Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Done Deal

 Today, we met up with the young mother and her father, and her little boy. I could tell that the father liked the house a lot. I kind of felt as if they needed time to talk, but they initiated the conversation right away. We all sat around the living room and discussed it. The practicalities. What we could do to help. What we could not do. What she could do. What she could not do. 

After all the cards were laid on the table, I was surprised when Tim laid out a plan that worked for everyone. 

We all mulled it over, and everyone thought it was a fine idea. I said, "Well...I guess that the only thing left to do is make it legal. We'll talk to our lawyer tomorrow." 

It turns out that their lawyer and our lawyer is the same lawyer. 

I said, "I think that we all need to be present to sit down and talk with Ken, for your protection, and for our protection too. We need to make absolutely sure that we are on the same page." 

And the woman said, "Make the appointment. No matter what time. I will be there."

So... today we sold a house, a young mother bought one, and a little boy loved his new loft bed. 


  1. Well done. Helping the world along.

  2. Wonderful! Congrats all around!

  3. Excellent! And just fantastic that she and her son are the buyers!!

  4. Awwwwwwww. I am so very happy for you all.

  5. This is a good story! Happy all around.

  6. Sounds like a good outcome for all. I had assumed that this would be a rental.

  7. It is wonderful when something works out for everyone.

  8. Awesome! Just awesome. Talk about a great finale to a gripping and engaging story. Job done, everyone. Job done! Kris in Ohio

  9. That went extremely well. I guess your experience pays off.

  10. Oh gosh. What a sweet post. And so happy! I have been pretty frustrated with life and I am SO HAPPY that you posted something to make me smile. Fingers crossed, good vibes for the lawyer, but what is meant to be is meant to be. I think a spark of the universe inspired you to put your foot down, talk to your husband about letting someone else enjoying finishing the project and then all fell into place. Pretty cool, pretty cool.

  11. This made me smile. I'm so happy for her and for you guys as well.

  12. Sounds so perfect! Cali

  13. I hope the process goes smoothly for everyone. Nice work, Debby and Tim!

  14. Good news for all of you. A Happy Day.

  15. Wow! That has made me smile. Fingers crossed that it all goes well for all of you.

  16. That is lovely...everyone is happy. I am smiling!

  17. ps. Reminds me that we are expecting new neighbours next door at the weekend. No idea who it might be. Would like it to be a couple we could be friends with, who like dogs and gardening.....we have a noisy dog ( working on it) and the garden/yard next door has been a mess for about 5 years. The house is small and we will probably get one person who works in London and we will never see them!

  18. That has made my day, well done for being a kind caring couple and not just chasing the money.

  19. Congratulations. I am glad it worked out for all of you.

  20. As a number of others have have put joy in my heart at your wonderful positivity and humanity.
    Now you can really focus on making your new home just how you want it.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  21. Oh yay! Celebrate the progress, the healing, the moving forward, the service to others, and making the world a better place, Debby!

  22. How wonderful! Glad that's worked out. And the young son will learn some good skills with the work his mom does to the house. Be sure and write in "advice and visitation rights" into your contract. Sounds like the mom will feel comfortable contacting you for any questions and let you come see what she's done. Nice to know there are still angels in the world. My landlord was an angel too: paid my kid to clean the gutters and mow her lawn; offered me first dibs to buy the house when I was done with it. Linda in Kansas

  23. That is splendid news and something many of us in the blog world were hoping for. New friends for you, too, I think.

    1. Jabblog, you beat me to it! It’s a great thing, creating strong bonds within the community.

  24. Excellent news! I love the congenial way you all approached this, in the spirit of negotiation. If only the wider world worked this way!

  25. Great news, now you and Tim will have the time to finish your build and get moved in, yeh. Gigi

  26. Sounds like good news to me! Now if you and Tim could head to Washington DC and get everyone there to work together, our problems could be solved! ;)

    1. Yes… plenty of hindends that need sorting out!

  27. Now that is a story with a happy ending. And if you hadn't had that hissy fit, it never would have happened.

  28. OMGosh!! I am still smiling! That made my day! :) :) :)

  29. A shining beam of goodness breaking through the clouds ... a peaceful rainbow over the house and all involved. Tears of joy from far away ... Cheers! - Roxanne, Washington state

  30. Oh, bravo! Now to get the final final final papers and concentrate on your next things!


  31. Congratulations to all involved! 😊

  32. Yay! So happy for you all! Xo, Rigmor

  33. Wow! That was fast, but no wonder, the house is lovely and you have dealt with all the bad issues. Congratulations to all! What a happy story!


I'm glad you're here!

A Productive Day

I think it is pretty cool that you all were so pleased about our house sale. We all need some happy stories, some small reason to celebrate....