Friday, December 22, 2023


 Tim's appointment yesterday went as expected, which I am grateful for. We had looked up the results of his blood test through the patient portal, and already knew his numbers were good, but for whatever strange reasoning, when I went to bed Wednesday night, as I waited to fall asleep, I suddenly just had this fear that we were going to walk into that appointment and find out that, 'yes, the blood tests were good, but....' 

Isn't that ridiculous? 

My mind is a strange, twisty thing. 

I got up the next morning before Tim, and got myself ready to go. I wasn't afraid. It wasn't terror. It was just this sick feeling. 

But the appointment was fine, and the ridiculously young surgeon was ridiculously happy with the results of the surgery, and so were we. He recommended some therapy for Tim, and before we made it home, they were calling to set up the appointment. 

A lost night's sleep over ridiculousness. I felt pretty ridiculous.

We went out to lunch on the way back through, did a leisurely wander to price hams, and stopped in to wish my sister a happy birthday. Her birthday is four days before Christmas. Her husband's is four days after. We gave them their chickens and wished them a happy Hatch Day.

It was funny to hear that my sister had fallen in love with these chickens when she'd seen them over the summer. As soon as I had seen them in the store, I thought of her. Tim had not been so convinced that they were good gift choices. In the end, he couldn't think of anything better so we bought them. 

My sister and I had time to play a game of scrabble. 

We came home, meandering slowly, picking out our route for the Christmas light ride with the Amish kids tonight. We stopped to pick up our ham. We had waited to price them on the way home from Erie, just to see if it was to be bought cheaper some place else. Naturally, in the end, the best deal was to be found right in our own grocery store. 

My Thanksgiving cactus has, amazingly, put out a second round of blossoms, and just in time for Christmas. I can't stop admiring it. We spent a nice evening also admiring our Christmas lights in our own livingroom as Tim watched his football. 

I went to bed before the game was over because I couldn't keep my eyes open. I slept soundly.

This morning, the crockpot simmers four pounds of ground beef for the sloppy joes. I'm making corn pudding as a side dish. We are picking up an ice cream cake. After supper, we will take everyone out to see the lights. One display has over 600,000 lights! They will be amazed. We will come back and then watch the kids unwrap gifts. There are balloons and gyrocopters and games and puzzles and things for dolls and playhouses, crayons and paper, and chalk for long summer evenings on the covered porch. Nothing expensive. They will be excited, and we will be glad to be part of such excitement. 

In the midst of all this, an old lady strides on her her elliptical, listening to Lord Huron, pondering this strange journey we've been on.  Life rolls on. The struggling time has given way to celebration. Fears are left behind. Lights everywhere. Black dogs retreat once again to the shadows. 

I am not sure that I will post again before the holidays, so Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy the day. However it unfolds for you, I hope it unfolds in the way that makes you happiest. 


  1. Merry Christmas πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ Debby to you and to yours .

    1. You enjoy the sun and bananas on the Canary Islands.

  2. Happy Christmas to you & Tim and all of your family.

    1. Thank you Jim. The same back to you and yours!

  3. Have a very Happy Christmas Debby! Enjoy everything xx

    1. We'll enjoy everything enjoy everything in Siena. I keep waiting for an elf to make an appearance. Or is he raising hell on the Isle of Man? I wait with bated breath!

  4. Replies
    1. I will, Sue. I hope you do as well. Enjoy the grands.

  5. Your Christmas plans sound delightful. Wishing you all joy and happiness. We are very pleased by Tim's good numbers. Ho!

    1. I can't even explain the relief of it. It's as if I've been just waiting for the other shoe to drop for weeks now...and it didn't. The relief is almost physical.

  6. Wonderful news!
    Merry, Merry Christmas to you & yours! πŸŽ„

    1. Thank you for John's books! I'm quite technologically handicapped. It helps to have someone in my corner who's NOT! Merry Christmas!

  7. Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

    1. Donna, thank you so very much for all the sharing you and Cliff have done. It helped the two of us navigate a very rough road, and we are grateful. Merry Christmas!

