Friday, June 23, 2023

All work and no play.

 Today we made good progress. The floor joists are done, and we are putting the subfloor down. The lumber we need for the walls has been delivered. 

We had the basement poured by experts because it is something that we know nothing about. We had the excavation work done by a professional because we do not have the heavy equipment to do that kind of work. The rest of it, we are doing ourselves. Tim and I. We'll need help, of course, when it comes time to set the roof trusses. They were ordered preassembled and they are far too heavy for two people. 

These will set on the walls that we build and raise. 

Once that part is done, we'll be back on our own. We know that if we run into a snag, we can call people. My sister and her husband live across the road, and their two grown boys live just a short jump away, but we are trying to avoid being a nuisance. 

A fellow did stop in and offer to work for us. As an example of his work, he pointed to a garage "he was working on" down the road. The thing has set half done for over a year, raggedy tarps covering the doors. "Thanks," Tim said. "We really don't need help now." 

That's the problem with 'stop in' help. Tim had a guy asking for work while he was working on a roof on one of the rentals. He took him up on his offer, and the guy worked until noon. He asked if he could get paid at noon, and so Tim paid him for the time that he'd worked. He went to the bar for lunch and did not come back to finish out the day.
 Two other fellows stole from us. 

Yes, it's exhausting, but it's almost easier just to do the work on our own. I am planning a trip east to see my grandaughters. Tim can't be away from a project at a time like this. He'd be restless and itching to get back to it. I want to relax and enjoy my days. So, it will be William and I on this trip. 


  1. Do you need building permits there and have the house signed of on when it is finished, or can you make it livable and start living in it while you finish.

    1. We have to have a building permit, and it is inspected. The inspector was especially mindful of the concrete pour. We don't need to call him back until the framing is done. We don't worry too much about living in it. We have a large camper parked in front of it. We still have our house in town, and we still have a renovation in town, so we will be splitting our time between here and there for some time.

  2. As the saying goes, it is hard to get good staff. The road trip with William should be fun.

  3. I'm amazed a how much you can do to this point. Yes, you do need breaks.

  4. That is stunning. William watching (hopefully helping as you've mentioned,) will be a wonderful education he can't get from a book. Take lots of pics for the House's Photo Album! Linda in Kansas

    1. William decamped for a few days. He got tired of going to the worksite every day. We can't stop right now. We're not forced labor people. If he wants to earn money, he is welcome to help, but he isn't forced to help. He's staying with his mother for a few days.

  5. I'm truly impressed. How do you find time to blog?

    1. Very short posts, scant attention paid to proofing. I compose the post in my head and jot it down in 15 minutes flat. Wha I don't get to do is read other blogs as regularly as I used to.

  6. There's nothing more disheartening than struggling on your own when your building. Been there got the T shirt.

    1. It is a lot of work. I'm not disheartened. We know the help is there when we need it, but the fact is that everyone is busy, and it's good to know that we have them in our back pockets if necessary, but we really don't want to take advantage. It's haying season. My nephew is getting settled after retiring from the military. My other nephew works three jobs as it is.

  7. Good to hear that the work is progressing will need that trip..and good for William to be with you too.
    It is sad that people can't be trusted. You must be thankful for relations and Amish friends

    1. Oh, GZ, I made the funniest joke. Tim was moving a plank that was across the floor joists. I was in the basement and it dropped into the basement, actually walking in that direction. He yelled, "Watch out!" as I jumped out of the way. I said, "So. This is the plan? You kill me off and find some hardworking Amish woman to marry?" He laughed and said musingly, "I actually don't think Amish women do this kind of work. Feeding people, family, housework." I looked up at him and said, "I guess I need to find some hardworking Amish man then."

    2. *I was actually walking in that direction...

  8. You’re amazing. I know you’re not young, but you can’t be too old either.

    1. We turned 66 exactly one month apart.

    2. Glen and I have birthdays one month and a day apart. Same age.

  9. This is a great project, and I love reading all the things happening. Enjoy your break.

  10. Do you have a time-frame estimate? I'm so curious.

    1. Oh, it will be months, but the goal is to get it weathertight before winter. Then we will focus our attention on the renovation which has heat.

  11. I don't blame you for taking a break. I feel like taking a break and I'm only reading about this project! LOL

    1. It is exhausting. I feel as if leaving is wrong because Tim will overdo. But I need to spend time away and I am not willing to give up every bit of living to save him from himself and he will not go.

  12. Years ago, I read the blog of a fellow building his entire house by himself. He rigged up a small crane, block and tackle and a few other aids to get the large trusses put into place by himself.

    1. We don't have a small crane. Tim would love an excuse to buy one though. The last time that we did this, he used it as an excuse to buy a backhoe.

  13. This fellow built his out of 2x4’s.


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Lights, Camera, Action.

Tim and I were looking forward to last night. We were supposed to be able to see the Aurora Borealis. We couldn't see it from town. Too ...