Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The day before...

 The terrible winds that were predicted to move in about 10 am got here after lunch, and it was blustery and gustery out. (I know it is not a word.) Tim had an appointment. He wanted to run up and check on his truck. He saw a clock that he had fallen in love with, so he needed to take care of those things. No matter WHAT the weather was. 

In any case, the wind held off until he was safely back home, so that was a good thing. 

I got the Christmas tree down and packed away for another year, so that was my big achievement for the day. 

Well, that, and one other thing. A while back, I realized that I was missing a pair of earrings, and not just any earrings, but my favorite earrings with the blue opals. I looked in my travel bag, and they were not there. I checked my suitcase. They were not there. 

Last night, after months, after the assumption that I'd done something monumentally stupid, (my fear was that they had been forgotten in a purse that I donated), I found them. When I emptied out the pockets of that suitcase, I was pulling out the left over rubble of trips gone by. A couple packages of masks, Bits of paper and ticket stubs, and travel packets of aspirin. Also, way down in the corner, a pair of blue opal earrings. That made my day. 

I'm still not sure how they got in the suitcase pocket. My earrings go in a little pouch that clips inside a different bag with all my toiletries and the like. Stuff you don't put in a suitcase because sure as anything, you'll have something leaking everywhere. So...they are not supposed to be there, yet they were. Here's me, not looking a gift horse in the mouth. 

Anyways, that was a happy ending to the day. It's always a good thing to find out that you're not as stupid/careless/absentminded as you are afraid you might be. 

Today is a getting ready day. One last load of laundry. Vacuuming and setting the house to rights.  I'm also assembling a lasagna so that Tim won't starve while I'm gone. 

...and this is me getting to it. Have a good weekend everyone. 

LATE EDIT: I just have to tell you this little snippet. I'm headed there to give my son a hand for the weekend while his wife is away. When my oldest granddaughter was told that I was coming, she was extremely excited at the news. She asked her father if he could go away somewhere too so that she could have her own weekend with Grandma. 


  1. Such a relief when things turn up....they wait until you have stopped looking purposefully for them....

    1. The strangest thing, Gz? when I started pulling things out of that suitcase, I knew I would find them there...and they've been missing so long that I haven't thought of them for quite some time.

  2. Enjoy your trip! I'm glad you found the earrings.

    1. I will enjoy the trip. I'm quite excited about it.

  3. Always a joy to find something you have lost.

    1. Sure is. It will be a happy day when I find my mind, but I lost that some time back and have almost given up hope.

  4. I've lost a pair of earrings too but cannot find them at all. Glad that you found yours.

    Have a wonderful visit with your grandkids:)

    1. Maybe I will check that suitcase again. Yours might be in there.

  5. When our grandbabies were born, and we went to visit my daughter in law always had plans for the day. She just told me a few things and said have fun. It was the best gift to give a grand parent. We were in Florida and they in Seattle. What fun now they are military in S. Korea and Missouri.
    but still call their Gram with I love you.

    1. My granddaughter has decided she wants to be an artist when she grows up so that she doesn't have to go to college and she can live at home with mom and dad forever. She's a happy little girl, and so is her long as you don't interrupt her regularly scheduled life. The youngest is not a fan of change.

  6. Safe, lots of rain, storms and wind.

    1. Thank you for checking in, Ellie. Sounds like there is another storm on the way. Hope it does not hit near you.

  7. Ah, sweet granddaughter.
    You can wear your blue opal earrings on this visit.

    1. She is a sweetie. I can't wait to get there. Tomorrow by 2 PM, I should be pulling up front of their house.

  8. Nothing better than Gramma time! What a sweet story. I know you will both enjoy your weekend!
    I had a similar moment with a brand new pair of glasses several years ago. We had gone on vacation (that's the hint). When I got home, I couldn't find my new glasses anywhere. I had an 18 month old and a 2 year old grandson and they did like to put things in the trash. I searched high and low and all I could figure was a trash bag went out without being inspected. They were pretty expensive and I was reduced to wearing the old prescription. We don't travel much, but - when I got out my suitcase, there were my glasses - NO CASE- in the pocket. I remembered. I needed my prescription sunglasses, carefully put the new glasses in the pocket assuming I would remove them the minute I returned to the driveway. And here I was, blaming babies.

