Friday, June 30, 2023

Long weekend

We were supposed to have three days of thunderstorms, starting today at 3. We were about 1/3 of the way through getting the subfloor down. It was hot and it was humid, so we took a break in the afternoon, but we headed back up in the evening after supper and worked until dark. We stayed there over night, and got back to it early this morning. We had it done and tarped for the coming weather by lunch time before the real heat and humidity kicked in. 

We headed home and the shower felt good. (And yes, I propped my feet up). I have drunk an unbelievable amount of water today, plus two very large glasses of unsweetened iced tea. I'm still thirsty. 

The storms that were supposed to hit were pushed back until 9 PM. It is 10 now, and we have not seen hide nor hair of these storms. The latest update is calling for them at 6 AM tomorrow. 

It just reinforces my belief: If I prepare for an emergency, there is no emergency. Since we're all prepared for bad weather, there will be no bad weather. 

(Late edit: Just to prove that point, it is 7AM. Now it looks like we might get rain at one and that there is a "marginal" chance of severe weather today. See? Prepare for the worst, and the worst will not happen. My philosophy of life. 

Tim has been grumbling about my car having no air conditioning. He bought a kit to recharge it. We went out for supper tonight. Tim said, "I don't know how people manage traveling in a car with no airconditioning." I said, "That's it. It's official. We're old, aren't we?"

Strangest thing. My phone keeps switching its keyboard to Spanish. I only notice this when AC changes my word to Spanish (and becomes anda for example.) Then I go into my settings and change my keyboard back to English. At first I thought it was something I was inadvertantly doing, but as it continues, I really don't think so. 

That ever happen to anyone else?

William is away until Tuesday night. It's a strange feeling. 


  1. In the old days cars had no air conditioning! Well, OK they did. You opened the windows. There was a little side window that opened and let lots of air in.

    1. The thing is, we worked hard and had five kids to raise and educate. We always drove old cars and I don't remember them having air conditioning either. Now we are spoiled!

    2. It was called 4/60. Four open windows at 60 miles an hour:) I remember it well.

  2. Maybe there is a setting in auto correct to not change words to Spanish. I've never really looked.
    While plenty of people work hard and end up with nothing through no fault of their own, don't think of yourself as being lucky. You've both worked hard to be you are and deserve modern comforts.
    The house must feel a little empty without the lad around.

  3. I never understand why we don't install air conditioning in our houses like they have in the Algarve. Opening windows only allows flying insects in our dwellings.

  4. I just think of how much the use of the Aircon costs in fuel consumption...
    At home it's a matter of closing or opening the relevant windows / blinds/ curtains to get any airflow from the cooler side of the house..we learnt that in a hot NZ summer and apply it here. What they have there too are ceiling fans, and bug screens on open doors and windows
    Well done on getting the site prepared for would be a shame to have work spoiled.

  5. I do remember my old car(s) before aircon became standard. The desperate search for a parking space in the shade or having to open all the doors and windows for at least ten minutes before you could even get into the car to drive away or risk suffocation. Thankfully, our summers are short lived so that didn't happen too often.

  6. Cliff and I never had A/C until 13 years ago. I swore we'd never have it. My mom told me long ago, "Just wait until you get old enough, you'll have air conditioning." She hit the nail on the head.

  7. We moved from Ohio to Mississippi in the summer, great heater on our truck and car but no air, people Could not believe we did not have air. We very seldom needed it in Onio but the heater sure was nice in the winter. Our next vehicles had air.

  8. From Mississippi we moved to Florida, air from then on.

  9. I can't imagine not having air conditioning in my car even though when I was a child we never did. Just opened that little vent window which did indeed let the hot air rush in on us. If you were in the back seat of a car in which the back windows didn't roll down, you were screwed.
    Debby- y'all work so hard! Please remember to drink your water! Set an alarm on your phone to remind you if you have to.

  10. TG our phones behave wrt language. Sometimes, some sites do try to speak French to me. We are officially a bilingual country, and we do live close to Quebec. Unofficially, not a ton of us are bilingual.

  11. Yes, what Ms. Moon said: Hydrate! Where I live, there's no question of having air. Our 21st century selves are not conditioned to life without it.

  12. My son and his family were without power for the last couple of days due to storms in southern Illinois. They sure missed the A/C and their fans and lights!

    1. We have never had a house with A/C, other than a small window unit in the bedroom. That was mostly to cancel noise when I was sleeping days. Our house is wonderfully cool, even in the hottest weather. Good thick plaster walls!

    2. I remember trips with a dripping wet towel over the back of my neck. That sort of worked with the windows opened.


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Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...