Tuesday, March 4, 2025

How (in the world did I forget to title this?)


Tim got his car back together, and we have been driving it again. 

We got had to run to Titusville to get some pipefittings made. 

Min's walking better, so the antibiotics must be working. 

It was a beautiful day. In the 60s. I didn't wear a coat. The snow is melting quickly, and should be gone by tomorrow. 

That post yesterday. It got me to thinking once again, about that book that I loved so much as a kid, and could never find. I didn't know the title. I didn't know the author's name. I just remembered the story line. It turned out later, that my memory of the story line was not 100%, which is probably why typing in what I remembered about the book didn't work. In any case, I found a website that listed Scholastic books, with pictures of the covers

When I saw this, I recognized it right away. It is the book that I've been searching for, off and on, for years now. 

I was surprised to see that my little 45 cent book was selling for some crazy prices. One even wanted $73 for it! I found it on e-bay for $10 and ridiculously, I bought it. 

Even more ridiculous, I am excited for it to get here. 

So, that was today. Sadly, my knee is worse. The pain has always been on the medial side of my knee. Starting last night, it seems to be also affecting the lateral side, which is a bit discouraging. It occurs to me that it might help if I used a cane, but honestly, I cannot quite reconcile myself to that. Not yet. 

Back in September, I told you about the seed collector who was collecting native grasses.


Anyways, much to our surprise, we got another check in the mail from him for our Rattlesnake grass. A bit of serendipity. I'm not sure when he came back, because we've had snow on the ground for such a long time. 

What else? I bought another Christmas present today. 

We are going to buy 50 pounds of field corn to plant for the deer. Tim said, "I wish we had something to break up the soil..." I said, "Like a rototiller?" He said, "No. Something big..." I said, "Like a tractor drawn rototiller?" He looked at me. I said, "We GOT one, Tim. It's parked over next door in Anna and Dave's machine shed. Everybody in the family uses it." He grinned embarrassedly. "Gees. I forgot." 

Some people raise beef. Our intention is to raise 'woods' beef. 

We are not watching the blabbing tonight, because that is all it is. He just runs his mouth and makes big promises, but they are 'pie crust promises': easily made, easily broken. He'll be singing a whole different song tomorrow. I will just wait and see what he does then. 

I found this interesting though: 

 How many times have we heard the right wing screeching about their second amendment rights? Every single time a democrat runs, the rallying cry is: "He's coming for your guns!" 



The second amendment folks will go apeshit over that. 


  1. I can’t understand why you wouldn’t want to watch the liar-in-chief.

    1. I know. I've always been a hard one to understand.

  2. I'm sorry about your knee. Great news the car is put together.
    I used to be a library assistant and our children's librarian riveled that website. Adults would come in and describe a cover and kind of describe the plot of a childhood favorite book and nine times out of ten, she could find it on the shelf!

    1. It is great news about the car. He worked so hard on that, and finally took it up to my nephew's machine shop. After they worked on it for a time and couldn't get anywhere, they put their heads together and invented a tool that did the job. Lucky. Because he was so irritated he was ready to junk it.

  3. I am sorry to hear your knee is causing such pain. Can you keep it under control with pills or do you need surgery?

  4. Have you tried a knee support? It might give you a bit of help and reduce the pain. I have one dodgy knee. I suffered with it a lot for about 18 months then discovered resistance band exercises which calmed it down after a couple of weeks of doing them every day (see the physio 'Hey Dr Rob' on Youtube). I have felt pain a couple of times since, over the last year or so, and instantly go back to doing the exercises which send it packing within a couple of days.

    With regards to world events, I usually give up reading blogs for Lent, but this year I am giving up looking at news feeds. I need to read blogs at the moment to hear some sane voices.

    1. Tim has finally turned a corner on the news. He was so outraged at the talk this morning that he shut the television off almost as soon as he turned it on.

  5. What a fun web site! I guess a lot of people are looking for their childhood favorite books. Yours is not to be confused with "The Ghost of Windy Hill: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1797876181/the-ghost-of-windy-hill-clyde-robert

    It must feel great to have some warmer temperatures. I can't imagine forgetting about something as big as a tractor-drawn rototiller! LOL

    I don't quite understand what that federal prosecutor is up to. He demoted a bunch of supervisors overseeing gun crimes but then wants to take all gun crimes to court? I suppose we're supposed to see it as a tacit admission by the Trump administration that guns are dangerous after all. (No kidding!)

  6. Simple, Steve. The big shots are keeping themselves safe. They know people are upset.

  7. Sorry about your knee problems. I hope you can get some relief soon.

  8. I'm sorry your knee is so troublesome. I hope you find a solution soon.

    1. There is a solution...surgery in May. All l have to do is make it until then.

  9. The book doesn't look familiar to me but it looks like one I'd have been interested in back then.
    I didn't watch the bully felon either, of course not. I've read a bit, more lies and blathering.

  10. I watched Finding Your Roots last night, much more interesting. I just turned off the TV because it is just spreading the orange fellon’s speech full of lies and exaggerations. His tariffs are already hurting the economies of our countries. The auto industry could shut down this week. Trudeau is to meet with the devil today. I wish he wouldn’t. It would be better if he just let trump get slammed for a bit longer. Elbows up.

  11. That was me Gigi. It is pouring here today and the snow is slowly melting. I was wondering how Tim could forget such a large piece of equipment. So clever fixing his car. You two are amazing. Gigi

    1. We haven't used it for a couple of years. It is stored over at my brother in law's place so that the family can hook up to it and use it whenever they need it.

  12. Sorry to hear about the knee but I hope you can get some good advice on what is needed to fix it before it gets worse. You are so active that you really need good working knees, Debby! I've had several friends that have had knee surgery and they said it made such a wonderful difference in their lives.

    1. I will be having a knee replacement. All I have to do is make it until May.

  13. I keep thinking about a short story I read once that I THOUGHT was written by Ray Bradbury but I cannot find it. I have written so many descriptions of it to google and no one seems to recall it. I am sure I did not make this up in my head. So I know how happy you are to find that book.
    Good for Tim for getting the car back on the road.
    And bad for you with the knee. Have you tried a brace? If nothing else, it prevents you from overusing it.

  14. What was it about? I have read a decent amount of Ray Bradbury.

    I do have a brace. I should try it again. It did not help before.

  15. About that knee ... get a cane and use it! Once you have that replacement surgery, you need to use a walker and a cane until you are healed and steady on your feet! Both of my knees have been replaced and I keep my cane handy for when I go to the bathroom at night! And, if I am going to walk outside, I use the cane just for additional security.
    Pride cometh before the fall ... there is no shame in using a cane!

  16. We didn't watch it either, knew it would be the usual bullshit and by all reports it was. Some commenters likened it to one of his Klan Rallies. Funny, my folks provided me with books early on and read to me at night. I remember Golden Books, but not Scholastic Books. Perhaps that is a hole in my memory. Sorry about your knee getting worse, that really sucks.

  17. I am so glad you found your book!!
    I couldn't bare to watch or listen to him lie and whine, either. ;)


I'm glad you're here!

How (in the world did I forget to title this?)

Today: Tim got his car back together, and we have been driving it again.  We got had to run to Titusville to get some pipefittings made.  Mi...