Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Change of Plans.

 Well, I rejoiced at the Tucker Carlson firing. MTG got silenced by the GOP led Homeland Security Committee. Michigan has taken the first brave steps to getting a handle on this nationwide gun debacle.  It just does seem like the country is stepping back from the crazy.

Today was a quiet day. We were supposed to do the insulation today. I had a pork loin in the crock pot over night, with the idea to get up, shred it. add some barbecue sauce so that we could come home after that dirty job, take showers and have supper done and waiting on us. 

I came downstairs and went to work. Tim came down and said, "We're not doing insulation today." That's like the third time he's changed his mind about doing it, but I didn't say anything because he's caught my cold. I know that I didn't feel like doing it last week when I was snuffling. 

Instead I cleaned house. Ran to Jamestown to pick up a hundred pounds of culled potatoes and 40 lbs of bananas to drop off to Mattie. It was also a fine excuse to check on David who was sleeping soundly in his mother's arms. She said he slept much better last night. 

My poor old kitchen floors have taken a beating. I mopped and applied a coat of Liquid Gold floor treatment. I can't stop admiring the shine. 

Tomorrow, the insulation. 


Well. Maybe. 

We'll see. 


  1. Good riddance Tucker Cartoon, please let Sean Hannity's fat head roll next!

    1. I have a notion that Tucker is just the beginning. When lying starts costing the company money, Rupert Murdoch will realign his empire towards profit.

  2. Hope you put on at least a thin mask and gloves to mess with the insulation. Linda in Kansas

    1. Oh, that goes without saying. We have N95s for this.

  3. I used to polish my Victorian tile hall floor back at the old farmhouse. I have the dark red quarry tiles in the kitchen here, but absolutely NO desire to polish them whatsoever! Housework is at a minimum until I have guests!!

    I obviously know nothing about your first paragraph but if Michigan is taking a stand against weapons (would this just be the automatic pump action assault rifles? Surely no-one needs one of those to "go hunting", let alone defend their home?) Things are bad in the UK with knife-crime. Something needs to be done.

    1. BB, most Americans feel just as you do. You're preaching to the choir here. It is insanity, but when you have 'lobbying' (reality: bribery) going on in the highest eschelons of power, what happens is endless talk. Instead of outlawing assault weapons, people will sit and argue about what an assault weapon actually is, or talk about second amendment rights as if it is the only amendment that matters. Meanwhile, forgetting totally about every American and their right to life and liberty. And believe me, we've heard about your knife violence. In fact it is often raised by people who declare 'If you take guns away, they'll find another way to kill people,' and promptly launch into a speech about the horrors of knife violence. When was the last time a knife wielder killed 27 children in one go?

    2. PS: My floors are hardwood. When I put down some floor finish, they just gleam so nicely. It never ceases to amaze me how big the room looks once the floors are done. I don't know why that is.

  4. Small steps towards sanity?

  5. I had never heard of Tucker Carlson until a couple weeks ago when the lawsuit with Fox was ramping up. Why are those who are liberal listening to him anyway since they are so enthusiastic to see him gone? I also find it ironic that a party wanting acceptance and tolerance want to see "Sean Hannity's fat head roll next!" as a commenter said above. I guess I don't see us stepping back from crazy yet until we are all more tolerant of each other. Of course, I'm all for the removal of people in the media who knowingly lie at any point in public broadcast.

    1. Nobody I know listens to him, but he says some pretty inflammatory shit, Ed, and this stuff gets publicized. He ramps up a group of people with lies, just as Trump does. I see that as dangerous. Sorry you don't.

    2. Oh I do see it is dangerous which is why I agree with his removal. I think it is even more dangerous when a President lies and they should be removed as well, i.e. Trump. My point was that as long as people on both sides are intolerant of others with differing political opinions, I'm not optimistic about this craziness ending.

    3. Ed, you're gaslighting here. I hate to say it. A comment was made about heads rolling. You know as well as I do, that's a euphemism for firing someone. To take it literally, and to high light it is simply detracting from the point. And I've been thinking a lot about this. Tolerance. It's a funny old word, because quite frankly, there are things that should NOT be tolerated. Disagreeing with liars is not intolerance. It's integrity.

    4. No gaslighting here and I do know exactly what "rolling heads" refers to.

    5. Bottom line to me, Ed: this is a 'news' agency that provably LIED to maintain their customer base, and yet your outrage is directed towards the 'intolerance' of the other side.

    6. You've unjustly accused me of gaslighting and then have put untrue words in my mouth, not once but twice. I have said not one word of support for Tucker Carlson. I was merely making a critical statement. I have directed no outrage at you are anyone. I have only attempted to defend against the false charges applied to me. Now perhaps you understand why I'm not optimistic that "the crazy" will be ending anytime soon. Peace be with you my friend.

    7. To say Tucker Carlson was fired even though that is what is reported on all the news sites, is in fact a lie. He was taken off the air but is still an employee of Fox News as he is still receiving his paycheck. Eventually he will receive the remainder of his contract with Fox. In the end all news media personalities are liars. It's surprising everyone is so happy Tucker Carlson will receive a multi-million dollar severance package from Fox News.

    8. He does have a contract through 2026. He will get that money. You miss the point. A man who will knowingly lie to assuage his followers is a dangerous man who SHOULD lose his job. I don't give a rat's behind how rich he is.

  6. Like Ed, I don’t listen to Fox or Carlson or whomever, but I can’t think how one can live in this world and not know about him.

    Meanwhile, I guilty enjoy the schadenfreude that I feel.

    1. You know what goes well with schadenfreude? A nice adult beverage.

  7. Replies
    1. The place sells boxes of 'baking potatoes', the large potatoes that are baked skin on. I am assuming culled potatoes simply means the ones that aren't large enough to be called baking potatoes. (it is a restaurant supply place.)

  8. Debby, I saw a great quote, something like “3 people were killed by lawn darts and the toy was banned from manufacture. That’s because the government wasn’t owned by the National Lawn Dart Association.”
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

    1. What about seatbelts? Car safety equipment? This shouldn't be that hard, but we have got a very vocal group simply muddying the water.

  9. Hmmm...
    Now I need to research Liquid Gold floor treatment.

  10. Do you ever sit down and just relax? You sound like such a busy, productive woman, Debby. I seem to be able to find lots of ways to waste my time! :)

    1. Oh, of course I do. Tim is really the driving force most of the time. We got over to the reno with all of the insulation machinery and accoutrements only to receive a phone call from the people who built the trusses for the new house. They were ready to deliver. We quickly unloaded the truck, and Tim headed to Grand Valley to do meet them. We have the insulation stuff until tomorrow morning. It will be a late night. I am sitting down and relaxing this very minute.

  11. I think my state is trying to put through even more stringent gun laws. But Idaho sits right next to us and that's problematic. Although I see some hope, I also look at the crazy stuff happening in the South and wonder what in the world can fix that level of insanity. I was happy about Tucker Carlson's firing; it's too bad it was about money and not ethics or honesty. Is that too much to hope for?

    1. You know what Margaret? In the end, what it comes down to is that lying is not profitable for the long term. Unethical behavior is not profitable in the long term. I do find that hopeful.

  12. Sometimes our bodies basically order us to rest! You were definitely able to switch gears and get some other important stuff done though, so kudos to you!

  13. Well. Today it is the machinery telling us to slow down. 3 Mechanical failures. When we call the store where we rented the equipment, the helpful store directory tells us they don't rent equipment. ARRRRGGGHHH.

    1. Around here, the only place that rents equipment provides ancient machinery that has never been cared for a day in its life. I sympathize with your frustration.


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