Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Accountants, Dough and Brunch.

 We had an accountant that we were quite happy with for a few years. He suddenly went into business with another accounting firm a couple years ago. Other than that, nothing really changed until we got a letter saying that he was retiring and turning over all of his accounts to his new business associates. 

We didn't like that much. It seemed like a bit of a flamboozle, but there is not a lot of choice in this town, and so we went with the flow. 

Tax day here is April 15th. Taxes need to be filed by then. Ours were not, but we were assured that a letter had been sent for an extension and we would be okay. We've never filed our taxes late, not ever, so this was another thing that we did not like very much but at that point, we felt that there was not a lot we could do. 

Tim called to ask when they thought they would finish up with our taxes, and they indicated it would not take long. He told them they needed to change their phone numbers on file because we had dropped our landline. He provided both our cell phone numbers and they said that they would call us when the taxes were ready.

Tim checked in with them a few times over the next few months, but the taxes were not done. Finally, in July, he went in person to see just what was going on. They said they'd been trying to get hold of us for a very long time. We don't quite believe that, because Tim was touching base with them fairly regularly. Also, we live about five blocks away from them. But, it seems the problem was that they were calling our landline. 

We really were not happy about this. 

Our taxes are quite complicated. We break our expenditures down and tot them all up on the computers, and print everything out to make it easier, but still...I can't do our taxes. I wouldn't even try. Neither would Tim. We discussed changing everything over to a new accountant, but we do not know anyone else. 

Today, we got a bill from them, which surprised us. They had been paid. The final $200 payment had been made on December 5th. Our balance should have been zero. The new bill did not reflect the final payment. Tim took the bill along with our bank information. They had been given the check on December 5th and cashed that check on December 7th. 

"Hmmmmm...." they said. But the billing person was not working today, and so they took copies of everything and promised to look into it.

I really think we need to look for a new accountant. 

On another note, I got a message from a friend wanting to know if we could do lunch. Our 'third' was not able to make it, due to a work situation that required her to stay in office, but when my friend asked if we could do it the following day, I kind of had an idea that she might be struggling too. 

"Cabin fever? Sure. Let's do tomorrow." 

We are kind of in the same boat. About the same time that Tim had surgery, her husband had a bad fall. We both got through weeks of restrictions and therapy, and taking care of our fellas. Understand that neither one of us are complaining. It's just a bit of a thankless job sometimes when you are dealing with a grumpy patient, and you're trying to be patient.

We had our meals and talked quietly. She said, "I try so hard to be sweet..." and I said, "and unfortunately, you don't get any credit at all for being sweet when you don't feel sweet at all..." and we laughed together, understanding perfectly. 

I said, "The thing that I know for a fact is that I need to step back from it a bit. I feel sometimes that I've slipped into a 'mother' role with Tim. I know he gets tired of it, and I try not to, but..." 

I shared the story about Tasker's post on the Pythagorean theorem, and the proof of it, and how I'd spent the previous evening playing around with that, just fascinated with the simple logic of it. How on earth had I gone 66 years without seeing what 'a squared + b squared = c squared' actually represented? All I knew is that it worked. 

I puzzled along with that like a hungry dog gnawing on a bone, captivated with the logic of the proof, and I realized that I needed something for my mind to chew on and digest on a more regular basis. I also needed interaction with other people.  When I went to bed that night, I'd made up my mind to ask Beth if she still went to her monthly book club.

Turns out she did, and while she didn't understand the Pythagorean Theorem, she did understand the need to keep a brain occupied and the need to escape the house every now and again.

I said, "Well, maybe you could go to the next meeting and bring my name up and see if they would mind me joining the group." 

She was a bit surprised by that and suggested that I just show up. "Nobody will care."

I said that I thought it would be a courtesy to ask first, because I know that one person can really change up a group dynamic, and since this was a successful group, I didn't want to offend.

Long story short. Who should walk in but the unofficial leader of the group! She was meeting another group of people. 

They're meeting February 15th and the book is Independence Square by Martin Cruz Smith. While it does not look like the sort of book that I'd normally be interested in, I'll sit down and get it read. After all, that is the point of a book stretch yourself a bit. 

When we were paying our bill to leave, I saw a display of chai cookies. I love chai tea. I commented to the cashier, "Chai makes those cookies sound healthy. I'm a big believer in eating healthy, and so I'm going to take two of those cookies, one for me, and one for my friend." 

Turns out she tells herself the same lie.

She turned to get two styrofoam boxes and I said, "Oh, no. Don't do that. Just wrap them in a napkin. I think that healthy food needs to be eaten on the drive home," and Beth agreed immediately. 

The cashier laughed. "Man, I love you guys!" 

The cookies tasted as good as the giggling felt.

I found an amazing pizza dough recipe today. I made a pan pizza using my trusty cast iron fry pan. I'd never done it that way before. I topped it with the spaghetti sauce left over from last night's supper, which was thick with sausage, peppers and onions. I added a layer of pepperoni and topped it with the obligatory mozzarella. It turned out great.  I even have a ball of dough and enough of that spaghetti sauce in the freezer to do another pizza later on.


  1. What a great lunch with your friend. It sounds like what you both needed. Have fun with the book club! Now your accountant and taxes - that story makes my head explode. We had an issue with the preparer of our simple taxes. I get audited for his error! And it was in my favor. But the stress did me in. We have a new guy who worked with my on the audit and we have had not problems since. The new guy is young . . . but maybe that is a good thing.

