Friday, May 3, 2024

Sunny Days.

 William's here for the weekend, which is nice. (His parents are going to a childfree wedding.) He wanted to see a movie very badly. It is 'The Giver'. He'd read the book and loved it so much. So, we found the movie and paid to rent it via Apple TV. He watched it raptly, talking all the way through it. "Watch this part. It's important!!!!" Never mind the fact that I was sitting right there on the couch watching the movie. He didn't want me to miss a bit of it. 

When the movie was over, he asked, "So what did you think?" and I admitted that it was a good movie. "The book was better," he said. "The book was full of details that were not in the movie. I liked the movie, but I loved the book. I want to get it." 


I'm the kind of grandma who lives for moments like that. 

I traipsed off to Better World Books and found it. Out of curiosity, I looked for a sequel and there was a book that featured the two main charactors from the book. 'Son' was added to my shopping cart as well. Summer is coming, and this will hopefully provide an alternative to screen time.

I made an appointment to get my hair cut today. My stylist broke the news that she's having a hip replacement and will be out for the most of the summer. Zoiks! The summer of the scraggly gray haired woman! We're all getting old. 

We worked on the house today and Tim was quite pleased with our progress. I think the greatest part is that as we work, we are emptying the stockpiled supplies in the house. For the first time, we can really get a feel for the space. I need to get pictures. Today, I actually set my camera bag out. I also actually forgot it. 

It was a gorgeous day here, in the 80s. On the way back, I decided to pretend that I did not look like a grubby woman. To heck with what people thought (it wasn't like I was wearing $800 jeans that made me look like I wet myself!) I had Tim drop me off and I had a nice walk home. I enjoyed the flowers. Every day, the mountains get a little greener as the trees leaf out. We really do live in a pretty little town. It's easy not to notice when you're driving. Walking allows me to appreciate that fact.

I planted some blue morning glories in an old wheelbarrow at the new build using my own compost from last year.  (Channeling my inner 'Northsider'!) I have three pots of batchlor buttons started. I planted some columbine in seed trays. It was fun to spend some time outside in the sun. I wanted to soak it all up while I can. They are calling for 9 days of rain starting tonight. 

Don't tell Tim. We have another cat showing up to be fed. 

So that was today.


  1. I've heard getting teenage boys to read books for pleasure is very difficult, so that's a good story to hear.

    It's hard when your favourite anything goes out of business or stops working for whatever reason, perhaps a hairdresser the most.

    1. There are so many things to catch a teenager's eye. Gaming, electronics, television, friends. Books don't rank nearly as high as I wish that they did.

  2. It's fabulous that William is so excited about that book. Uuuummm... I just put a Hold on it at the library for Art. He might enjoy reading it. You are the BEST grandma!

    How funny that you are the third person I know who is worried about their hairdresser being unavailable. I know you'll look great no matter how long your hair is.

    1. You are too kind. I can tell you for a fact that I won't! Let me know what Art thinks!

  3. I generally prefer to walk wherever I can. You get to notice the small things... and burn off calories too!

    1. I do enjoy walking. When we get decent weather, it is a pleasant thing to just get out there and walk.

  4. It sounds like William will soon be ready for a trip to the library. I'll not be needing a hairdresser soon as my new chemotherapy-inspired look takes shape!

    1. William has a library card, and we live a short five blocks from the library. I'd like to see him use it more. So many people in our blogging community are really struggling right now. I hope treatment goes well for you, John. I took a walk with my grandson today and was identifying the wildflowers as we went along. I thought of you and your walks.

  5. It's good to hear that William enjoys reading and that he has a grandma who listens and acts on what she hears!
    Another visitor to the cat buffet - word's getting around.

  6. My son and I loved The Giver! I don't really do nostalgia, it's a trap, yet I will allow myself to think back fondly to the days when my son wanted me to read to him at night before bed. The very last books that we read were the Harry Potter series, and I don't think we got to the last book before he decided he was too old for that. Oh no! Another cat! They must have a system like the hobos of old, some sort of hieroglyphics etched into the trees, saying "Nice person here with food!" I hate that I feel this way, but if my hairdresser couldn't be available for a long period of time, I would die. I get this short, gray hair cut every 3 weeks! May the force be with you.

