

  2. Footwear is something I have no problem buying on sale soon after the last pair. I know I’ll wear them eventually and I can’t out grow them at this age.

    1. There's that. His boots from Necker's were workboots. These are insulated muckboots, so they are not the same. He got about $300 worth of foot wear for about $100. He can't resist a good deal. I'm the same.

      Funny story: My daughter was buying a pair of shoes once, and the bright young thing suggested she buy them a size larger so her feet had room to grow. She was 25 at the time. I had a good laugh. Growing feet are surely a problem. I can scarcely drive a car anymore, my feet are so big.

  3. Will this bedroom translate to the new house? I'm sure you won't be doing this all over again.

    1. No. The new bedroom is much smaller. I am doing this for Tim's convenience after surgery. The bed is closer to the door. When I don't know what to do with myself I cook and clean. Got burritos in the freezer and stuffed pepper soup.

  4. We never rearrange rooms. There seems to be a right place for things and once found, there they stay. It doesn't sound like you broke the bank at Lowe's.

  5. Not too awfully horribly bad. I don't rearrange often, but sometimes I get a wild hair.

  6. Grab a few plug-in night lights so you don't bump into stuff in the night. Linda in Kansas

    1. Or pick up my phone from the nightstand and use the flashlight..

  7. I try to never re-arrange furniture, ever since I put my dinner down on a table that was no longer there. I was looking forward to that curry too!

    1. I have never met a curry I wasn't looking forward to!

  8. I don't think we've rearranged a room in over a decade. Well, Glen did a tear out of a bathroom and replaced it quite differently so I suppose that was a rearrangement.

  9. Funny exchanges in Lowe's! I might have sprung for some day lilies too. Rearranging is always hazardous. Dave occasionally suggests it but I always demur because I like knowing where everything is!

    1. When I get up in the night, I pad around the house in the dark simply because I know where everything is. I can't say that any more.

  10. Ah well, he'll need new boots eventually, and he'll have them. Or if he wears both pairs now, they will last twice as long. You see, I have thought this through or did recently when I ordered a new pair of runners although I already had two. The new ones looked good and were on sale, and I figured I would use them next year. Mind you, they came 5 sizes too large, and I didn't like them anyway, so I sent them back. There is absolutely no moral to this story.

    1. LOL. I will stop looking for a moral then! They are two different types of boots. One pair is a work boot style, this a muck boot style. He thinks the muck boots will be good for hunting to keep his feet warm. I think they long as he doesn't walk. They squeak.


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Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...