Monday, March 27, 2023

Cooped Up.

What strange and ominous weather we had yesterday. The winds were strong, gusts up to 60 miles per hour, and they cointinued unabated all day. At one point, the house grew darker and darker, until it was quite at the point of switching on lights. Tim had just left to get me an onion for the cream of potato soup I was assembling to use up the balance of a ham slice. Suddenly there was a long, long rumble of thunder. I never heard anything like it in my life. It probably lasted for a full 30 seconds. 

I was watching it from the big window in the office. "Big storm coming," I thought. However, the sky began to brighten almost immediately. There was no more thunder. I never saw any lightning at all. It wasn't long and the sun was shining brilliantly, and the rain stopped. \The wind did not. 

Tim returned with the onion and we marveled about that roll of thunder as I chopped it to drop into the broth with the ham to simmer. 

It rained off and on during the day, sometimes heavily. The wind did not cease, not for a moment. I was peeling the potatoes for my soup a bit later, when I noticed it getting fiercely dark once again. Tim was in the office. I commented about the darkness to him. He was amazed by it too. Really, it was once again dark enough to switch on the light as I worked. 

It was pouring down, and once again, there was a huge rumble of thunder that went on and on. We honestly cannot ever remember hearing such a thing. It rained heavily for quite a while, but there was no more thunder. We never saw the lightning. 

It really didn't matter much to us, tucked away inside our sturdy house. One 12 year old boy was quite determined to get his school work caught up, all in one day. He did, too. Every bit of it. It took him 6 hours, but he was driven. He had a pool party to go to on Sunday and he did not want to be troubled by the specter of undone assignments. We organized his folder together so that he could hand it in on Monday. 

He was giddy with relief to have the rest of the day to do as he pleased. What to do, what to do?

We had finished reading The Sorcerer's Stone earlier in the week, and our agreement was to finish the book and then watch the corresponding movie. So, we rented our first movie from Amazon Prime and settled in to watch it.

Our soup simmered in the kitchen. 

The wind blew against the house, and intermittently, the rain pelted against the windows. 

It was an enjoyable day to ourselves. 


  1. Definitely a day to stay safely indoors!
    Well done William

    1. His determination to get it done was a relief.

    2. And the lesson that it's ok to ask for help

    3. We really tried to stress that part.

  2. A long weather front perhaps, with warm and cold air meeting and having a set-to?! Perhaps the high winds had something to do with it.

    Anyway, making soup and then watching a film sound great things to do when it's like that outside.

    1. It was a 60 degree day meeting up with a 40 degree day.

  3. Destruction in Mississippi - thank goodness not where you live

    1. I read about the storms in the south. Our wind storm was a long one. Parts of the county will not have power back until tomorrow.

  4. A sturdy house sounds like the best place to be.

    1. Yes it was. There are areas in the county still without power. We were lucky.

  5. It's nice to be snug indoors in that kind of weather. I wouldn't even want to have to go out for an onion!

  6. Rolling thunder is what we've always called it. I've noticed it seems to occur over here most often in very early spring or late fall when foliage is down and you're hearing the echo of thunder off of other nearby storm cells. A very cool phenomenon. Good for William and well done to both of you for handling the problem so well. And now I'm craving potato ham soup!

    1. It hit the spot! Best part? Everyone ate it without complaint! Thank you for the explanation. It makes perfect sense!

  7. Wait a sec. He shopped for AN onion?

  8. He did, AC. I buy them by the bag, but the last onion was well past its prime. I had not noticed. Tim was bored and chafing at the bit. I exclaimed about the onion, and off he went, glad for something to do. The store is 4 blocks away. He did drive because of the weather. He came home with one onion.

  9. Sometimes there is nothing better than feeling cozy inside while the weather outside is dramatic.

  10. I live stormy days, as long as there are no tornados involved. Those I can do without.

  11. Glad you were all safe inside with your soup and Sorcerer's Stone!

  12. You had some wild weather. It's typical of spring to have some extremes in weather , but not that weird.

  13. Debbie, that rolling thunder was here too in Canton Ohio. I just couldn't believe it was thunder so looked for heavy equipment or a bunch of trucks. Like you, no lightning. Heavy wind blasted a whole line of shingles off my roof. The winds were vicious. Glad you are all good there.

    1. Holy cow! We sustained no damage here, but there were power outages all over the county due to wind damage. Some spots are still out. I am glad someone else can attest to that thunder.

    2. And for the record, I'm 76 and I have never heard that kind of thunder before. Ever. It certainly can't be anything common. More bad weather coming this weekend. :-( Hold tight. Kris

    3. I heard that on the news. Boy oh boy....

  14. Our soup simmered in the kitchen. It sounds wonderful soup.

  15. The power of thunderstorms is just incredible. Good on William for knocking out those assignments.

    1. The fact that his motivation was intrinsic made me happy.

  16. Kudos to William for knuckling down! Sounds like a very good "stay dry inside" sort of day. Jeanie

    1. What a relief it was to see that determination.

  17. Those were quite the storms across the continent. I'm glad you got your onion!

    1. And, the worst part? They are calling for more.

  18. Yay for William! You must be so proud of him. I remember the thunderstorms in the Midwest that could make the house rattle. By the way, I did finally post the story about the cranes. :-)

    1. I did see it! I will be responding to it. I am so looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

  19. Sounds superb - especially with a bowl of that soup with some crusty bread.

  20. After reading your blog I went right into the kitchen and made cream of potato soup as I had everything even a few slices of honey ham. I blended it after cooking and it was yummy. Thanks for the idea. The weather was nasty here in Toronto too. No thunder but we had a day like that last week. GG

    1. I think everyone has had some kind of weather. Poor Mississippi. Those pictures were heartbreaking. Our weather is just inconvenient.

  21. That's an interesting thunder pattern. Glad William is on the mend with his academic patterns. Linda in Kansas

  22. Way to go, William! And good job kudos to you and Tim for empowering him to savor his own success.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis


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