Wednesday, February 15, 2023


 Tim didn't sleep much last night. The new Tim is cautious of being overtired. He's asked me to drive him to the retirement property so that he can replace the waterpump on his beloved old squarebody truck. I like that he's asking for help when he thinks he needs it. He's watching himself, so I don't need to. 


Not so much, anyway. 

Today is supposed to be 65 degrees. He has made up his mind that the waterpump must be done today. 

It doesn't need done today and I pointed that out. I am perfectly willing to drive him there. Not a problem. However, if he is tired, he will exhaust himself in the three hours there.  When he gets his job done, we will drive home and he will change into comfortable clothes, sit down on the couch and fall soundly, soundly asleep. He will sleep so soundly that when bedtime comes, he will not be tired. Once more, tomorrow morning, he will be tired. 

I pointed out that there are other 65 degree days coming, that this is just the first of them. His waterpump was bought last fall and has waited all winter. Another couple of weeks is not going to do it any harm.

It is 8:32, and William is dropped off at school. Tim is snoring from the back of the house, a good sound. He's sleeping deeply. Houdini is stretched out in front of the heater. If I look over and speak to him, he stretches
and answers in a lazy sort of way. 

Me? I've had my tomato on toast, I'm drinking coffee, reading blogs and pausing to watch the sky. A storm is coming, and the wind is moving those dark clouds across the sky. In the gaps between them, a brilliant sun breaks through. The office moves from dark to sunny, dark again, sunny again, dark once more. I watch the clouds and daydream in the silent house.


  1. I imagine, after a scary event like Tim had, that a person could feel the need to rush and get the to do list taken care of as who knows what might happen next? A person could feel a bit of panic that maybe time is shorter than they thought it might be and so they better get a move on. I think it might be a normal reaction to what Tim went through and you will all settle back into a more familiar routine as he regains his strength and confidence. Wishing you both good days and many happy years of love and adventure. xxoo

    1. Tim has always been a do-bee. It is his nature. But you are right. There is probably a big part of him that wants it all to be back to normal.

  2. Sleep is such a good thing for a body and a brain that is healing.

    1. Yes. He stayed awake all day today. He is ready for bed tonight. If he gets a solid night of sleep in, I think it will reset his days and nights.

  3. Each day brings it's challenges. However, we take on other people's challenges. We were only meant to take on our own challenges.

  4. It's great Tim wants to work on his beloved truck Debby. He's definitely on the mend.

    1. You are right. I spent my time planting raspberry canes and blueberry bushes. Did wonders for my soul as well.

  5. It doesn't sound like a good day weather wise to replace a water pump. Should it go ahead without great problems, I think Tim will feel he has proved something to himself.

    1. He's got a massive garage to work out of. It did not go without great problems. The bolts wouldn't loosen. He's back at it tomorrow with a torch. It's man vs. machine!

  6. Sometimes the convalescent stage can be tougher than the acutely unwell stage. The patient wants to see what they can do and the carer is naturally twitchy. It's a fine line between nagging and caring - in their eyes!

  7. It's great that he feels like doing things...but you are right..not yet!
    He needs to find smaller jobs first!!

    1. Oh, I didn't stop him. I discussed it with him. He compromised. He slept in and got a couple hours of good sleep. Then we went up.

  8. Sue is also keeping an eye out on me. She keeps bringing me water and demands than I drink drink drink.

  9. It is difficult to get some to slow down! Good work, on your behalf. They need the feedback!


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