Saturday, December 30, 2023


 Today, we got all the main walls built and installed. We have to put in the front wall of the bathroom, the one that faces into the hall space, and we've got to enclose the closets, but then we are done with that, well within our goal of getting that part of things done before 2024.

Other than that, it's just been a quiet sort of day. 

Funny thing about Houdi. A couple days ago, I told you that when I unzipped his carrier after the trip to the vet, he leapt out and raced off to the basement. I figured he'd be hiding for a day or two. It's his 'quirk'. It has been since I got him. For the first couple months I had him, the only way I knew I had a cat was that someone was crapping in the litter box and his cat food disappeared over night. I thought he'd never get past that. But he did. But whenever something spooked him, he continued to hide, and that cat is a very good hider. 

So, I wasn't surprised that he ran for the basement. However, I was very surprised when he came back up within a few minutes. He got a special treat for that, one of those lickable things and he adored that. I am not sure what is in that stuff, but he has become a lap sitter, and a cuddle cat. When I am up and moving around, he misses my lap, and meows. He comes looking for me in the night and I've set a plush bed up for him on the floor beside me. 

He's playful, and his latest love is the laser toy, and he knows what's coming when I hold it up for him to see. 

He's a year and a half old and it just seems as if his whole nature has changed, just like that. I've never seen a cat do that before. 


  1. Houdi is responding to human kindness and is learning to trust. Give yourself a pat on the back:-)

  2. You could have chose Year Of The Cat for your video Debby. I love that Al Stewart song. Bowie is a good choice though.

  3. I need to google lickable treats....

  4. Animals can be so puzzling. They can't tell us so we are always guessing. Our Clyde changed when our girl cat Charlie died. He suddenly became much more willing to be petted. Maybe your guy has realized how good he has it after those trips to the vet?

  5. You need a quiet day every now and then!
    Lovely to hear of Houdi's progress

  6. Thanks for the good news, a small animal who now is responding so well to your love and care...every little thing that brings a smile is a treat to us humans. And your continued work on the new house is also good news!

  7. It's sweet that you have gotten so much joy out of your found cat.
    Best of luck with the building in 2024!

  8. You are right- cats generally can soften and become more responsive to surroundings when they are treated with love and ways that foster trust but they generally keep their ways about them, even if in a different and less frightened form. Houdi has truly changed into a sweet and trusting friend-cat.

  9. He's finally learned to let down his barriers and trust you!

  10. You're funny. Other than building walls it was a quiet day. 😊

  11. I think he's finally figured out that he won the cat lottery. :)

  12. Here is another suitable song for Houdini
    I love that he is adapting beautifully to domestication.
    Have a wonderful new year.

  13. He's very lucky to have you, Debby.


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