Friday, January 27, 2023

Short Update

 Tim was better today, brighter, his speech was clearer and more understandable. He got some sleep, which I am sure helped a great deal.

They think he has C Diff, although the culture is not back amd so this is a hypothesis based on observation alone. His kidneys are not working well. He was pretty dehydrated. His blood pressure had the lowest numbers I've ever seen: Number ins the sixties over numbers in the forties. He has hand tremors. His feet twitch as well. 

He will be sent to a big city hospital to be assessed for neurological issues but that cannot happen until a bed opens up. This was our second day in the ER, waiting. It could be days...

I am tired. His son and I spent last night there. Tim fidgeted and grabbed at things. Unplugged things. Talked about water getting into the house. Crazy stuff. Nobody slept.

They have done a great amount of blood work on him. They are treating hims with strong antibiotics. for the white blood counts. They have him on an IV which is keeps his blood pressure numbers respectable. 

He seemed so much better today and I found myself feeling very optimistic. In my own mind, I had it worked out like so: Tim has been sick for weeks now. He is run down. He's had two rounds of antibiotics. That caused the C-diff. He began getting dehydrated, which led to the super low blood pressure. His kidney function slowed down, probably due to the dehdryation, but also not helped by the straw that broke the camel's back: That steroid shot he was given at the walk in clinic which raised his blood sugar.  Stick a fork in Tim. The guy was done.

Now you think along these lines and it allows you the comfort of thinking: Well, he's being hydrated. His BP is stabilized. His kidneys should start filling his bladder. They're treating the C-diff. The steroids should be leaving his system, which will sort out the blood sugar... It is all fixable, and look how much better he is doing! Oh. I was in a happy place for most of the day waiting in the ER for a bed in the big city. 

Tim's son went home for the day and got some sleep. This allowed me to come home tonight and sleep.. The kids have all be a great help in helping, everyone staying in touch, everyone doing their part. Friends reached out, everyone astonished that the man who never gets sick was well and truly sick.

Tim sounded more like himself. Even made a few jokes. He felt good enough to say he was ready to go home. He was with-it enough to understand that he was going to a big hospital with specialists. He was weak enough not to be able to put up much fuss about it. He recognized everyone today. His mind began to whir and click again. 


When he was repeatedly asked the orientation questions, he stated that it was 2013, every single time. He fidgeted to the point that his daughter brought some fidget toys in to keep his hands off the medical wiring. Most telling, my sister stopped in after her shift. She's a corker, that one. Tim gets a kick out of her. "Who's this?" I asked him when my sister walked in. "Anna." he said in that strange flat voice. "Who's she married to, Tim?" He stuttered a bit but got that one right as well:  "David." he said in that flat voice. He played with his fidget toys and glanced at us as we talked, but added mothing to the conversation. He didn't laugh, as he usually does. When my sister went to give him a hug goodbye, I saw his eyes grown wide. He didn't expect that and he flinched. 

Nobody ever gets away from my sister with out a hug. Everyone knows that this is a fact. Tim used to know that too. 

Watching that interation, I knew that Tim was still not at all himself. 

I need to get some sleep. The plan is to get up early and head back. Hopefully by then, we will know more about the transfer. 

They replaced the stryker frame with a hospital bed just before I came home. Tim looked a lot more comfortable as he fidgeted in bed, his eyes taking in the flickering last moments of Tyre Nichols in a calm unbothered way. 


The washer has stopped. I have laundry to toss in the dryer. I need to sleep. 


  1. C. diff and any other infection can cause delerium, especially as we age. I'm glad he's getting what he needs and has doctors and nurses looking after him, and he's letting them.

    Sending hugs and love Debby. How's William doing? Tim and him are pretty close buddies.

  2. Glad to hear he is under a doctor's care now and will have some testing and get to the route of this. It is good that the kids are helping with him and letting you get a little rest. I understand what you are going through. I am glad to hear you are thinking positive, get some rest and give Tim a hello for me.

  3. Hooray for someone looking hard at the problem. Terrible that the problem may be because of the ineffectual care thus far.

  4. Whew! Glad he's under some good doc care. Hope they can put him back together again. Whenever on antibiotics, take a PRObiotic capsule opposite the time you take an antibiotic. It helps minimize diarrhea and the evil C-diff stuff. I take one every day just to keep my innards happy. The really sharp docs (about 10% of them; I know, I worked on the floor with them;) prescribe a probiotic when they have to prescribe an antibiotic. Saves a lot of hassle on everyone's part eventually. Linda in Kansas

  5. That is sounding very positive. Make sure you look after yourself, physically and mentally.

  6. It sounds like he's making progress although it may be slower than you like. Positive news! I'm glad that everyone is supportive and that you're getting some sleep. Healthy wishes sent to Tim and hugs to you!

  7. Holy smokes, Debby! I can hardly believe all that you are going through. This is such a scary time. I'm so sorry.

  8. I don't understand what caused the coughing. So the C-diff was caused by the antibiotics? And the antibiotics were for his coughs?

  9. Thanks be for your family ((0))

  10. Well, some real positives there to work on. The C-diff may be causing the delerium - let's hope so. You must be exhausted though and William worried about Tim. A hard act to juggle, but thank heavens for family.

  11. Thank goodness he is being looked after Debby. Take care and a big hug.

  12. An exhausting and worrying time for you all. Sending a virtual hug x

  13. I'm glad things seem better, but how scary! It just shows how everything in the body interacts and making changes in one area can affect another. The brain fog is especially perplexing. Please take care of yourself and keep us posted. We're thinking of you.

  14. Only just caught up with the latest ...(hospital stay.) I hope that things will continue to improve for Tim . Such a scary time for you.

  15. It all seems to have happened so quickly so I hope the healing is speedy too.
    Take care of yourself

  16. I've been in enough similar situations to know this is about as unbearable a situation as a person can stand. Thank you for taking time to tell us what's going on so far.

  17. Thanks for keeping us posted. Glad that Tim is making progress and hoping he recovers soon. It is good that family is rallying around to help and I hope you are taking care of yourself too.

  18. Good to hear that there is some improvement. One wonders how they can let someone fall into such serious medical conditions, sounds like many were asleep at the switch.

  19. That sounds scary for everyone, but the signs of improvement are very encouraging. It is always darkest just before the dawn.

  20. Debby I had no idea what C Diff even was until this morning--poor Tim, I sure hope he's continuing to improve. And you're getting sleep.

  21. thanks for keeping us updated. Sounds like the hospital doctors are on the case and being pro-active and you and Tim are getting the support you need for the moment. I don't want to give you false cause for optimism, but the internet (I am not a doctor) says that steroids can occasionally cause (reversible) neurological symptoms: see e.g. Hope you get some sleep. Thinking of you both. Cat.

  22. I was wondering about a bladder infection as they can definitely cause symptoms mimicking dementia and stroke. I am so glad that at least he is in a place where he is getting the proper care and treatment. This must be so incredibly hard for you.

  23. What an ordeal for all, but I am still go smacked that this is happening. What a progression from a cough to this.


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