  9. I'm glad you found your earrings. It's so frustrating when things disappear. Enjoy your time away:-)

  10. At least in my world, the sure fire way to find a long lost item is to simply buy a replacement and then when I go to store it long term, whatever place I chose will be where I find the long lost item and I will now have two. Probably wouldn't have worked for earrings but it works for the majority of what I have. Case in point, I was sure I had a partial can of paint but couldn't find it. Bought a brand new gallon of paint and used it. Upon finishing, went to put it somewhere. I have a shelf of partial paint cans in our basement storage room but I knew I would be needing this can in a few days so I went to sit it by the pile of flooring I am installing in the basement... right next to the missing partial gallon of paint.

    1. Not sure it works for earrings - Debby had two already.

    2. Ed, you made me laugh. It is true for Tim and his tools, for sure. The most recent thing was electrical tape. He could not find his electrical tape. He was sure he had electrical tape. He bought a roll. Suddenly we have three rolls of electrical tape and we have no idea how that happened.

  11. So glad you found your earrings. My opals with a tiny pair of diamond chips are my favorite earrings...also because they have gold studs which don't tend to irritate my ears. But long ago I lost the matching pendant. I gave up after weeks of hunting...and the bad news is, no find. My new opal pendant is in white gold, which doesn't really match. It was a gift however, so gratitude there. Now need more earrings I guess to match! Have fun being nana!

    1. Oh, I will enjoy every minute of it. I also rarely get time with my son, so that will be special too.

  12. Awww... Debby. That is just the sweetest thing. I LOVE it!

    1. See the reply to Graham below to put this into perspective...

  13. Oh, by the way. Funny you should write about your earrings. I tore the house upside down a few months ago trying to find the UV tester I'd bought to test my glasses. I dropped something behind my desk this morning and lo and behold, THERE was the UV tester. Sheesh!

    1. Oh Kay, if I ever stopped to take inventory of the things I lose...

  14. Replies
    1. Well, Graham, you have to bear in mind that the last time that I was there, we played Elena for hours. (If you do not know who Elena of Avalar is, count your blessings, sir). She explained that she was having an awful time keeping Shuriki away because her scepter of light was just a pretend one. We looked on line and found the scepter of light of her dreams and I told her that I would order it for her just as soon as I got home. She was so excited. That night at supper, she looked at me with great affection and said, "I can't wait for you to go home." Which came as a bit of a shock to people not in the know.

  15. There is something special about the relationship between us and our grandkids, especially when they are young.

    1. It is something that never fails to catch my heart. I'm a lucky grandmother.

  16. Lol, granddaughter wants lots of spoiling without any intervention from her father.
    Great news about the earrings, a feel good moment.

  17. Glad you found the earrings. I felt your pain. Have a good weekend.

    1. The last time that I lost my favorite earrings, I only lost one. I looked high and low, sure that it would turn up. After months, I acknowledged that sad truth, threw the lone earring out...and then almost immediately, found the lost earring between the seat and console of my car. Great wailing and gnashing of teeth on that one.

  18. Glad you found your favorite earrings and have a wonderful time with your son and his family. Safe travels.

  19. Hooray for the found earrings, Debby! Safe travels on your trip to your granddaughter. How sweet that she wants time alone with you! Enjoy!

  20. Love that the granddaughter wanted you all to herself! Linda in Kansas

  21. Enjoy your granddaughter and the trip.

  22. I had a similar experience with a pair of earrings that were handcrafted, and for which I paid way more than I usually do. I finally found them by accident, inside the lining of my suitcase! They had been lost several times before, so this last time I decided they were not for me to own, and gave thrnmm to a daughter-in-law who loved them.

  23. I hope you’re having the best time with your granddaughters!🥰xo, Rigmor


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