Sunday, December 27, 2020

Making Merry


I got a new big planter for the propagated dracaenas and the yucca plants. I got two new African violets because I love flowers in the winter. I got two new books, Wintering (which I can see needs to be read in small doses and thought upon) and The God of Small Things. Many pairs of earrings. A wonderful cast iron hook for the kitchen. A cozy throw for the sofa. Tee shirts. A bird sculpture. A box of British treats from Colin and Cara. A nice family photograph. A gift card. 

So many things to open. 

But the best gifts were these: 

Watching people open up those gifts that we'd been putting so much thought into. All the time spent was worth it. 

William hunkered over his steel tongue drum, teaching himself to play. He loved it. It had been one of those spur of the moment gifts, but he loved that a lot more than I ever thought he would. 

Listening to Iris telling me about taking carrots into the yard to leave for the reindeer, and how Santa says "Ho ho," She's conversing in sentences now. and she was anxious to hold the phone and talk to me. That will never get old. She showed me her dollhouse and a music box. 

The laughter in the living room as everyone visited together. I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready, and it was nice to hear. 

The rave reviews on my gravy, which apparently has eclipsed all gravies that came before it. 

Playing those new games with the grands. 

When it was done, we were once again alone in a quiet house, surrounded by the detritus of Christmas. 

It was merry. 

Where ever you celebrated, whatever you celebrated, however you celebrated, whoever you celebrated with, I hope the day was merry for you as well. 


  1. My crème was indeed brûlée :-)

    (-: I loved "the god of small things"

  2. Your gifts sound wonderful and your holiday merry!

  3. Sounds like a perfect day. Family, laughter and watching everyone enjoy the gifts makes the day especially with family. Mine was more than great, my grand son stationed in S. Korea called and we all talked to him He had to work and was eating ramon noodles for his dinner. He may get to come home in the summer, that will be two years with out a leave only days off now and than.

  4. I wrecked the gravy this year. Luckily the lamb didn't REALLY need it, but its very un-Australian.


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