Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Horror story

 The stuff of nightmares, right here....


  1. Oh lordy lordy lordy - that is the new bar for "a bad day"!

  2. Wow! That's an exciting story!! I wish it had said what kind of snake it was.

    1. I read somewhere that they figure it was a rat snake. They don't think it was venomous. It would have been a fatal encounter for me. I would have had a heart attack.

  3. This all makes perfect sense to me, living as I do around snakes and hawks. What doesn't make sense to me is the "grace of God" part. I mean- why did God let the hawk drop the snake on the woman in the first place?

    1. I don't question the beliefs of others as long as they don't try to force those beliefs on me.

  4. I love that the doctor asked her if she was on drugs. 😆

  5. Happy to live in the city, no snakes.

  6. A black snake once fell on my husband. It was lying on top of the root cellar doorway, and fell when he opened the door. We are pretty tolerant of black snakes usually, but this time, according to my husband, the snake did not survive the incident.

  7. Horrible and funny at the same time, as long as it wasn't me.

  8. YIKES!!!! Talk about the "golden BB"......................

  9. Who wouldn't assume she was on drugs with a story like that! OMG! This will be something I won't forget anytime soon.

  10. I’ve just heard this on radio 4
    How funny

  11. Holy shit. That's CRAZY!

    I can't blame the doctor for asking if she was on drugs. I'll bet everyone who works in that hospital has heard this story by now!

  12. You couldn't make it up! Good grief - poor woman.

  13. Texas women are kinder than I am. I would have fought back with four letter words. But I cannot imagine unwrapping a four foot snake while a hawk attacked.

  14. Wow! That is very frightening. It isn't something you can ever prepare for.


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