Saturday, February 18, 2023


 And today William is 12. 

We spent a great amount of time in the attic yesterday, going through boxes. He and his auntie were skyping. Out of the blue, Cara suddenly remembered that she had a Playstation 1 tucked away with her college things. 

(She has a lot of college things.)

William was agog at the thought. He's also afraid of the attic. You have to understand that I was having a pretty pleasant day moving furniture and scrubbing the wide white baseboards when he came flying down stairs to beg me, urgently, to help him find a box that contained this magical device. 

I said I couldn't and I finished scrubbing, and then, well...I could. I had no excuses left. So up to the third floor I went and then ducked through the attic door. Cara was giving me directions through William's tablet. The console was not where she thought it was. (Of COURSE...) There began a methodical search, from box to box. William lost interest and went back to his room to continue talking to his aunt. I moved from the back of the attic forward looking through one box after another. 

After some diligence on my part, the console was found and pulled out along with a bunch of cords and boxes that I could not identify. William eventually heard me calling him and came back to the attic door. He snatched the console up with great excitement. Cara gave me a few instructions on where the games might be. I toiled on alone in the dark attic with my spotlight, gathering slivers in the seat of my pants as I slid across the floor from the back of the attic to the front of the low attic. I finally found those games right there in plain sight in a bin right next to the door. 

I carried them down to William's room where he was hooking everything up with his aunt's help. A mighty cheer went up. I was sent upstairs one more time to look for the memory card, a quick find. It was in the bin where the games were. 

She and William gabbled on with great excitement. They both were quite enthusiastic. William was showing her the back of his television. She was telling him what to hook up where. William was so excited his hands shook.

I stood there dirty, disheveled, slivers, no make up. I looked at Cara and said, "I hate you right now. With a fiery hate." She laughed and laughed. 

It was then that I remembered my hair appointment. I went as I was because I was 15 minutes late. 


  1. Happy Birthday to William! What an exciting find for him. You'll have to drag him away from those games, I'll bet. :)

    What did the hairdresser say? Ha!

  2. Happy 12th Birthday, William!
    Brava to you and auntie Cara!!!

  3. What a mighty grandma to search and find the PlayStation.

  4. I was wondering when the word mortified would be coming in, hope you made that hair appointment! And a big happy birthday to your grandson, William sounds like a pretty great kid. 🙂

  5. Happy birthday William. At least it gave the hairdresser something to work with - she would derive a great satisfaction from the before to after shots! Jeanie

  6. You set that up again. You’re good at that.

  7. I don't know but I imagine old tech products like that might have some value, beyond the entertainment. Well done Grandma.

  8. Oh- you get the Grandmother Prize today without a doubt! Good work!

  9. Well done, good and faithful Grandma!

  10. It's kinda interesting to see what the youngsters think is cool that we older folks used to play with. My son "borrowed" my Beatles CD and I haven't seen it since. Not bad for a kid 35 years old. My niece loves Barry Manilow and recently saw him in concert. She will now inherit my vinyl Manilow records when I exit. Linda in Kansas

  11. My son has "childhood" tattooed on his arm in the Nintendo font. I hope William gets lots of fun from the playstation. Happy birthday to him and Grandmother of the year to you. No more skyping with Auntie Cara though. Heaven only knows what you'll be asked to search for next time.

  12. I wonder what other treasures you have up there waiting to be found!

  13. Hurray for you! You certainly came through for William today! He's so lucky to have you! :)

  14. My kids would probably react the same because we limit any electronics to weekends only. But I have found when we have dug out old video game consoles, much older than Playstation 1, they loose interest pretty quickly as they are quite tame graphically compared to modern consoles.

  15. You are the #1 Grandma of all time. My kids never got any video games. I remember my son telling me he would grow up with no manual dexterity. Riiight...


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