Saturday, January 7, 2023

Sofa, so good.

 Today, we got up and went shopping for a sofa. We knew we wanted something to coordinate with the loveseat. That's it. The bar was set pretty low there and we figured we would be done with it and on our way home in no time. 

We walked into the first store. A helpful woman rushed up to ask us what we were looking for. 

"A sofa," we answered. 

She began to ask questions about the style. "Right now, we're just browsing to see what you have. We'll know if you've got what we want as soon as we see it."

She laughed and said, "Let me know if you have any questions." 

We walked through the displays and we both stopped dead in our tracks. As I live and breathe, there was our sofa. It was offered in the same color as the loveseat. It had the same cushions. We sat down on it and it was comfortable. We both looked at each other and said, "This will work." 

Tim wanted to look around though  Our ever over-helpful woman came right back up to us to tell us that they had a special credit offer going on, 12 months, no interest. We thanked her and told her that we don't do credit. 

About that time, Tim found a couch that he really, really liked. It had power recliners. "Sit on this," he said. It was very comfortable. Being the practical one, I pointed out that it didn't at all match what we had. 

"So?" he asked. I pointed out to him that really I had a 'thing' about matching furniture. He got up and walked around it. "I like it," he said. 


I walked away from him for a minute. I saw an evidently high position employee walk out of the office and make a hand motion to the ever over-helpful woman, indicating my husband and directing her that way. 

Things like that annoy me. We were browsing. We always shop around. We made that clear during the first conversation and I hate feeling pressured. I walked out to the car. 

Eventually, Tim realized I wasn't there and he came out too. We discussed it in the car on the way to the next store. Tim is very concerned about taxes this year. We are retired now and we don't know how that is all going to shake out. We discussed whether we should be spending a big chunk of money right now. 

At the next store, we did find a nice set that I thought was very comfortable. So did Tim. It was also being closed out and so it was a very good deal. We could get both the couch and loveseat at those prices. We debated on the color, but as it turned out, they only had the loveseat in one color, the couch in another. They did not match.

We had a bite to eat while we pondered the whole thing. 

After lunch, we had one more store to go to. Raymour and Flannigan was priced way out of our league. As Tim said, "They've got comparable furniture at the first store, and we can get it there at half the price." 

"Well," I said, "sounds like we know which store we're buying from." 

We sat in the car and discussed it for a while. I said, "I guess my take on it is that I know you really loved the other couch. If you get that, know we'll have a second expenditure in a couple months, because I'm going to really want something that matches: either a couple reliners, or a loveseat. I also know you're worried about taxes." 

Tim said, "Well, two recliners would be a lot pricier than the loveseat."

I said, "I'd be happy with a loveseat. But I like my furniture to match. Or...we could just get the first sofa we looked at. It will match with what we've already got. We won't have to worry about replacing the loveseat any time soon, and if we do decide to go in and replace the whole outfit with your dream outfit, we can do that next year."

He thought about it. "The first couch does tick all the boxes, doesn't it?" 

"Will you be disappointed if you don't get the other couch?" 

"No," he said. "The first couch is a good price, it's comfortable, and I like the idea of being able to hold off on replacing the loveseat. It's the practical thing." 

I said it again. "We can revisit the idea of switching out to the set you like next year without feeling like we're breaking the bank." 

I could tell that he liked that idea. I think he was also getting tired of looking at furniture. 

When we walked back in the door, the ever over-helpful woman rushed up to us and we told her what we'd decided. 

"You decided not to get the power recliner?" she said in a disappointed way. 

Late Edit: I did not realize that the term 'loveseat' would be an unfamiliar word. It simply means a smaller couch that is meant to seat two. 


  1. LOL. Oh gosh, you messed up the saleslady's day! Linda in Kansas

  2. I like how you two dealt with the problem, rationally.

  3. I hate hopping and I've written several posts on how I hate shopping.

    1. I don't hate it, but I can think of several things that I'd rather do instead of it. But we do love thrift shopping. We can go nuts there.

  4. My husband never likes anything I choose.......just to be contrary I think! Now off to look up what a " loveseat" is.

    1. It is interesting to me that now that we are older, Tim really does enjoy making careful choices about the things we bring into the house. I think part of it is that so many times our choices have been limited to what we can afford. Now that we are older and our kids are grown and educated, we have a wider selection.

  5. I can understand Tim's longing. Men are impressed by tech and anything that is mechanical. On Boxing Day I realised what a cool three seat couch Ex Sis in Law has. With just two people, the centre folds down to reveal a table with drink holders, USB ports and reading lamps above respective shoulders. A couple of rocker switches controlled the foot rest and back tilt.

