Sunday, March 2, 2025

Small stuff

Houdi is still finicky. How finicky? finicky that I bought him Blue Buffalo cat food. That's the pricey good stuff. Did he appreciate it? No, once again, he turned up his snooty little nose at it. So...he didn't get supper last night, which he made a lot of noise over. 

When he decided that no replacement canned cat food was forthcoming, he indignantly went to the door and began to fuss to go out. 

I let him out, but it wasn't long and he'd changed his mind and decided he wanted back in. Understandable. It was pretty cold outside. 

I'm about sick of his nonsense. He did not get his wet cat food last night and spent the day prowling around and crying pitifully. I discussed it with him in a very no-nonsense way: 'You've been fed, dummy. If you don't want to eat that, go nibble your kibble.' My poetry did not stop the protest. 

The good news is that when I slapped down a helping of his Meow mix wet food tonight, he didn't get all persnickety. He ate. 

The good news is that the ferals are always delighted with the rejects. Nothing goes to waste. 

One of the ferals, Minnie has done an injury to himself, so we are going up every day. He gets his own cat food with an antibiotic in it. Of course, he's the wariest one of the batch, so I don't actually get to see what he's done to himself, but he's grateful for his separate dish catfood and gobbles it down right away. 

I've been just grieving today. It's everything, I suppose. Just a pile of stuff. On top of it, my knee has gotten quite bad at this point. May and surgery seems discouragingly far off. I imagine that the cold weather aggravates the arthritis. 

But there is good news. 

I bought my first Christmas gift for next year. 

It is supposed to get up to 58 degrees on Wednesday. For comparison, it is 18 right this minute. 

I read a book all the way through for the first time in a long time. I've been struggling to keep my mind on a book. 

We've got wild turkey coming in to eat corn just about every day at the new house. 

I made sushi today. I did a beginner's mistake, so I will try again, but it was fun to try my hand at something new. The good news is that I think I know what I did wrong, and even though it did not look the prettiest, it did taste good, so I've got that part right. I did lick some avocado off my finger, only to discover it was wasabi, and almost blew my own sinuses out. 

I wrote the first installment of my fairy story for my oldest grandaughter. 

I found a nice pair of jeans for my grandson. 

I have plenty of small reasons to celebrate. Sometimes, I just need to attend to those things and not look at the big picture for a while.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Why It Was Shameful

Negotiation: discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.

It is the art of bringing two sides together. A facilitator (neutral party) attempts to get both sides to make concessions to the point where an agreement can be worked out. No one gets what they want, 100%. 

What we saw Friday was not the work of a peacemaker. What we saw was two men who had already decided how things were going to be, and tried to back Zelenskyy into a corner and force him to do their bidding. 

That is not the work of a peacemaker. What we saw had nothing to do with diplomacy. 

Extortion: The act of obtaining something through force or threats. 

I cannot believe the number of people who believe that the United States acquitted themselves honorably. 

I saw the exchange. 

I saw no honor. 

That above is a quote from Leo Tolstoy. 

Russia hasn't changed a great deal in some respects, has it? 

Small stuff

Houdi is still finicky. How finicky? finicky that I bought him Blue Buffalo cat food. That's the pricey good stuff. Did he app...