Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Random Advice

It's not world changing, but I feel as if there is someone out there that I can save with my hard earned wisdom. 

So. Here we go: 

                           If you get the idea that your bathroom would look quite luxurious 
with fluffy white rugs, don't. Just don't. 

So, what is your random advice that won't change the world? 


  1. I would imagine with two males in the house it would not take long to figure out fluffy white rugs just don't hack it.

  2. Smile. That's one thing I love about Hawaii. Lots of people will smile at you if you smile at them. Be kind.

    1. Be kind. So simple. It would change everything, wouldn't it?

  3. Carpet of any description does not belong in a bathroom!
    My advice; always keep a good supply of air freshener handy to use for the husband's running shoe cupboard.

    1. I'm beginning to think you're right. Our bathroom is huge, 11 x 11, and I like stepping out of the shower and having my tootsies on a nice soft rug. The sink is on the opposite wall, and that rug is mainly to balance the room.

  4. Oh made me laugh here in bed at 5 in the morning! I almost wish you'd elaborate 🙂

    1. It's just a never ending cycle. They invariably get grimy. They are very heavy in the washer, and involve a lot of distributing the load exactly right (evenly placed at bottom of tub, household whites distributed on top of that. And then when they are done, because they take forever to dry, I don't put them in the dryer. I hang them outside. They are very heavy when they are wet. And then when they dry, you bring them in to fluff in the dryer with a dryer sheet. Then you haul them back into the bathroom. Today, I put one freshly washed rug down on the floor in its place in front of the sink, and stretched the long one out in front of the clawfoot tub. I turned around and there was my husband washing his hands at the sink wearing his WORKBOOTS ON MY FRESHLY WASHED WHITE RUG! He thinks that I'm over reacting when I ask him not to do that because "they're clean. I wiped my feet at the door."

  5. Generally I agree that more makeup is good but for ladies (and men too) of a certain age, restraint is needed unless you had enough Hollywood facial surgery to look like Dolly Parton.

    1. I think that I may be getting to that certain age.

  6. If you have animals in the house (human or otherwise) no carpeting, no upholstered furniture (only leather or the like) Life is easier to clean up that way!

    1. We have had that debate already about carpeting the bedrooms and livingroom.

  7. Ah, the temptation of a fluffy white area rug in the bath. Had one for about a day. Husband came in from the garden wearing muck boots. You can perhaps guess the rest of the story. Yes, we're still married. Best random advice given to me by my dad? Choose your battles.

    1. Ah Camille. You understand. You really understand. The random advice given by your dad? Was given about the same time as the 'incident'?

    2. Precisely correct Deb. He was a wise man who lived to 98 years. Gave gentle advice and never seemed to sweat the small stuff. A lesson, I admit, that I'm still working on to this day.

  8. If you get a new puppy, never never use pee pads to train it. Take it outside from day one, even if it is freezing and snowing. My dog still thinks she can pee inside so I had to buy some washable carpets for her to use after she ruined my wall to wall carpet. I just put the little carpets over the worst spot. She goes outside most of the time but hey she is almost 9 years old now!

    1. I've never understood the wisdom of pee-pads. One of our tenants had a little dog that used them. The dog would back up against the wall (from the looks of things) to crap. The tenant was much upset that we charged her for cleaning. In her mind, she had "cleaned the best she could". She had a broken arm at the time. I'm here to tell you, when I'm scraping dried dog dung off the wall, I do not work for free.

    2. None of my previous dogs EVER peed in the house. I only got pee pads because it was so awful outside. Stupid me.

  9. I forget what I was going to say because I scanned the comments. 😄

  10. I would say "Be kind" but I see someone already mentioned that!
    No carpets in the bathroom and just a towel mat that hangs up when I'm not using it to step out of the shower.

    1. The carpets are throw rugs, but heavy (when wet) fluffy WHITE throw rugs. Never again.

  11. You are not going to find long lost friends, lose copyrights or be charged fees by sharing a post on Facebook. You are only demonstrating your low IQ for all the world to see.

  12. You made me laugh out loud! My random advice? Never go into the chicken house barefooted. Unless you enjoy your toes being pecked. That is all.

    1. LOL. I could also add another unrelated bit of advice. Never open the wood stove door while wearing your mascara. The thing 'back flashed' and my mascara melted and glued my eyelids shut. I thought I was blind. I pried my eyelids apart, and later discovered I'd lost all the eye lashes on one eye. Word to the wise.

  13. My first car, when I was a teenager, had a white interior. I bought it used and it already looked permanently filthy!

    1. Which leads us to another helpful bit of random advice. Never own a white car if you live on a dirt road.

  14. Another: If you buy the cheap 'distressed' plants, you don't feel nearly as bad if they die.

  15. I learned this when my children were young. You don't EVER begin a sentence with 'My child would NEVER...' (A recent meme I saw finished that sentence off with 'because this guarantees your child will come up to you nevering like he never nevered before'.

  16. Never stand right up to a hot stove whilst wearing jeans unless you want to brand yourself with the rivet fastener. (Yes, I did do this, but only the once!)

  17. Leave your shoes at the door

  18. Don't put things in a safe place.


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