Thursday, April 13, 2023

Catching up.

 It doesn't take long for things to get away from me. All is well here.

Easter was wonderful. 

I caught a cold. I never used to worry about colds...then Tim caught one and all sorts of trials ensued. But he's fine. So am I. 

Tim has been busy with his plans for the new house. We've got the permits. We've got the excavator and the concrete crew lined up. He bought the roof trusses. 

Tomorrow, Tim and I will do the blown in insulation on the Wayne St house. Next week we will wrap the house and put up the new cement board siding. That man does love being busy.


  1. Nicely constructive... literally!!

  2. I hope he remembers to pace himself and not overdo it.

    1. Pace? I'm jogging along behind trying to keep up.

  3. Tim is obviously a force of nature. As are you!

    1. Remember the scene in Twister? They are watching a tornado right in front of them? Helen Hunt says 'Cow,' and then a cow comes from the other side and she says, 'Another cow...' and Bill Paxton says, 'Actually, I think it was the same one...'

      Tim is the force of nature. I am that cow.

  4. Replies
    1. I think that if any luck is to be found it will be found in a six person work team who swoops in and does it for us. However....pretty sure this is not going to happen.

  5. Sounds like there's a lot going on! Hope your cold gets better.

    1. There's always a lot going on. I'm not really all that happy about this, but it will get done. I keep telling myself this too will end.

  6. It always seemed to me as if your "house" was well off into the distant future but these last few posts show that it is upon us! I can't wait to hear about your experience building your own home, something I have always wanted to do but never have.

    1. That was the plan, Ed. I had a plan. We'd finish the renovation, get that on the market, and then start on our own house. Except...well...finding concrete crews are hard. They are booked up seasons in advance. Except that Levi knew a guy named Carrot Top. And Carrot Top and his boys are well know, locally, and they said they could do it in May. And so Tim called our excavator, and doncha know, he could dig the basement at the beginning of May. Well then, Tim figured that he should see how long permits take. He has them in his hot little handy hands this very minute. (Arrived today!) So...we are building a house now. The goal is to get the concrete poured, get it framed and sheeted, doors, windows, roofed. Tim can wire it over the winter. Not a clue when we'll get the Wayne St. renovation done.

  7. Being busy is a good thing.

    1. We are done with the renovation stuff. When this house is done, we are done, and honest to pete, if I hear any laughter from your corner, I'm headed to Tennessee.

    2. Has *Tim* agreed on “done”? 😂

    3. Boy, if this is Bob, I swear to the heavens....

    4. And actually yes. I think he is. He regrets the last house. We did not expect we would both get called back to work.

  8. I am highly impressed at your renovating abilities. I am struggling to get a house tidied up to sell!!

    1. Sweet merciful heavens. Please do not tell my husband you're selling a house. He'd want to talk to you.

  9. Feel better, hope the weather cooperates and good luck with all of those projects, Debby.

    1. Cold's on the wane. Normally, I wouldn't give a cold a second thought, but now, it always strikes me that Tim's whole situation started with a cold that did not go away.

  10. Actually, this is good news. You are years ahead of plan!

    1. I will take your word for it. I feel as if we are playing the same hand... Someone just shuffled them.


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