Saturday, March 11, 2023


 I'm kicking that cold. Better yet, nobody else seems to be coming down with it. 

Tim has been wanting to do something since he saw it advertised. There is a restaurant called 'Red's Best Pancakes'. It is only open for two months during maple syrup season, only on weekends, and only from 9-2. The draw is that they serve nothing but pancakes, sausage, applesauce with coffee and orange juice. No menus needed. The maple syrup is made in a big barn out back and it is brought to your table warm. Tim really really wanted to go. Today was the day. So we drove about 40 minutes. 

It is a big log cabin and it looks for all the world like one of the lodges you'd see in the Adirondacks. There was a big fire place going, and pancakes were being turned out at an amazing rate. The long griddles had a pourer and a flipper because they were such huge pieces of equipment that the pourer would not have time to finish pouring and do the flipping. 

Tim had already walked inside. I took a minute to read the sign on the door. They only took cash or check. I can't tell you the last time I saw a sign that read like that. I followed Tim inside where he and William were talking to the hostess already. "Tim," I said, "Do you have cash, because they don't take debit." He looked as surprised as I was. I told the girl, "We'll go back to town, and get some cash and we'll be right back." She smiled sweetly and said, "Come in and sit down. Have breakfast and then you can run into town and get money and come back." 

I felt like we'd stepped into a time warp. 

The place was packed and yet once seated, we had breakfasts within five minutes. The other thing? All you can eat. The record is 50 pancakes, in case you're curious. The current record holder was going to stop at 48, but the staff talked him into eating two more to become the champion. No records were broken today. Tim and I both had three pancakes and William had two. That did us just fine. 

Once we were finished eating, Tim went to the middle aged woman at the register and explained that we did not know that it was cash only, and that we would be right back. She said, "Oh, I can tell. I know you'll be back." And she was right. 

Speaking of 'retro', 

William got Season One of  'Stranger Things' for his birthday.

For anyone not familiar with the series, it takes place in the 1980s, and they pay a lot of attention to detail in putting it together, the games they play, the music, the bikes, the clothes. 

I was amused to see that the DVDs come in what looks to be a VHS case, appropriately scuffed and worn looking. It fooled me, alright. 

After we had breakfast, we passed the Corry Walmart on the way home. Tim wanted to stop in. 

He got a good deal on a deer rifle once and is always hopeful to get another good deal.

As long as we were there, I checked the clearance section as well. I heard a little gasp from William, and the pleading began. He had found a genuineStranger Things Demogorgon Hunting Flashlight. He wanted it in the very worst way. He begged, he pleaded. He had the money at home. He hadn't brought his wallet, but could we please, please PLEASE front him the money for this. Tim and I looked at it and said, "My gosh. This looks exactly like any old Ray-o-vac flashlight that we ever had struffed in a drawer while we were growing up." 

Not so. William was quick to point out the morse code around the screw on cap of the light. It was EXACTLY the one used on his very favorite show. Tim said, "If you want it, you can buy it, and pay me when you get home. To me he said, "When he loses interest in it, I'll have another perfectly good flashlight." 

Once home, I finished three loads of laundry and folded everything. In between loads, looking at my cell phone, I saw that Jurassic Quest was coming to The Erie BayFront Arena. You've seen them, the animatronic dinosaurs that roar and walk. It's quite a set up, something that you travel at your own pace and will take a couple hours to see. It will only be there for Easter weekend. I looked at the ticket prices and Tim and I had a quiet discussion. It would be a good Easter gift. We went on line and bought the tickets. 

It's a lot more retro than Stranger Things but when we told William, he was thrilled. 

We had a quiet supper. We finally had the jar of hotdogs that Mattie and Levi sent home with us. They were delicious. William and I watched 'Slumberland' while Tim visited slumberland on the couch. We both enjoyed it. I made a prediction very early on in the show and William explained at great length why I was wrong. As the story worked on, my theory was proven correct. William stared at me with real awe, and said, "Are you psychic?" 

It was a gray day, but it was a happy one. 


