Thursday, August 12, 2021

Grandma's Tripping

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGESTTTTTTTT work day everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. But, I made it. (I skipped out on the two hours of overtime and left at regular time. I have a load of laundry in the washer, and when that is dried, the suitcase will be packed. William has the back seat all loaded up with his entertainment for the trip: the portable DVD player, two books, a tablet, and an entire bag of snacks. 

I've got the gifts all packed up and the Iris bag that she has begun to look for as soon as I get there. It has activities and books and clothes and things that I pick up for her and add to the bag as I see them between visits. I've got her tea party picnic basket all packed and ready to go. Her birthday gifts are wrapped and ready too. 

Her mama commented, "Boy, is she ever excited for you to get here!" 

Can there be anything more wonderful than that? 

I will be able to hug both my grandchildren at the same time, for a whole weekend. 

I'm sort of glad that I slept so poorly last night. It just about guarantees that I will fall asleep quickly tonight. 


  1. Have fun! And have a safe trip. :)

  2. I have not seen myy great grand daughter since the start o covid - \i know how you feel. Do have a lovely time.

  3. Haha, you're in for a tiring time but enjoy those precious years while you can and they are young enough.

  4. I am sure you will all have a wonderful time together. Looking forward to hearing all about it.

  5. Grandchildren are great! Have a wonderful time!

  6. OH Grandma's a-coming down the road
    Grandma! Grandma!
    She's got a big black hat and a small pet toad
    Grandma! Grandma!
    And there's a cauldron in her trunk
    She's been drinking gin so she's blind drunk
    And on the way she ran over a skunk
    Oh Grandma is on her way!

  7. Yay, Debby! I'm so envious for you. I hope you got excellent sleep.


I'm glad you're here!

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