  8. I would have done the exact same thing- spent a night in terror even though I knew better. But somehow, I'm sure that all makes the relief of the good news even sweeter, I think.
    I will be thinking of you tonight as you and Tim celebrate with your friends. You are bringing joy to them and THAT is what it's all about.

    1. Oh, it is joy. I'm just waiting for the corn pudding to finish baking and then we are on our way.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family Debby!

    1. Thanks, Ed. To you and your wife and the girls as well.

  10. Glad that the appointment was a relief when it came to it. I too an given to worrying and in the pits of despair in the blackness of the night. It's getting harder to shake off in the daylight now, sadly.

    It sounds like your family are in for a wonderful Christmas, with sensible well chosen gifts. Enjoy.

    1. Your situation really does break my heart, Jennie. You've got such a struggle going on. You're the caretaker, and housekeeping, and dietary, and transportation, and the laundress...that's a lot of hats to wear, and I, for one, will be much relieved when you have extra hands in the house. Merry Christmas to you and Keith and those four legged mischief makers.

  11. A nice feeling of relief for you and Tim and perfect timing for Christmas!
    I have a new grandson born on 12/21 at 5:30 pm! He is my 7th grandchild and I wish him a lifetime of happiness and peace. I hope the world will be safe for him! Merry Christmas to you and Tim!

    1. I know! I read about little Adam Liam. Congratulations, Grandma! 7 of them! I have 3 and they are the joys of my heart!

  12. Merry Christmas Debby, and thank you for the all-year-long gifts to all of us of your posts…

    1. What a very nice thing to say! Merry Christmas to you too.

  13. I'm glad that all is copacetic in your world. Enjoy your evening with your Amish friends and may you and Tim have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Copacetic! You brought back a blast from the past with that word. I once worked family own business. There was a bit of a pompous young man who married into the family and by doing so earned himself an executive assistant job to the CEO. Quite honestly, no one could actually figure out what his job was, but he made a great point of reading a book (calendar?) that gave him a new word every day, a word that he made sure to utilize in conversations multiple times a day. No one ever forgot the day that the word of the day was copacetic.

  14. Merry Christmas! Now I am wondering if your corn pudding is what we Indiana Hoosiers call corn casserole. After the holidays we should compare recipes! Jackie

    1. It has 1/4 cup sugar, 3 tbsp of flour, 3 tsp of baking powder, a tsp of salt, six eggs, 2 cups heavy cream, 1/2 cup butter, blend it all well and add 6 cups of corn, bake at 350 for an hour.

    2. it is different but sounds delicious. I will try it!

  15. Merry Christmas and I feel privileged to have journeyed with you over the last year, with your highs and your lows.

    1. I've enjoyed your wit and wisdom this year as well. Thanks, Andrew, for the gift of your listening ear. My best to you and R!

  16. You write a lovely blog and I love the interactions you have with the Amish. Wonderful health news is a great way to end the year too.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you both from Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

    1. You are right about that: the positive news has brightened our Christmas better than any Christmas lights could possibly do. Merry Christmas down under!

  17. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you Debby and all those you love. Good results are the best results aren’t they!

    1. Cathy, thank you for sharing your journey and information with me as well. One of the benefits of a blog is 'meeting' people who share their own stories so freely. Our best wishes to your house.

  18. Merry Christmas, Debby. Glad to hear to good news on the medico front. May your 2024 be even better.

    1. I hope that same for you and SWMBO, Catalyst. Merry Christmas!

  19. Merry Christmas to you and Tim, and your family! I’m sure you’ll have a beautiful time with your friends- Christmas lights, dinner and presents! You’re all so lucky to have each otherπŸ₯°Such good news from the surgeon too! Should give you some great sleepπŸ™πŸ» Best wishes from RickiπŸ€—

    1. It was a wonderful evening, as always. Merry Christmas to you folks as well!

  20. Hooray for the good report for Tim. Have a wonderful time with the happy children, and a Merry Christmas to you.

  21. Tim's clean bill of health is the best Christmas present ever. (Tractors and bits, too!)
    Merry Christmas to you both. May 2024 bring you health and happiness.

    1. It certainly is! Merry Christmas to your house as well. I'd sure like to see 2024 bring peace to this troubled time.

  22. 600,000 lights!! Wow!! Merry Christmas, Debby!