  1. Replies
    1. Pancakes for breakfast is an awfully good start.

  2. Pancakes and maple syrup to die for. I like pancakes to begin with.

    1. I'm not a huge fan, but the warm maple syrup made them just perfect.

  3. What a lovely day - great to see a photo of you both too. I can remember walking to Woolston (about 2 miles from home) when I was a kid and seeing the horsey jigsaw of my dreams in the toy shop window. I just HAD to have it. It cost 2 shillings and 6 pence in old money. I ran most of the way home and back again with my savings and the JOY. I still have it, but not the box any more. I hope William gets good use from his flashlight for a long time.

    1. Oh, no! That is not a photo of Tim and I. I just wanted to show what the inside of the restaurant looks like. I never even thought of the possibility that someone would think it was us. I changed it. I should have spent a bit more time looking around. I found one that is a better depiction of the inside of the place and allows for no mistaken identities.

  4. I refreshing that they only accepted cash and cheques.

    1. Isn't that just amazing? And to be invited to eat now, pay later? How crazy is that? Such a cheerful place.

  5. Seems like things are looking up for you.
    I can't imagine eating 50 pancakes!!

    1. I can't imagine anything that I would eat 50 of, to be honest. 3 pancakes was just right. The maple syrup was so good.

  6. Replies
    1. So very nice. Nothing earth shattering. Just pleasant.

  7. It does sound like a most wonderful day

    1. Perfect. Has Josie gotten the Stranger Things bug there?

    2. we watch very limited television here (by choice) so although I have heard of it, haven't seen it.

  8. That payment thing is definitely a throwback. I maybe write tow cheques a year, if that. Ours takes credit. Good thing since there is no town nearby.

    We have watched Stranger Things because grandson does, but it is really weird.

    1. It is very weird. It was the first thing I ever binge watched on Netflix, years back. Season 1. I wasn't interested in going any further with it. That might change now that William is all about it.

  9. That sounds like a great day. I'd love to try that pancake restaurant! It's so great that they let you eat and then sort out the payment. That flashlight DOES look like the ones we had casually strewn around our house, in junk drawers and in the garage, none of which worked. :)

    1. HA!!!! I forgot about the 'not working' part. Ours always sort of worked until such a time as they were actually needed to work though. Usually the cause was corroded/dead batteries, which was always peculiar because they really weren't used all that much, really. They just lay quietly in a drawer, the life slowly draining from their steel bodies.

  10. That pancake affair sounded very like pancake breakfast fundraisers held around here by the fire and police auxiliaries, the schools, and the like, all in conjunction with the syrup running season. They generally begin when the syrup begins running, early February, and end in March or the first week of April, when the run ends. You would be trusted for the money here, too. Oh, and the fire trucks and emergency vehicles are emptied from the stations to make room for pancake eaters. Kids can climb up and play fireman, under the supervision of a real fireman.

    1. It is nice to experience wholesomeness isn't it? Our volunteer fire Department bought a family restaurant to raise money.

  11. What a cool restaurant! Linda in Kansas

    1. It really is. It seats 85, and they were quite busy while we were there. They said their averate is 300 breakfasts every weekend for the two months they are opened.

  12. Perhaps because it is rural or that the population is poor, but we have quite a few restaurants that won't accept credit or debit, only cash or check. Fortunately, we don't eat out often so I don't have to replenish the cash in my wallet all that often. They are about the only things I spend cash on these days.

    I liked Stranger Things but though Season One was the best of them all. I thought it was over after Season Three but then Season Four came out. I have since read somewhere that there will be a final Season Five come out a year or two from now. Maybe it will end with a bang.

    1. LOL. Let me know, won't you? I'll take a miss on it.

  13. I watched all of Stranger Things and really liked it. It was scary, tho, and I always thought "why would you walk in there" when they were going into another scary situation!

    1. I cannot say I liked it, really. It was one of those things that intrigued me enough that I had to see it through. However, it did NOT intrigue me enough that I was willing to 'walk in there' for the subsequent seasons! What you said, Sistah!


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