    1. My youngest daughter grew up with Harry Potter. Quite oddly, the books sort of coincided with her age when they came out. She devoured the first one in 3rd or 4th grade. By the time that the last book came out, we were doing the midnight releases. By the time that the last movie came out, she drove to see it with her friends.

  7. I had to chuckle at the one more cat line. The books are always better than the movie. I'll have to look for that book.

    1. Let me know what you think. Meryl Streep was in the movie. I wondered that I'd never heard of it at the time it came out.

  8. I loved Lois Lowry's books - my favorite is "Number the Stars". I am glad that William likes "The Giver" and hope he continues reading her books.
    I cut my own hair using an electric clipper. I keep my hair short and so it is not too difficult for me to do myself with the attachments that come with the clipper.

    1. You know, I got that book for William but for whatever reason, he felt that was a 'girl's book'.

  9. Columbines are my favorite flower. Once upon a time, I had some planted at our previous house and enjoyed their beauty for years until we moved. For some reason, I never have planted any here but should.

    1. I love them too. I had them when we lived in the country. I wanted them again.

  10. Good for William .He is starting to understand that books get adapted and altered for films.
    Hmm... could be the summer for chic long grey haired women?

    1. I don't know that I could ever be referred to as 'chic'. But I'll have some long grey hair before it is said and done with.

  11. I always enjoy the posts with William, you two have a relationship that reminds me so much of myself and my grandma (who passed in 1997 and I still think of everyday).

    1. He's much more grown up now. His relationship with Grandma is not so important as it used to be, but this weekend has been a special one.

  12. What a wonderful story about The Giver! I wonder if Owen has read it. I'll have to check and see. August has truly begun reading and spends hours with his nose in a book which doesn't please his little brother who wants to play. Bless the readers!
    I really do want to see some pictures of your house.

  13. Your description of William describes the steps on his journey of maturity.

  14. What a special moment with William, I am sure it was a day that neither you or he will forget!

    1. I really enjoyed myself. It's been an awfully nice weekend with him. It felt like old times!

  15. How wonderful is your relationship with William! I encountered The Giver when it was on my granddaughter's high school reading list. To me, in my late 60's or early 70's, the main idea was shocking and unforgettable. I am so surprised that a boy William's age would be so taken with it! Usually I feel that movies don't do justice to books. Am looking forward to photos!

    1. William is growing up Rose, and it is quite natural that he should be developing new interests. Grandma is not as important as she once was. But today, on the way back home from errands, I had Tim drop me off on the bike trail about 2.5 miles from home to get my steps in. Surprisingly, William wanted to join me. We walked and talked and it was beautiful.

  16. Apparently The Giver is actually part of a quartet, for even more reading pleasure!

    1. There are four books that sort of fit the theme, the post-apocalyptic dystopian new world, and they can be bought as a set but only 'Son' features Jonah and Gabriel from the book he read. If he reads the book I bought him, I'm not at all adverse to buying 'Messanger' and 'Gathering Blue'.

  17. It seems like I have seen the movie of "The Giver" on TV! Reading a synopsis of the book gives me flashbacks of the movie!

    1. It's a pretty 'old' movie by William's standards. It is 10 years old.

  18. Wonderful that William is so discerning between his books and the scree plays. Thanks for getting him the sequels.

    1. Hopefully he will be enthralled enough by the book he's read to start something new.

  19. That is a good book. Now I want to see the movie. Has he read Hatchet by Gary Paulsen? It might not be his style though if he like fantasy. Hatchet is about a boy flying across Canada and the pilot has a heart attack. The boy survives the crash, and the hatchet becomes key to survival. Great story.
    I bet is is pretty where you are. I really like that area around Erie. And the park, can't think of the name, along the lake.

  20. Yes. We read Hatchet when he was in elementary school. I used to read to him every night. He enjoyed that book very much.


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The Social Whirl

 Last night, we went to a baseball game to watch one of Tim's grandsons play. He's pretty young for the game, but even at his age, y...