Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Happy Days

Just to be clear, the reason that I had a five hour drive to my appointment yesterday is that I was at my son's house, spending time with him and my granddaughters while mama had a well earned weekend spent with her brothers. There was a concert they all wanted to see, a band called 'Buffalo'. I'd never heard of them, but she comes from a family of real music lovers, and it is a band that they all knew and enjoyed. 

It feels as if I've missed such a big part of the girls' lives. The oldest is five. Along came covid. That was a year and a half lost. We got past that, finally. The youngest is a year and a half old. There was a family situation that put the kibosh on visiting for a few months. We finally all got through that, and then along came Tim's terrible, horrible, no good very bad year.

Long story short, when I get a chance to spend time with those girls, I savor every minute of it. I got there Thursday afternoon. The oldest had school Friday, which gave the youngest and I time to get reacquainted. We had just seen each other in early October when my daughter flew in from the UK for a couple weeks. She's a pretty sociable character. She's not talking yet, but the girl makes herself understood. 

She loves to eat. Her parents have never used baby foods. The kids eat what they eat, mostly. Here's something that makes me laugh everytime I think of it. That girl loves pickles, which is not so odd, I guess, but she will get into the corner 'lazy-susan' cupboard. She knows what she is looking for and when she finds it, she pulls the bottle of balsamic vinegar out, and follows her parents around begging. Initially, they thought to give her a little taste to let her figure out on her own that she didn't like it. But...she does. Very much. They will pour a bit on one of her baby spoons and she will grab on with both hands and pop it in her mouth with gusto, smacking her lips in appreciation. She also will eat a lemon slice right down to the rind. Have you ever heard of such a thing? 

The five year old is imaginative. She loves crafts and drawing, and books. I'd brought along a friendship bracelet kit and we made friendship bracelets for her and her best friend. We had a movie night and a 'sleep over' (which means she slept in my room instead of her own bed.) We played mermaids. I got to see how well she can ride her bike. She's a determined little thing and pedaled all the way to the top of the hill by herself. She was much too fast for me. My son jogged along after her with the baby stroller. I followed along behind them at a distance, walking briskly, but not keeping up. At one point, she got off her bike and walked back to make sure that I didn't get lost on the way back to her house. 

We intended to go to the Philadelphia zoo. We bought them a year's membership last year for the girls 5th and 1st birthdays, which were just a few days apart. Disappointingly, we found that the zoo closes down for two weeks in January for maintenance. 

That called for a change of plans. Tim and I had gotten them a birdfeeder for Christmas and a $50 gift card to Tractor Supply for the seed and suet, so we decided to get everything that they needed to set that up. A local TNR had set up with three kittens they were trying to find homes for, which was great fun for the girls. They cannot have a cat because they have a dog named Izzy who will not tolerate that indignity, but the girls enjoyed their time with the cats.

It was a quiet weekend, and we didn't do anything but make memories. I rarely have time with my son Dylan, so that was special too. There's something soul satisfying about realizing that the boy you raised has become a good man who loves his family. It was nice to have time to simply talk with him. 

That's all I needed, really. Time. 

It was good to get away from home for a while. I feel as if I've been pretty homebound for a long time. 

Tim has another appointment tomorrow. an hour and a half away. The temperature is supposed to be -11f tomorrow, which is -24c. The old house is cold, even with the wood stove going full bore. I baked a batch of molasses cookies just to have an excuse to have the oven heating the kitchen. William spent the day with us and made a batch of chocolate chips. 

So that's it, really. Nothing earthshattering, but happy days. 


  1. What a wonderful "sleepover". My favorite thing in the world is making memories with grandchildren. They grow so fast (our oldest will be sixteen by next month). What fun activities! I can just see what a hit the kittens would be. I can't think of a more special way to spend a weekend.

  2. Sounds like lovely time. Might mention to the little girl's pediatrician about her love for lemons and vinegar. It's a tad unusual; not sure if it means anything else or a lab deficiency. Linda in Kansas

  3. What a wonderful time to have with your grand children, mine are all grown up now and live away and visits are phone calls!

  4. I always found it a shock to realise I couldn't keep up with the children.
    Covid messed up so many families, one way and another so it was good that you could do some catching up. It's very rewarding to see one's own children grown and responsible.

