Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A Story Of A Car.

 Some of you might remember that at the beginning of summer, Tim purchased a new to him Suburu Outback to replace our other car which had developed transmission problems. A couple weeks later, I was headed to my son's house to baby sit my granddaughters for the weekend while their parents went to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers. 

(side note: I do not believe that my granddaughters' parents see nearly enough weekend concerts. I had fun. They had fun. The girls had fun...there really was not a downside.)

Anyway, Tim insisted that I drive the new car because he thought (for whatever reason) that it was more roadworthy that my own trusty car, which had never given me a hint of problems. I finally gave in, because the man will push. 

In the end, it was a lucky thing because I got a call. A fellow from Pittsburgh had run the red light. William was in the car and gasped, "Grandpa!" as Tim was pulling into the intersection. He slammed on the brakes, but the front end of my car was neatly ripped off. Tim was so calm that I didn't believe him, initially, but I could hear William gabbling in the background. He was very excited and picked up a piece of my broken car as a souvenir. 

It was witnessed, and there was no doubt that the other guy (who was driving his brother's car) was at fault, but still it took like a month to get it all sorted. They totaled out my car. It's a 16 year old car, and based on its bluebook value, getting it repaired would cost more than it was worth. We received a check, but Tim is a mechanic, among his many other talents. He bought the car from the insurance company for $400, and went right to work. RockAuto had all the parts he needed and so for less than $1000, he had everything he needed, and he began to patiently put the car together again. 

The end result: 

It needed a special inspection to be declared sound enough to be driven on the road again, and we had quite a bit going on, so that kind of got put off for a while but we dropped it off last week. It passed. We jumped through the necessary hoops and today after a flurry of mad dashes, we made it back to the inspection station with all the necessary paperwork they needed to put the new sticker on it, about 15 minutes the place closed for Thanksgiving. 

I have my familiar, trusty car back and it is road ready, so that was exciting. 

Also exciting was that while Tim was running an errand this morning, he dropped me off at a thrift store. I found a puzzle for our Amish Christmas, and a book of horses to go with little David's Breyer horse. That baby adores horses. I also saw this:

Isn't that the most adorable thing? The tiny pink polka dots, the appliqued roses and ballet shoes. It won't fit my youngest granddaughter this winter, but it will be perfect next winter. Now my oldest granddaughter loves ballet, taking lessons twice a week. The youngest? Who knows. She's a fearless little thing, and when provoked, she will growl in frustration. Her father says, "She's that girl who will walk around with a brick in her purse," which makes me laugh every time that I think of it. 

So...she may well not be at all interested in ballet. She may end up passionate about karate, for all I know. But I fell completely in love with that little corduroy jumper. Being that I'm a grandma with no self control, it left the store with me. Along with a tiniest bangle bracelet with an etched floral design for the oldest granddaughter, a tee shirt made out of the dryweave material that William swears by, and the puzzle and the book for the Amish Christmas. 

I was pretty excited about my $5 adventure. 

We worked at the new house today. Well...not really the house. Tim's installing heat for the kittens in the garage. We have a large carpet that we used to both cover the cold concrete floor, but also nailed it to the board wall to block drafts. At the rehab there were, believe it or not, two damaged Coleman coolers, one in the attic, another in the garage.  We cut entrances in them with a sawzall, and tucked a blanket in each one of them, so that the kittens will have a well insulated nest. Once the heater is running on low, that will make a cozy place for them. 

So that was our project today. We'll finish it tomorrow, and those cats will be glad of it. They sure did not like all the noise today. 

So, yeah, that is exciting too. 

I listened to the video from the city council meeting on Monday, and the council unanimously voted to make a payout to us for the sewage debacle last spring. 

So, that's exciting too, although we have no word on when that check will actually be cut. 

I have to tell you though, my biggest excitement, I can't even tell you about. It should be here the first week of December. It is the perfect thing and I'm ridiculously excited to give it for Christmas. I can't wait.

There is another bit of excitement that I know of, but cannot tell of, because it is a gift to us from my daughter and son-in-law, and Tim does not know yet. That is their job to tell him. 


  1. Replies
    1. I sure do feel like it. I hope you are doing okay batching it for a week.

  2. Wow - what a full post! First I am so glad no one was injured in the car accident. That was such a close call. And how wonderful your husband was able to repair the car, too.
    You are one of the best thrift shoppers I know. That jumper is beyond adorable. I have run out of little baby girls to shop for and it is hard. So much is available and it's all so cute.
    I'm glad the kitties will be warm this winter.
    And I can't wait to hear about the surprise gift!!

    1. E-mail sent. I can't keep a woman in the middle of a bathroom remodel in suspense!

  3. Hooray! New again car! I love RockAuto for parts. Your kitties might need to be caught and spayed, or you'll need to build a condo of coolers. Or, did you already do that? I need you as a guide for thrifty shopping. Linda in Kansas

    1. Oh, I know that they will need to be neutered. I need to set up an appointment for them, but it will take months. The vets in town do not want to care for ferals. When my sister got her three garage cats neutered, the appointment was made nearly a year away.

