Saturday, December 2, 2023


 Both Tim and I have had trouble sleeping for the last couple months, which is not surprising, I guess. It seems like one or the other of us is always getting up in the dark and padding around the house. 

I began taking melatonin to help. I don't know that it has, really, but I've been having some vivid dreams, which I read is a common side effect. 

Tonight, I was swimming in a stormy sea. I was holding on to a kickboard and I was kicking furiously, and I swam around the world! I was so exhilerated by the experience that I was telling a couple friends about it. I did not know who they were, but we seemed to have a good friendship. We all went out into the water chattering away, and we swam together, each of us holding our kickboards and laughing together in the waves and the foam as we went once again around the world. They were as exhilerated as I was. 

I woke up as Tim was getting out of bed. I lay there in the dark and felt the exhileration still. 


  1. Melatonin never works for me either. The only thing that works is whatever the active ingredient in Ni-quil is which I think is also sold as Zz-quil. I don't like taking stuff though just for sleep so I only save it for special occasions such as when I can't sleep the night before a long car drive. Otherwise, I just get up and peck away on the computer for an hour or two and go back to bed again.

    1. I keep a supply of PM pain reliever. It comes in handy at the end of a long day when my knee is giving me fits.

  2. We have started back on CBD (non THC)..It is beginning to help

  3. Gummies as there was a special offer! Easier than the oil

    1. I've been toying around with the idea of trying those.

  4. Well that sounds like a pleasant dream. I only ever seem to remember disturbing dreams. If I do have good ones they don't hang around for long in my head.

    1. That's why I got up and wrote it down while it was still fresh in my mind.

  5. On looking up about swimming in water, it came up with the fact that we may need some downside and it is to do with our emotions. But you were happy in the dream which probably means anything we read on the internet can be hogwash.

    1. I read that the ocean signifies emotional upheaval and there's been no shortage of that in the past months. The fact that I navigated it successfully with friends has to mean something, I think. It took me all day to come up with that, and so I've decided to go with that explanation.

  6. Interesting. At least it was a happy, exhilarating dream -- an overall positive result. Years ago, while traveling in Africa, I took an anti-malarial prophylaxis that was said to cause vivid dreaming, and it did -- but not entirely pleasant. Only later did we learn it also triggered psychosis in some people!

    1. Oh dear. Now I know that I mispelled exhilarating!

      Does the psychosis go away as the medication leaves your system or are you psychotic forever?

  7. I sometimes have conversations with my dead parents in my dreams.

    1. I remember you saying that once. I envied you. I'd like to have a conversation with my parents. I have a question.

  8. My PA (Physician's Assistant) did some research which said the melatonin gummies, which I've just tried, had widely varying amounts in each gummy, some up to 300 times the dosage they say they have. I have also had dreams when I use melatonin and have trouble dragging myself awake totally in the morning. Must have gotten a higher dose one. So I bought the pills.

    1. I took the pills. I don't know if they'll be a regular thing. I read someplace that if your body gets used to being dosed with melatonin, it simply stops producing its own.

  9. I have to take something every night, and even then, it sometimes doesn't work.

    1. I think I'm getting to that stage in my life.

  10. A good night's sleep makes all the difference. I hope you feel better after your exciting dream!

    1. I was pretty short sleeped. Spoiler alert: the dream was so wonderful, I had to get up and write about it immediately before I forgot it. It's been a long time since I had a dream that I felt. The seafoam washing across my arms was a pretty cool sensation.

  11. That was a beautiful dream! I love it!

    1. It was a wonderful feeling to wake up that joyously.

  12. That sounds like a wonderful dream.
    I've always had amazing dreams, but melatonin has taken them to a new level:)

    1. If ever was an advertisement for melatonin, that's it.

  13. Trouble with sleeping increases as we age.

  14. What a lovely, happy dream. Perhaps thinking about it tonight as you fall asleep will give you a better night.

    1. It was a pretty wonderful dream, as far as dreams go. I loved the feeling of the waves and the seafoam against my arms.

  15. I'm a vivid dreamer without any sleep aids. A few of my dreams are nightmares, many are what I'd classify as mildly unpleasant, but rarely are they good or exhilarating. I think yours represents your travels around the blogosphere, visiting all your friends. :D

    1. I've been pondering it. The ocean is supposed to represent emotional upheaval. The fact that I navigated it successfully with good friends must count for something. At least that is the way that I'm going to look at it.

  16. Replies
    1. I often do not either, but this one was especially vivid and joyous, and the joy stayed with me a bit even after I woke up.

  17. As you know, sleep and I have had interesting dances over the years, although my sleeplessness is generally at the other end of the night. It sounds like a wonderful end to a dream.


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