  5. Even before Covid we found it difficult to keep up with both sets of grandchildren..his and hers so to speak. You are doing so well to get to know them. Pirate's three are all adults now and not that interested.
    Mine are two days drive away...and no space to stay with them.

    You definitely are getting cold! -14C in Scotland at Dalwhinnie last night. We are in a warmer area, but still will be under freezing all day

  6. Good family times, unloads the stress from the pernickety things of life.

  7. Not anon but Thelma!

  8. What an absolutely lovely visit an a great idea for a Christmas present that will give those children pleasure (and learning) all year round. They sound lovely children and the wee one who loves Balsamic vinegar seems to have a palate for sour tastes rather than sweet ones.

    I'm baking today too - a Dorset Apple Cake for the farmers up the hill who came to help rescue Pippi on Saturday.

  9. Nutritional imbalance, malabsorption and hormonal imbalance disorder can cause kids to develop an unusual craving for vinegar and pickles etc. That is something which bears investigating.

  10. How great that you got that family time. Happy days, indeed. What is a TNR? (Trying to adopt out the kittens.)

    We're cold here too, but not THAT cold.

    1. T = trap N = neuter R = release feral cats!

  11. We were lucky to be near the grandkids while they were growing up. It's different now, like when Danica (16) shops for us and drops it off before driving away again.

  12. For a second I thought I was there visiting with you! I actually felt as if I was in the kitchen and smelt the molasses.

  13. I don't think it's that unusual for little children to love acidy foods. She'll probably grow out of it and move on to preferring sweet things one of these days.
    I'm so glad you got to spend time with those babies. The bond between grandchildren and grandparents is absolutely precious and I am sure that it has contributed much to the evolution of humans.

  14. Neither of our girls ever ate jarred or any other kind of prepared baby food either. We had a little "magic bullet" blender given to us by one of my wife's relatives and we just blended up some of whatever we were eating, sometimes lacing it with a pureed garden vegetable that we grew out back. I still have vivid memories of giving my eldest some spicy food we were eating and her face turning red but she kept eating it and wanting more.

  15. That sounds like a wonderful visit! I'm so glad for you. My oldest grandkids are 18 and 16 and I only get to see them about twice a year now. I used to see them more often and they would come here for weekend sleepovers but now they are too busy. I treasure those old memories!

  16. Sounds like a wonderful, ordinary visit. The best kind.

  17. One of my best friends has many great grands...I was glad to see 3 adult grands over Christmas, one of whom has a girlfriend. I now have time to spend with little ones, but there aren't any available in the family!

  18. My only warning about eating is lemons is what it will do to your teeth.

  19. As Kelly says, eating lemons will ruin your teeth, as a friend of mine found out when her 5 year old went to the dentist. The child's teeth were being eating away by her love of lemons. My 74 yr old neighbor says that eating lots of pickles can cause kidney problems because of the high amount of salt used in the brine. She speaks from experience.

  20. What a happy post. All good things! About the lemon, yes we have a couple granddaughters who did that. Also ate butter! They would just stick their fingers in it and scoop it up before we could stop them. All my grands love pickles, which is why I make 50 quarts a year, lol!
    Sending good vibes for Tim's appointment.

  21. My grandchildren are all adults now, and I seldom see them. On the other hand, they all (and each) will come help me. And one visits a couple times a year.

  22. Hey Deb, it might be best if the baby didn’t eat balsamic vinegar: it tends to contain lead. Example article: https://www.ehn.org/amp/special-report-some-vinegars-often-expensive-aged-balsamics-contain-a-big-dose-of-lead-2649749136. As do many baby foods, so its good the kids don’t eat that. (Don’t even ask how angry this makes me!!)

  23. Yikes! That is SUPER cold! I'm so glad you had a loving time with the grandkids. I do envy you. My grandkids live much, much too far. Two live in Sri Lanka for now and the other is in Chicago. Sigh... I'm looking forward to seeing my granddaughter in May though. Fingers crossed.


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Makes me Giggle

 I was trolling through the local for sale stuff and I saw a picture of a kitchen stove. It was a 'professional series' and it had a...