Saturday, April 22, 2023

Two Birthdays

 So much going on! 

We got the siding done, except for the last two rows on three sides of the house which have been left undone. The top tongue and groove boards that are the layer of wood beneath the siding have been removed and that is where the insulation will be blown in for the first floor. The second floor will be insulated, but we will do that from the inside, accessing through the attic. We really fell into a nice routine and working together we got it all done pretty efficiently. 

Friday was Tim's birthday. He turned 66. He's still making his way through this medical stuff. but he's doing a lot better. Quite honestly, I think that the busier he is, the happier he is. He still tires more quickly than I'd expect. His hand still has tremors sometimes. He's got some other issues being checked out over the next month, but I cannot help but feel that we really dodged a bullet. I really thought our life as we knew it was done back at the end of January, but look at us now. He's planning a new build and we're doing a renovation. 

Something great happened on Tim's birthday. A little Amish baby was born. His name is David. He was born in a city hospital due to previous complications, but this time there were no complications. Tim will drive them home, probably tomorrow. His car is bigger and rides more smoothly and will make the trip easier on Mattie. 

I am staying home to assemble a lasagna and a couple loaves of garlic bread to deliver up. I won't stay this time. I told Mattie that I was quite sure the baby would be just as cute next week when she's more rested. Plus, there will be eight kids very excited to meet their brother. It is a family time. 

So besides working and being tremendously excited about new babies, I don't have a lot to write about. We've celebrated Tim's birthday with barbecue spare ribs, baked beans, corn bread, salad. Strawberry shortcake with home made whipped cream. 

We went to a sale today. I found a leaded glass window decoration, a chickadee sitting on a pine branch for $5, and we had lunch at a diner. 

We'd never eaten there before, but it was a small place, the kind of place where the waitresses know their regulars. Today, a plate was set down at the bar. A newspaper was placed along side his plate, and the creamers and sugar sat right next to a cup ready to be filled as soon as 'Larry' came in and sat down. 

We went to a couple of antique shops. I'm not so inclined to buy anything. I know that I've got to get rid of things when we move, so I don't want to add anything to the mix, knowing that a great downsizing is coming.  Tim did find an old post card: 

It is a picture of Lacey School. I don't remember ever seeing it. It's another ghost. It's been gone since 1989 and a supermarket stands in its place. 

That's it really. Unless you want to hear about laundry. 


  1. How sweet to take care of the lady with lotsa kids! Linda in Kansas

  2. That baby's going home to a crowd of admirers! A friend of mine had nine children - 8 girls and 1 boy - he used to say he never regretted having a large family, that is until the girls hit their teenage years and he found himself at the back of the queue for the morning shower.

  3. Belated Happy Birthday to Tim.
    Another baby makes 9!! I cannot imagine having that many children.

  4. Nine children is very unusual now. We look after one and that exhausts us.

  5. I think when there is a crowd of children they tend to look after each other, which is no bad thing. Glad Tim is so much better and you have lots of exciting plans for the future.

  6. Your relationship with the Amish is unusual and interesting.

  7. Happy Belated Birthday to Tim. Wishing him a year of good health and fun adventures!

  8. I was a bit worried that you hadn't posted for awhile so I'm glad to hear that all is well. Mattie just had her ninth baby? Oh my.

  9. A new baby, a birthday and good health. That's a good week.

  10. Happy Birthday to Tim! I'm so glad that he's made the excellent recovery that he has. It is important to stay busy and motivated, no matter our age or physical health. Let's not talk about laundry. I need to do some!

  11. Happy birthday to Tim and congratulations to Mattie and family! (Though I can't imagine nine children -- yikes!) I am forever trying to keep our "stuff" pared down, but I can always justify buying a postcard. They're so small and unobtrusive. :)

  12. Spare ribs have been on sale here recently so we've had a few racks. They don't last all that long though with five people.

  13. Happy birthday Tim and new baby! and finding a new spot for food where you also find the human specials - that's nice. J

  14. Much to celebrate and be grateful for. And I’d bet your lasagna is delicious, too! Bonnie in Minneapolis


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