  2. Yep, get a new tax person, and make sure they're a CPA. That's a really bad group! No wonder your original guy retired from them! No telling what they did to short him from his pay. Linda in Kansas

  3. Not good news about the accountants..right hand and left not communicating, while you were doing your best.

    I hear you about meeting friends and keeping ones mind working...

  4. It sounds as if you're making progress this new year. It's good to take on challenges. The pizza sounds very tasty.

  5. You really do to change accountant. I would doubt they are submitting the right figures.
    Thanks for the mention. I got extra hits today. The other night I was imagining putting a 4-sized square into a 5, then cutting up a 3-sized into 3 strips and fitting them in the 5-sized around the 4, and it works! The third strip needs to be split into 3 if you can see it.

  6. Maybe you could find an online accountant who you really need to see in person. You say your taxes are complicated but for an experienced accountant, they could be done online in a flash.

    It's nice to connect with someone on your own level. She sounds like a proper friend.

    Tasker's post did my head in, like my maths teacher at school did but I did understand Pythagoras's Theory, the sum of a triangle equals.....whatever.

  7. Love the Calvin and Hobbes cartoon! I'd definitely be shopping around for new accountants, yeesh. Money is too important to leave it to sloppy people. Having girlfriends is the sweetness to my life! And getting out of the house to be with them, doing anything is like medicine for my soul.

  8. Great to hear about pizza, not so great the accountants! Glad you have a friend to talk about being care-givers...and definitely eat healthy cookies!

  9. I'm glad you got out and about as it sounds like you really needed it.
    I do my own taxes but I don't have the rental properties like you do. It does sound like you need a new accounting firm. Can you ask people who trust for a recommendation?

  10. I used to use accountants too but never liked the feeling of not being in control, or more accurately, being in the dark. I just gave them my forms and figures, they punched it into their computer software and then spun the monitor around to show me how much I owed. Finally one year, they doubled the price of their services, a fact I didn't know until they spun the monitor around. I went home immediately and bought tax software for my computer and did my own taxes and came out with the exact same numbers. I learned a lot about what drove my tax bill and best of all, the subsequent years were a fraction of the cost. I still continue to learn every year, more ways to minimize my taxes by understanding better how my actions affect them. Completing my taxes is no longer a scary idea and best of all, I'm in complete control.

    I discovered cast iron pizzas about a decade ago. I have a hard time doing it any other way, mostly because with cast iron, I can put as many topping on as i want and it doesn't decrease my chances of getting it into the oven intact! My two cast iron pans for pizza making are well seasoned and probably get used about three times a month if not more.

  11. I always do our taxes, but they're relatively simple -- no rental properties, no medical expenses, etc. I do think your instincts are right, that you need a new accountant. It's pretty sad when they can't even handle their own bookkeeping!

    Good for you, finding new ways to stimulate your mind!

  12. I think that Ed may have the solution to your tax problems- get the software and do it yourself. That group doesn't seem to know their elbow from an asshole. If you'll excuse my language.
    What a great lunch you had! Oh god. Sometimes we just HAVE to be able to share hearts with someone who knows and understands what we may be going through. Lovely. And if the book group sounds good to you- go for it. I sort of got asked to join one once and the book they were reading was so horrible that I just never responded. I know they can't all be that way, though.

  13. I am a member of AARP and they give me a list of places that I can trust to get my taxes done, of course mine are much simpler than yours would be. I was 79 yesterday so not much new goes on in my life.

  14. The tax situation is worrying. The accountants sound to be very incompetent. They've caused a lot of stress and worry,

  15. I am thinking that there is no accounting for accountants. 😊

    Women and book clubs seem like a thing. It appears that men don't do this. My former DiL told me that we need book clubs for straight, sensitive old men.

  16. Joining a book club was one of the best things I ever did. It got my out of my comfort zone (both reading and being around people) and totally expanded my horizons.

    1. It got "me" not "my". 🙄 There's a tab on my blog that shows everything our group has read over the years.

  17. On the Pythagorean theorem--my freshman class at college, a very classical college, where I think we'd all had Geometry in high school" I think most we amazed that the theorem worked in real like. One young woman even embroidered the diagram on the back of her jean jacket.

  18. You need a new accountant, if that firm cannot keep track of your phone numbers nor properly credit payments you make to them it's time to move on.

  19. I'd love to know your pizza dough recipe! My husband does our taxes with a cd from a well known company.

  20. Oh gosh... Taxes. Sigh... We were going to change accountants this year, but just haven't figured out who to change to.

  21. We are using an accountant that we met after we first moved here (Nashua, NH) several years ago. He's affiliated with a major CPA firm in town. Originally, the accountant lived here as well, but now lives in Maine and the information is sent to him then the completed forms sent to the firm and then get to us. There was an issue a couple of years ago that wasn't our fault, but a mistake, which took a few months to resolve but thankfully resulted in an IRS refund. The local firm was helpful in providing needed info. There was not a repeat issue.

    Some told us we should find another firm, easier said than done. Still others said we could consider doing our own taxes, but like yourself we think that could lead to further and perhaps more serious mistakes.

    On more pleasant matters, I have a very large cast iron pizza pan and enjoy using if for pizza making. Thanks for your recipe which I may give a try the next time.


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Getting Things Done

 Today was a banner day in a lot of ways.  We have a roof that was partially replaced on a rental. The bad side required immediate attention...