Friday, March 10, 2023


 Not really much to say. I am on day 3 of an awful cold. It is not covid. It is hard not to remember that all of Tim's problems started with a cold that never quite went away, so I am doing my best to insure that he doesn't catch it. I have been pretty unproductive, I can tell you that. I keep telling myself that the house stuff will wait. Just get the necessary stuff done. 

Today is the last day of his Holter monitor. If it shows nothing, they want to implant a monitor into his chest. We were both a little blindsided by this. He has no symptoms of A-fib. Never has had them. He does not want the implant. Since I believe the A-fib was caused by his serious dehydration, by the fact that his kidneys were not functioning properly, by the fact that he had a shot of steroids just hours before he just sort of fell apart, I cannot, in good conscience, talk him into it. That is a decision for him to make and I will back him up on that. I guess we'll wait and see. 

We are supposed to be getting another snow storm today. The last one was on Monday, and it caused some real problems. Downed trees and power outages. It had not started this morning, so school was not called off, something a bit disappointing to William. It has been a gray day today, and the snow has begun once again. It is supposed to snow all through the night and into tomorrow. We're waiting to see about that, too. 


  1. Sheesh. Spring can't come soon enough....

  2. Sit tight and get through it all xx

  3. Seriously? They want to implant a monitor now? Well, see what it says and go on from there. So sorry you have a bad cold. I'm feeling better from whatever it is I have and even worked outside for a little while this afternoon and feel better for it. Now it is thundering all around us, great cracks of it and then rumblings that go on and on. We sure could use a good rain.

  4. All of the waiting can wear you down. Hope Tim gets good news and you both feel better soon.

  5. On the face of it, I can't see why Tim would need an implanted monitor but perhaps there is profit motive behind the suggestion.

  6. Last week I thought I had a bad cold, runny nose, cough and felt bad all over. took as covid test and it was positive, called the doctor, she called in a couple of meds. One was 40 pills in 5 days. I guess they worked, it lasted about 5 days and I started feeling better. Now I am just tired and coughing a lot.

  7. I do hope that you get better soon. Did Tim's cough go away?

  8. I don't understand the reasoning for a monitor. I once had an A-fib situation in a hospital, and they hollered for a syringe of whatever fixes it on the spot (I forget the name), it came and was administered and my heart beat OK again. The doc and the interns stood over me discussing the reasons it had occurred and there was no talk of a monitor or an implant.

  9. Yes, let's do an invasive procedure cos we can.

  10. We had snow and then rain, and then snow and then much of it melted, and now they are threatening this will carry on into next week. We were expecting spring to unroll - not winter coming back with a bang!

    Sorry you have a cold - a bit of a cold seems to have lots of bells on it these days and knock us all for six.

    A bit of a shock about the implant. Have they given you reasons? Surely if it's showing nothing, there's nothing to worry about?

  11. You sent me to checking our forecast. It’s good enough here with day temps rising above freezing. That’s about all we can hope for early in March. Good luck on the wealth front.

    1. I meant ‘health’ but ‘wealth’ is ok too. 🥸

  12. I guess I would be in favor of the implant if it helped figure out what went wrong to begin with. A bit of dehydration and a steroid shot should cause heart and stroke issues. They were probably just triggers from a bigger underlying problem. But I wouldn't force it on my spouse if they were opposed to it either. I guess I would just make sure they understand the risks of doing nothing and perhaps ending up worse off later down the road due to an undiagnosed issue.

  13. There are all kinds of wearable one lead monitors on the market. None of them require the use of a scalpel.

  14. Wow! I didn't even know about monitors being implanted. That sounds spooky. I guess I'd just want to get a second opinion.


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 William's here for the weekend, which is nice. (His parents are going to a childfree wedding.) He wanted to see a movie very badly. It ...