Tuesday, August 1, 2023

A whole lot of happies.

I have been actually losing sleep over this. Truly. We had 15 roof trusses in place, and we had 6 more to go. The trusses already set had been very physical work. We pushes them up inside the house, lifted each end to its respective wall. At that point, it was hanging upside down. With one person standing on the wall and two people on the ground, the truss was flipped up. Each of the two people got on an 8 foot ladder, pulled the truss back into place, 24 inches from the previous truss. It was checked to make sure that the overhang was even with the wall, and then it was toenailed into place. An 8 foot 2x4 was used to brace the top evenly with the previous trusses. 

I know it is a lot of explaining. 

It was exhausting work. 

We had six more to put up, and the problem is that it could not be done by slipping the trusses inside. There was no longer room to maneuver 26 foot long trusses. They would have to be raised to the roof from outside the house, and flipped on top. 

Today was the big day. We had four of us working and one of them, my nephew, had done this before when he put an addition on his house. We did it his way, and they went up fairly easily. We were done in a couple of hours, sliding them up ramps and 'walking them' where they needed to be. 

I cannot tell you the thrill I get every time I look over and see the dead patch of grass where that pile of trusses used to lay. 

Tomorrow, we will put up the last of the purlins which connect the trusses into a sort of grid. It steadies the trusses and you use also use that to nail the underlayment for the tin roof, and then, on top of that will go the tin roof itself. I will truly feel as if once we have the place roofed, we'll have accomplished the lion's share of the 'grunt' work, the heavy, physical laborious work, and I am grateful for that. 

Once this part of things is finished up, and the doors on, etc. the breakneck pace can stop. If we feel like taking a day off, we can do that. THAT will be nice. 

Tim got his 'new' truck yesterday. I was quite worried about this, to be honest. We do not need another 'project' truck, not at this point. We have way too much going on. The good news is that the truck is very nice. It runs perfectly. I was very happy about that too. 

Know what else I'm happy about? I had a tomato on toast sandwich, and it was just about the most perfect thing I've ever tasted. 

Kay? I'm getting together a package for you and Art and hope to have it on the way to you by week's end! Hope your brother enjoys it too!


  1. I first read your title as "A Whole Bunch of Hippies" but then I figured it out. Brilliant, right?
    You guys are amazing! You've done the trusses! Hurray! And a truck that runs- I absolutely do know your happiness in this situation.

    1. If hippies had shown up, we would have used them. Long haired freaky people are free to apply.😊

  2. 🎶 🎵 oh happy day 🎶 🎵

    1. Let me accompany you on my violin. I will be a fiddler on the roof.

  3. Just before we get to the point of not being able to tip the trusses up from the inside, we install the final one on the end wall and then we tip all the remaining trusses up from the inside and just clamp them upright to the last one. Then it is just a matter of sliding them all into place and anchoring them with the bracing/purlins. This prevents having to hoist them up from the outside.

  4. Glad you all stayed safe and without injuries! Take pics! Won't there be a layer of roofing felt under the metal roof? Linda in Kansas

  5. Relief! Yes, I was about to ask about roof insulation too

    1. Drum Major and Gz: the underlayment is a highly reflective foil bubble insulation.

  6. Congrats and you definitely earned that sandwich. My goodness, Debby. Hope you get to take that day off soon and relax. You have earned it.

    1. We have storms moving in on Monday. The roof needs to be done.

  7. Yes, once the building is closed in you have more control over what you do.

  8. You are TRUSSty construction workers.

  9. Goodness! I wouldn't be able to do ANY of that work, Debby! Congrats on almost being done with the worst of it! You guys are amazing!

  10. That sounds like a lot of work! I'm impressed!

  11. Yay for that completion! Sadly, our tomatoes are done. We've already pulled up the plants and I'm letting my basil go to seed. It's been a hot summer.

  12. Holy smokies! I am impressed, roof trusses are usually set in place with a crane and nailed in place by a crew of framers. Good an Y'all!!

  13. Seriously? Oh gosh, Debbie! That is just too kind of you. You've made me smile even though I'm still fighting vertigo and Art is on his way to Tanzania right now. I'm so glad my brother is here to help me.

  14. By the way, I can't get over all the work you guys are doing. Wow!


I'm glad you're here!

Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...