    But they are so poor, sometimes we have to pay their way, even though we just have comfortable lounge chairs and basic couch.

    1. Oh, Andrew. I'm quite sure that Tim will wind up with his sofa. When we are puzzling about what to get each other for next Christmas, we'll probably get a new livingroom. It's just that making a purchase of $550 made a lot more sense than spending $1600 at this point in time.

  6. Aah, ok, they seem to be a quite wide chair that 2 people could sit on cosily! I only know a loveseat as a garden seat that faces 2 different ways, which wouldn't make sense in a home!

    1. Thanks Francis, I only knew loveseat as a garden seat! It took us years to find a high backed sofa to replace our existing ones and then one day when shopping for a carpet we found one that was just right.

    2. Yes. A love seat in a smaller couch that seats two. Our livingroom fits a loveseat on one wall, a sofa on a second, and across the way, there is a rocking chair.

  7. That's the trouble with buying furniture - glad you finally got what you wanted - could we have a photo - I don;t know what a loveseat is.

    1. The sofa will be delivered at the end of the month.

  8. Oh I hate shopping for furniture.. we've been looking for the perfect sofas for two years and I've realised that the perfect ones for me are the ones we already have!

    1. Lucky it is one of those things that we don't have to do often.

  9. I can't stand shopping for big ticket items like that. The salespeople drive me out of my mind. And then I start to feel sorry for them because who wants so spend their days trying to get people to buy furniture they may or may not really want in a giant showroom with no windows? They never have windows. Or not nearly enough. So then I'm angry AND I'm feeling guilty for feeling angry and THIS IS WHY I DON'T SHOP FOR FURNITURE! Add in the fact that my husband's taste and my own are completely different and it's a wonder we don't sit on cement blocks.

    1. It's been probably close to ten years since we bought that set. Quite honestly, the kitchen set is probably 25 years old, but still solid. The bedroom sets are all a hundred years old or more. One is a set made at the factory that my grandfather worked at all his life. Another is a massive victorian set with a marble topped dresser. The other is a four poster from the 1920s, that I bought while I was still in the army. It has a highboy, a mirrored dresser and a vanity. We never have trouble deciding on those. We both fall in love with them right away. What is amazing about that, really, is that when Tim and I married, he had a thing about antiques. He hated them. He didn't want them in his house. He grew up with other people's castoffs. He took pride in his modern furniture, his black lacquer bedroom outfit and his sleek leather couch. Then I come along with my antique bedroom set. It didn't take him long to begin to appreciate 'the good stuff' and the craftsmanship that you don't see in today's furniture.

  10. You'll have to send a photo when you get the new sofa home. I am glad you chose the first sofa - I think the more complicated the sofa with reclining parts and all, the more chance it will need repair.

    1. Oh, I imagine that our lives will be much more complicated next year. Tim is really taken with that other set. He liked the style and he liked the mechanics.

  11. Well, I'm glad you both came to a mutually satisfactory conclusion! It sounds like the sensible decision. I'm with you on clingy salespeople. Argh!

    1. I felt bad for her, because watching the exchange between her and the other woman who came darting out of the office, I had a notion that it was a hard job, She knew we wanted to be left to discuss, but she had a boss she had to please.

  12. As is often the case your conclusion surprised me — in a good way.

    1. That we ended up buying the very first couch we looked at? I always have a good laugh at us

  13. Furniture shopping ranks right up there with amputation and tooth extraction in my book. You also hit upon my wife's secret weapon. Wear me out by looking at options and by the end of the day, I am agreeable to just about anything as long as it means getting to go home!

    1. Lol. Hey....i have been gun shopping with this man.

  14. If you ever decide to go back to work, I recommend the State Department. If you can negotiate with a husband like that, you can negotiate with foreign governments.

  15. Nah. He is generally not a hardliner and there was no talk of nuclear weapons.

  16. Lucky you! We’ve been talking about new sofas for aaaages, but whenever we finally make it to a store, we can’t agree/decide.. and vow to keep searching… which usually doesn’t happen until about 3 years later😵😂Enjoy your new sofa!!😄xo Ricki

    1. Furniture is a tough decision, because if you make a bad choice, you're stuck with it for a while. I made a bad choice once. I haven't quite gotten over it.

  17. I hope I never have to shop for furniture again. Choosing a mattress though, I think is the worst. Gee... I call it a loveseat too.


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