  4. I think us oldies over sixty, could do with some rock gigs Debby? I know I could.

    1. Oh, yes, we could Dave, yes we could. *wink*

  5. Ha, another little moment of puzzlement from our shared language differences 😄 Here, a jumper is what you would call a sweater. I did look twice at your photo of the dress before Googling! It is so pretty. I would definitely have bought it too.

    1. You know that did occur to me to explain. Unfortunately, it didn't occur while I was actually typing the post.

  6. It is a happy thing, picking out presents that will just suit.
    Well done Tim on mending the car.
    Your cats have moved in properly before you!!

    Red Hot Chilli Peppers yay!!!..now look for Red Hot Chilli Pipers 😎❤️

    1. Welp, now gz, you've sent me off on another shop...William is learning to play bagpipes. I will introduce him to a reason to keep on.

    2. He will be inspired by them!

  7. Everything sounds so exciting. It must be so nice to have your own car back. Like JayCee, I am puzzled by a word and it means 'saws all'. A handy tool I think. 'Coleman cooler' is what we call an Esky here, a brand name that became generic. Were you mentioned by name at the council meeting? I bet the gift from your daughter and your son in law involves travel.

    1. Oh yes. By name. They had to keep correcting the minutes because they were referring to me as Cynthia, for whatever reason, and it was so carefully worded. During some city work, some reconstruction work, a pipe was somehow damaged and in an effort 'to assist us with the costs of the repairs,' etc. etc. As if this were being done as an act of generosity. But no matter how they word it, we'll take that check. Just makes me laugh.

  8. Well everything is coming under control and the kittens are going to have a luxury home to live in. Must be good to have your own car back.

    1. Not really a luxury home. Just a warm one. An old 9 x 12 carpet tacked to the board wall, going down and across the wall. The top half flopped over the coolers to make a little warm cave for them. It makes me laugh that Tim is so worried that they might be cold.

  9. All is going well in your world at last. Your clever husband has brought your car back from the dead, and you've provided (more) shelter and comfort for the kittens. The little dress is adorable - I would have bought it, too.
    The 'sewage' money will be a welcome thing, too.

    1. It feels very nice to suddenly have a great many 'loose ends' finally tie themselves together.

  10. The car looks terrific! And I would have bought that pretty little dress too. You couldn't leave the store without it.

    1. The absolute truth, Ms. Moon. I could not leave the store without it.

  11. Your husband is an incredibly handy man! The car looks like new.

    Your thrift stores are much better than ours. I'm almost done my Christmas shopping but don't feel Christmassy this year, same as most years:) At least I get to make cookies, I always enjoy that, both the making and the eating.

    1. I am about the pickiest thrift store shopper EVER, Pixie. I spend a lot of time looking, and often don't find anything worth buying. Other times, it's a gold mine.

  12. You had a lot of news to share and then you left us hanging with surprises to come...! Since it is Thanksgiving tomorrow, I am thinking about all of things I have to be thankful for, and I want you to know that your blog is one of the things I am thankful for! You have so much news and so many activities to share. I always look forward to your posts. Thank you, Debby! xo

    1. Oh Ellen! What a very nice thing to say. I enjoy my little space in blog land, and I enjoy all the people that I've 'met'. We really do have an awfully nice blogging community. Sorry for the anonymous replies. Blogger will not allow me to sign in today.

  13. Car accidents can get complicated in a hurry. Repair costs are unbelievable so good for Tim to repair the car.

    1. I am lucky. He has save us a fortune through the years.

  14. Happy Thanksgiving! Speaking of gifts, I received 2 packages of magnetic hematite this week to play with cousins and great nephews after family dinners this week. When the packages arrived, I wondered if your blog post may have caused a flurry of orders with the vendor!
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

    1. That is great! Let me know what they think of it.

  15. I'm glad you've already found some Christmas gifts to be excited about! I haven't gotten that far myself. Bravo to Tim for so capably fixing the car -- I remember you saying he'd bought it back -- and yay for the payment from the city! Everything is going your way!

    1. Not to sound like a pessimist...but for right now...at this moment...things are going our way.

  16. A couple of happy endings! The car looks great and as far as the city goes: About freaking time! Clever solution for the kittens. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Oh happy day on the pay out. Persistence pays off, I'm sure they were hoping they could out wait you. The dress is absolutely adorable, excellent find. Sounds like things are good in your neck of the woods.

  18. I did wonder - I thought "maybe she is talking about a jumper that she didn't do a photo of"! Good news on the car - we had not so good car things happen yesterday. I should have worded my husband application form better.

  19. I left a comment earlier today, did I end up in spam, or did I fat finger it? :) In any case, congrats on getting your car back (good work, Tim!) and your triumph over the city.

    1. Such a relief to be done with that city stuff.

  20. I love the story about your car! And all the good stuff you found at the thrift store!!Now I’m excited to hear about your secrets…I’m betting a new grandbaby is on the horizon😍Have a lovely Thanksgiving..xo, Rigmor

  21. So glad that reimbursement is coming through.

    1. Me too. Just want to stop chipping away at that.

  22. Kay of Musings:I can’t get over all the treasures you find at the thrift store. Thank goodness Tim is such a talented mechanic among all his other talents.


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