  23. Merry Christmas, Debby and Tim! What a humongous relief! I'm like you. I'd be worried too. Thank goodness it turned out so well. I like younger doctors as well as the older experienced ones because I'm assuming they're even more up to date with the latest medical information.

    1. Mele Kalikamaka to you and Art! I never assume anything about doctors, but we are well pleased with this one.

  24. Glad the appointment went well. Hope hubby will cooperate with the exercise classes; there must be a reason they help in the long run. Yep, ya gotta unprogram your previous appropriately worried mind, and presume future doc visits will be ok and boring, while you look at the young docs these days and wonder if they're even out of high school yet! Peaceful Christmas! Linda in Kansas

    1. It's crazy. I mean that man does look like a child! A tall one, but a child all the same. Even with his new mustache!

  25. Merry Christmas to you and Tim and Houdi too. Yay for a good meeting with the surgeon. Another clap and cheer for cheerful Christmas lights and excited delighted children.

    1. Yes. Delighted children are what Christmas is all about and we got plenty of that last night! Roll on Christmas!

  26. A Merry Christmas to all of you -- Tim and William and the cats and Levi and Maddie and family too! I'm glad the appointment went well. I sometimes get that sense of dread for no reason at all. I don't know where it comes from.

    1. It is strange, the tangents my mind wanders into after I go to bed! I do have to say, both Tim and I slept SO soundly last night. It's been a long time since we both slept like that. He did not wake up until after 9. I didn't wake up until nearly 10. We both shocked ourselves, but I think that it has a lot to do with relief.

  27. Because I am me, my mind went to the distinction between ludicrous and ridiculous. I will probably forget it. And you are neither btw.

    "Ludicrous means something is silly enough to cause amusement. Ridiculous means it's absurd enough to invite mockery or derision. Ludicrous has a more playful and amusing sense than ridiculous. You probably already knew these two words can be used to describe something that's nonsensical or silly."

    1. I am often ludicrous to the point of inviting ridicule. Hows THAT?! Merry Christmas, AC and Sue! Enjoy your family.

  28. Great news on the medical front. I do hope that a good time was had by all at the Amish Christmas and have a lovely Christmas yourself.

    1. It was fun. It has become a special celebration to us. There was wrapping paper everywhere, and the kids were excited about everything. That's what I love. They are delighted with whatever is in those boxes.

  29. Corn pudding and sloppy joes? That sounds like a major gift in my book. Enjoy the day, and have a Merry Christmas.

    1. I find that the children don't want to try things they are unfamiliar with, which is why I picked the corn pudding (plus it came in a recipe large enough to feed a crowd). Sloppy joes was a no-brainer. A one pot meal that you can make in a quantity to feed however big your group is. We had six adults and 8 kids.

  30. So glad to hear that your anxious feelings were really for naught. (There, a word used only once this year!) The Amish plans sound so fun, especially the ride to see the decorated houses! In a car?

    1. Yes. We drove both cars up, loaded up and took them around town. I had a carload of little girls and from the back seat, I kept hearing quiet little voices from the back. Mattie told me that were exclaiming "Look~! More! I see more!"

  31. Season's greetings! Hope it all goes smoothly.

    1. For you and Victor, as well. I hold you both in my heart going into the new year.

  32. Good news about Tim's medical report. Woo hoo!
    I spent a wakeful night recently because stressed about what I had volunteered to prepare for Christmas dinner at my dad's -- just knowing I had to do that bunch of things the next day, not that I couldn't or that there would be any difficulty whatsoever -- there is no controlling what stresses us, apparently! My mother always said I was "high strung" and I'm never entirely sure what she meant by that, but after a night like you and I have just described, I'm guessing maybe that's it? I never, ever am responsible for a meal for company without feeling pressured by it, while my sisters and friends seem to manage it without a second thought. And you had good reason to be worried, no matter that the outcome was what you hoped.
    Oh, and I lose my phone all the time and have to have Farmbeau call me to find it. It's never in his pocket, mind you, but I was glad to learn that I'm not the only one things like this happen to. -Kate


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