Monday, November 29, 2021

Frugalista Note

 We were walking through the toy section of Walmart. I saw something that I knew that William would really, REALLY get excited about. It was a good price, and so it wound up in our cart in pretty short order. I suggested that we get one for another one of the boys. 

Tim made a noncommital noise. He is an exasperating person to Christmas shop with. I suggested he make a phone call. 

He left his phone at home. Of course, I don't have the number. 

I made grumpy noises as I finished up and we left the store. It just seems to me that he could be a bit more proactive about getting ideas at Christmas time. 

When I got home, I reached out on facebook, and in fairly short order, I had the Christmas idea list. One boy would love the thing that I got for William. The other wanted something pretty badly as well. By then, Tim was heavily involved in a football game. We had just gotten home. I didn't want to go back out so I went to the Walmart website. They offer free shipping, so...why not? It would save a trip back to a crowded store. Except the toy that I'd just paid $20 for at the store was $42 online, much to my surprise. The other gift was $5 more online than the price I'd been quoted from the store. 

Faced with the decision between paying $72 dollars for toys that I could get for $45 if I went back to the store, I resolutely put my coat on and went back out. 

At that price difference, they surely should be offering free shipping. 


  1. Oh, how odd - we have the opposite price differential here. Jane saw a lovely down-filled coat the other day but even at discount, it was a bit expensive. But when we looked online it was £65 cheaper, and you could even collect in the store - seemed silly to me... why undercut your own store? So we bought it online and it arrived today by post.

  2. Husbands and Christmas shopping never work. I leave mine at home. Or shop on-line but understand not wanting to pay that much. Daylight robbery.

  3. Strange. There's no accounting for some things. I mean the prices, not the man, although ... 😜

  4. You're a braver soul than I, going to Walmart during the holidays!!!

  5. There is no such thing as free shipping, some one pays for it and that is why it is included in the price. It is an illusion and a scam when "free" shipping is offered.

  6. I would have gone back to the store too. I think it is vague shopping that gets at men. They are fine when they know what they want. They will march up and just buy it.

  7. Hmmm interesting pricing switcheroos. Mr. Tim shouldn't be almost grumpy....he got his big boy truck, of which you aren't totally expected to understand why the recent replacement parts. Just a bigger Tonka Toy, eh? Give him a gift certificate to It's a wonderful spot for all kinds of excellent replacement parts. I got many things from there, inside mechanical parts and exterior pieces. Linda in Kansas

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  9. Re sparklingmerlot's comment, my wife leaves her husband home too.

    I'm surprised by the online vs store price difference.

  10. Very odd price difference! Well done for getting back to the store. If nothing else you are part of the physical store's footfall, so keeping it and the staff going.

    Presents are hard work! Finding a suitable something for everyone is not easy.

    Pirate hates shopping, period! The pandemic has been a reason for him to do even less for himself. I can't say that I am keen on crowds and is it for you?

  11. I am ashamed to admit that I would have most likely plumped for the more expensive online option so that I didn't have to go back to the shop.
    I would definitely not want my husband with me when shopping for gifts. That would not be an enjoyable experience!

  12. I wasn't buying a Christmas present for Tim. His main gift was bought last summer. I lied more in a week than I have in a year trying to get that all done and dusted without him realizing. I think it worked out kind of well, because he keeps giving me gift ideas, and then acting confused when I don't act on them.

    It wasn't that big of a deal to run back to the store. It was late, and the crowds were light. We bought experiences for the kids as their main presents. William got drum lessons for a year. Tim's grandsons and my grandaughter got Kiwi a Kiwi Box subscription which has already started arriving. My grand daughter is getting a kick out of them. But I just needed something for them under the tree.

    Linda, we have a collection of Rock Auto magnets on the fridge already.

    Andrew, Tim always knows what he wants. It's just that he's got a family that I don't really know, so every year he doesn't know what to get them, which doesn't help me.

  13. This sort of post makes me wish I was still driving.

  14. We have naturally divided things up labor wise in our household and one of my responsibilities has always been Christmas shopping for the kids. I do mine 100% online. I would rather have all my teeth knocked out with a hammer and no anesthesia than to venture into Walmart this time of year.

    By the way, both of my girls got a Kiwi Box subscription this year. Unfortunately only one box has arrived thus far and the other is fumbling through the mail system still. I'm hoping it arrives yet before Christmas.

  15. You did the right thing. I always ask the price of everything before buying it.

  16. I've had it go both ways so I'm a little careful now about what I buy on-line. If it's advertised "free shipping" it sometimes means that they've bumped up the price so that it's actually more expensive than it would be in a store.

  17. My grand daughter is enjoying her first package a great deal. The kits for the older kids looked very cool. I will bet your girls enjoy them.

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  20. That rather surprised me. I usually expect to be able to get things for the same price or cheaper on line because there is so much competition. When you are in the store it's an impulse buy with no comparisons possible.

  21. I was on the store website, which was probably the first mistake. If I'd have checked out different websites from different venders, it probably would have been even more eye opening. What I have learned from this experience is not to always compare. You cannot automatically assume on line is cheaper. Usually, but not always.

  22. Wow. I guess that's how they're making their money -- online. I'd have gone out too!


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