Tuesday, May 9, 2023

This and That

 Yesterday, DrumMajor commented: I think you need that old style of wall phone that's wooden, with the bell ear piece, the horn speaker and the wind up handle on the side. 


Like this, you mean? 

It hangs in our front hallway. 

Today was a better day. One of the big conveniences of UPMC is that they travel the clinic that his new doctor works from.  Their office is in Erie which is about an hour and 15 minutes from here. Not a big deal, but a trip there, an appointment, and the trip back eats up a big chunk of day, so the fact that they came here was not unwelcome news. Without much heads up, that changed. They decided not to offer that service anymore. We would have to drive to Erie. That's not a big deal for us (except for not being notified of the change), but it might be for others who struggle with transportation.

After lunch yesterday, I sat down with the phone and called the number we were given. I explained what had happened, and the woman said, "Well, we need to schedule that appointment then." Much to my surprise, she said, "Can you be here tomorrow at 11:30." (We certainly, certainly can!)

We even got a call this morning, backing things up a half hour. Because we were driving so far, they wanted us to speak with the doctor as well. So it turned out to be a minor inconvenience and like most of my frustrations, not worth losing patience over. 

On top of everything, it was a nice day for a drive. 
Today is my mother's birthday. She would have been 85. 
It is hard to believe she's been gone 12 years. 
Harder yet to believe that she was only 7 years older than me when she died. 

Yesterday was National Iris Day. My darling granddaughter is named Iris, so I made sure to pass that information to her mother right away, commenting that it really seemed as if there should be cake. 

William fell down the stairs tonight. I used to worry about that when he was little. I worried less and less as he got older. At 12, I had stopped worrying about it altogether. I was pulling an apple pie out of the oven and called upstairs to see if he wanted a slice with vanilla ice cream. 

I heard him running in the upstairs hall. The door opened  and he came clattering down the stairs. Suddenly there was a yell, followed by quite a lot of thudding. I was running from the kitchen to the hall. Tim was half way off the couch. That boy scared the wits out of both of us. 

For his part, he said, in a musing sort of way, 
"I always thought that falling down the stairs would hurt more." 


  1. Oh, I'm glad it worked out and you were able to get in today. Hope they have a good plan set up for Tim to stay healthy!

    1. Well, we'lre still in the finding out stages. The unknown is always a lot more terrifying that the known, so it is a difficult time.

  2. I'm glad William didn't hurt after falling down the stairs. I'm thinking I would have broken some bones.

    1. I meant to ask him how he was doing this morning, but I forgot.

  3. Some days are good . Some days are bad. Things turned out well for the medical part of your day.

  4. Glad to hear things all turned out well. A note to William: when you get older you'll find that falling down the stairs does hurt a lot more!

  5. Interesting access to care. Easy to get wires crossed. Hope the wooden phone works better. Warn William if he falls again, you might have to rely on that wooden phone to call for help. But, there's always Lassie. Hang in there! Linda in Kansas

    1. I'm not so sure how much help Lassie would be, since WIlliam hadn't fallen in the well.

  6. Watch out for concussion with William...
    Good that the doctor's surgery got things sorted.
    We are very fortunate to have a good medical centre in our village. It's odd that its still called a surgery, although surgery isn't done locally anywhere now!
    Our local hospital is a short drive away on the edge of town..or half an hour by bus...many bus routes do go there, really sensible. The county hospital is twenty miles away and the big cancer hospital is in Glasgow, forty miles away.

    1. he came down the stairs feet first. Can one have a concussed bum?

  7. I am glad that "all is well that ends well" with Tim's check up. Grrrrrr to the form - I used to work customer service for a government department and we were often chastised by the powers that be that we were too helpful to some clients and they should be sent through to the call centre as costs needed to be lowered.

    1. You know, it really does seem to be that way, sometimes, Ugh.

  8. I am very lucky, my Doctors office is about six blocks away and a huge Toronto hospital is about two blocks behind my house. I have not needed either for three years. I told my kids I never will move from here, so we will see. I want to age at home like Weave. I am 7 years behind her. My grandmother had one of those phones and her number was 37! Not 10 digits like today. GG

    1. Pat is certainly an inspiration, isn't she? She just keeps plugging along in her practical way, and I do admire her for that.

  9. I was also out driving a bit yesterday, but just locally looking for tulips. It was very nice here as well.

  10. Oh my gosh. William's comment made me chuckle. I'm so glad he didn't break anything.

    1. Oh my gosh. Yesterday, I dropped him off at school. As we pulled down into the drop off zone, a police car with flashing lights had another vehicle pulled over. He peered wide eyed out the window, trying to figure out which student was sitting in the passenger seat. He said, "That is like the most awesome drop off EVER!"

  11. Kids are pretty robust creatures, a lot so more than us older adults!

    I dwell a lot of my mother's death and age too. She has been gone for five and it feels like only a few weeks ago at times. In my case, reach the age at her death in 13 more years, which seems like a dreadfully short period of time.

    1. My mom was only 7 years older than me. I have out lived my father. Sobering thoughts.

  12. I remember falling down the stairs repeatedly at my grandmother's house. Fortunately kids are pretty durable. :) (I'm glad he's OK!)

    1. That racket scared the mess out of his grandparents. I thought for sure there would be damage. He was fine.

  13. I hope William continues to feel fine! Scary thing, falling down the stairs- unless you’re only 12, I guess! I hope all went well with Tim’s appointment. As for your mom’s birthday.. my mother has been gone for almost 24 years… it doesn’t seem that long ago! She was only 69🙁I’m 58 now, and I sure hope I’ll live a few more years than that! Anyway- I hope your sweet Iris had a good national Iris day!! How cool is that-a special day and it’s her name!😃For me, coming up is ‘Annual Iris Envy Season’ - so many incredibly gorgeous irises everywhere!😅Sending good wishes.. Ricki in NY

  14. Thanks Ricki. Funny thing. Iris has a baby sister named Ruby. National Ruby Day is September 17th! It is a sobering thing, when you start looking at ages. I have to tell you, I felt quite superstious in my 63 year. That's how old my father was when he died.


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