Friday, January 19, 2024


This made me laugh. On the last evening that I was at my son's, we ordered out for Chinese. I drove out to pick it up.

When I walked into the restaurant, the woman behind the counter was screaming her head off in rapid-fire Chinese to a grim faced man who continued working on. He said nothing, and he did not look at the screaming woman. 

This did not stop for some time. There was a young family waiting for their order. There was a lone man sitting in a booth waiting as well,. and we all exchanged incredulous looks. I mean, this woman was mad. It was hard not to feel sorry for the man.

The screaming went on for some time until the phone rang, and she snatched it up in an irritated way. When she spoke, we were all surprised to hear her speaking in totally unaccented English, in a soft pleasant voice. It was so unexpected, The other customers' faces mirrored the surprise that I felt. I nearly laughed out loud at the unexpectedness of it.

This was just sweetness. I hope little Xavier gets his wish. I hope he grows up to be the fastest kid in the world.


  1. Sounds like they have a pretty interesting relationship! Whew!

  2. Unaccented English? Wow! That's amazing! I'm feeling sorry for the poor guy. I wonder what he did. I saw that video before and loved it.

  3. That is so sweet. I hope Xavier always has the support of friends.

  4. Interesting. I have only ever heard accented English.

  5. I would find it difficult to trust a person like that.

  6. You gotta wonder what that guy did to unleash such fury!

  7. I bet working for that woman is a dream! Oh wait. I meant...nightmare.
    Xavier may already be the fastest kid in the world! What a joy that little film is.

  8. A private but full blast conversation 😳

  9. To my American ear, all of the Asian languages sound angry all of the time.

  10. My grandson wants to meet Xavier. He loved the video.

  11. Hoo boy, wonder what that poor man did. I think I would not go back to that restaurant. I cannot stand such rude behavior. She obviously thought very little of her customers.

  12. I just loved the Xavier story. Endeavour such as that deserves rewaring.

    1. Wasn't it sweet? I love the bus driver's attitude too.

  13. To everyone who wondered:

    No. 1: Was she really angry or was it just the way Chinese sounds. Nope. That woman was mad. It wasn't just the words, it was the body language and gestures.

    No. 2: Why was she mad? I'm not sure, but I noticed that he was packing bags for deliveries. He was leaving at the same time that I was, and I let him go first.

    No. 3: I have never heard a Chinese speaking person speak without an accent. That shocked me as much as anything. I had so many questions.

    No. 4: The place is on the other side of the state. I don't see me going back there.

  14. What a gem of a bus driver.


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