Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Do What We Can


I'm not going to even discuss the SOTU address.  I didn't watch it, and from all the scuttle butt on the television today, I know that I made the right decision. 

Right now, it feels as if the people who have the power to make a difference aren't doing so.

Can you imagine he's ordering lawyers to follow orders even if it goes against their ethics? 
And people aren't screaming about this?

He's giving himself the right to bend the law to suit his purposes. 
He's making sure that he can face no consequences for what he does. 

I feel as if when I say things like this out loud, I'm seen as some sort of radical. 
In the end, we can only do what we can do. 

We can do this: 

Kay has a call for action: The Ides of Trump

We can do this:

The Amazon Boycott starts March 7th. 

We can write or call our representatives in DC. 

John Fetterman is, unfortunately a waste of time, stating on the New Yorker Radio Hour, that Trump's administration is "dumping three feet of raw sewage on America and we have a dixie cup to bail it out." Then he goes on to say we have to work with tRUMP. 

(Like tRUMP is working with Putin?)

He was entrusted to go to Washington and to stand up against the status quo, uphold the constitution, represent his people. He's not doing that, but he gets an e-mail from me anyway pointing out his responsibilities, and closing with a note than when this is done, the voices that will be remembered for all of history are the ones that spoke out against what is happening. 


Just do what you can do, and when you have done that: 


  1. The passivity of the American people is shocking. Could it be that they've never confronted a president like this, so don't know how to react? IDK. I didn't watch his blabbing yesterday, but my sister did. She said it was awful, full of lies.

    1. I don't see us as passive. I see us as, at the moment, being unable to change anything. I see a lot of protesting.

  2. I was so frustrated by the Democrats' response to his speech. Talk about milquetoast. A few of them have backbone but too few by far.
    And the guy up for deputy FBI Director? Total wacko, thinks Democrats are evil, pure evil. Also believes in demons and such. Sure to be confirmed i bet. I wonder when we decide it's time to pack up and go, before they come for us? It's getting just that scary.

    1. That is the part that worries me. Remember Lori Vallow? I never could understand how anyone could listen to her and not thought she was completely off her rocker. And now, we've got people running the country just like her.

  3. I know the idiots in my state (Ohio) are useless. I contributed to Fetterman. I prayed for him when he suffered the stroke. And what a *** he has turned out to be. Disappointing.

    1. He really gave some inspiring talks, but in the end, I don't think he's up to the job. He no longer has my vote.

  4. It is all.just unbelievable..and like watching a car crash in slow motion

    1. I can hardly wrap my head around it. My nephew really that the whole Project 2025 was bullshit. His big saying was, 'If half the stuff they are claiming happens, I'll be making ammo and the first one out there.' I said then that it made more sense to me from preventing that from getting its foot in the door than to try to get rid of it once it got in. What I notice is that now that it IS in, now that it is unfolding according to the plans, he has begun to align his thinking more and more with that thinking.

  5. Fetterman is a total waste of skin. He has been such a disappointment. I didn't watch, either. I had the live stream up on my laptop, and just decided nope. I don't remember Scholastic books. I do remember Golden Books. My Mom worked there for awhile, I had many books.

    1. Scholastic books were an offshoot of 'My Weekly Reader'. Do you remember that?

  6. I'll send a postcard and I am already not buying anything from Amazon.

    1. It makes me glad that so many people are already 'boycotting'.

  7. Rome wasn't built in a day. Just make your resistance your priority.

    1. The wisdom of an old warrior. Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Kay of Musings: 98% of my friends and relatives are seeing what’s going down the tubes and don’t even want to look at the news because each day finds more disgusting things that are being done by Trump and his henchmen. But we’ll all send out those postcards and can only hope it shows our disgust anyway.

    1. I guess that I don't see what else we can do: Make our unhappiness known, refuse to buy into the system where ever, whenever we can. That includes staying away from social media.

  9. Keep up the fight, steady but sure.

    1. The fact that we're pushing and not really seeing anything is what discourages me.

  10. I started to boycott Amazon a couple of weeks ago. I go on there and research what I want to buy and then buy it elsewhere. It's not much, but it certainly makes me feel better.

    1. That has been my method for a couple of years now. I don't think I will ever stop being amazed at the discovery that it is not nearly as difficult as I expected it to be. Most of my on-line shopping happens around the holidays. That is also the time when the manufacturers and other on line stores are offering sales and free shipping deals anyways. I think that we get 'sold' on the thinking that Amazon is more convenient. It's not, really.

  11. America has just been downgraded to a non democracy country.


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Do What We Can

  I'm not going to even discuss the SOTU address.  I didn't watch it, and from all the scuttle butt on the television today, I know ...