Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Headed for Bed.

After sleeping most of the day yesterday, Tim was up most of the night last night. I slept like a rock. I'm feeling much more confident, but still, I don't like him to be up and roaming the house all by himself. Just in case....

When I woke up, I saw that he wasn't in bed and jumped up to check on him. He was sound asleep on the couch. 

I surely did not want him to sleep the day away. I invited one of our old friends over. The guys visited, had lunch. Tim stayed awake. He started a fire in the wood stove. He and Rae worked together on a little project Tim's been meaning to do. He needed a zip tie, and knew right where he had some out in the garage. He remembered that William was coming home, and went up to turn on his fireplace so that his room would be toasty. He typed some messages to his son. 

William did get home and we had a nice family supper. I was able to finally send the Christmas gifts back to Dylan's house, which made me happy.

It is hard to believe that everything is slipping back to normal. After days of being scared witless at the great unknown, the unanswerable questions, the what-ifs, trying to offer up reassurances to the kids when I wasn't feeling exactly reassured myself, here we are. I watched Tim build a fire and talk to his friend and felt like I was witnessing something miraculous. 

I imagine that it is just pent up stress slowly leaving my body, but what I can tell you is that on this night of gratitude, what I feel is more exhausted that I've ever felt in my life. 

Houdini allowed himself to be picked up today although he was nervous. He answers  when he's spoken to.talk to him and he is very playful.  He shyly peeks around corners to see what we are up to.  


  1. I'm glad that life is returning to normal for you and Tim and William. Saying another prayer for you all tonight. Take care of yourself too.

  2. One day at a time, Debby. Calling in a friend was a smart move; it gave you all something to do and think about besides "what might have been". I send you all my warm thoughts and verbal hugs. I know you don't know me, but your story has touched me deeply.

  3. When my husband had a really bad cough for quite a while the doctor told him to rub Vicks suave on the bottom of his feet and put socks on before he went to bed. I read up on it and it said it does help some people and doctors don't know why. It did help some. Ron hated Vicks and the cough had to get bad before he would let me do that. He remembered as a little boy how his mom put it on his chest, under his nose and just the smell.

    1. I've heard from friends that doing that really does work. Keeps it away from being right under your nose (oh how I hated it when mum smeared it below my nostrils!) Hope it will help Tim too.

    2. How funny! Vicks on my feet and warm socks is a go to remedy here! Well...exvept for Tim...

  4. What a relief and a miracle that in such a short amount of time things are feeling normalish! You're right that the pent-up stress of those days is catching up with you though. I would probably end up with a cold and I hope you don't! Get some rest.

  5. Houdini must be relieved things are getting back to normal too.

  6. After the past few years we're all learning to value "normal" way more than we once did.

    When our bodies do something we did not expect it takes a while for us to trust in them again. I'm definitely keeping on top of hydration here after your experience.

    1. Valueing "normal" more than we once did - I 2nd that Snoskred. Who would have thought I'd have ever looked forward to doing the ironing and listening to a book? (Well, always enjoyed the latter - it's the ironing I loathed!)

    2. I found myself moved to tears watching him lay the fire.

  7. So so so so happy for you all!!!

  8. So glad it is all feeling more positive. Wishing you much restful sleep. Olivia

    1. Well...he is up because he is cold. Very unusual for him.

  9. This is good to read. What a brilliant idea to "reset" Tim's sleep pattern by getting a friend over. It is such a relief to hear he is making progress.

    I'm not surprised you are utterly exhausted though. Look after yourself. Go cuddle Houdini. Have you thought of a Catnip mouse for him to play with? With ours they either go nutso after it or get relaxed. For years L. Whale couldn't cope with catnip - "don't do drugs" he told me, but then I got an organic catnip mouse for the kittens and he has changed his mind. :)

    1. So funny. Jenny. When I go out, I usually pick him up a little something to entice him out of his bed. The last time it was a little bottle of organic catnip spray. How he does love that. I generally spray it on a toy or two every day. He can't resist it. And yes...he has quite a stash of little catnip mice. He sleeps with a bean bag bird.

  10. Good to hear things are looking better

    1. The fact that it is happening so quickly stuns me. Five days ago, he knew I was his wife, but had forgotten my name.

  11. I'm so glad to read that things are returning to normal.

  12. It's when things return to normal that you realise that everything is going to be ok.

  13. Very good news. How is the cough?

  14. I certainly don't blame you for being a bit on edge. I know I would be for awhile. Hopefully though that feeling passes quickly and Tim continues to improve.

    1. I am trying not to hover, but I am afraid that I am doing exactly that

  15. Given all you've been through this past week it is entirely understandable that you are not only utterly exhausted, but also feeling the need to hover (just a bit). How could you not? Be gentle with yourself. Hoping Tim continues steadily on the road to recovery. Mary

    1. He is doing great, really. Last night he could not get warm to save his soul. He got up and came to the couch to sleep where the fire was. The alarm went off and I got up to get his medication. His eyes popped open and he said, "If C-diff is caused by an antibiotic, why am I taking an antibiotic to cure it?" Perfectly logical question. I was very encouraged to hear it.

  16. I'm glad things are coming back to "normal." Time for a long, relieved exhale!

  17. Slowly but surely, you are all being careful and that's what is needed after such a traumatic event. Hope you all make steady progress and the doctors follow up with answers.

    1. I am trying hard not to be hyper vigilent... But I kind of am

  18. I am sure you are so exhausted- you know how after you've gone through something like that and finally, you are no longer operating on adrenalin, your body just has to get some rest. You don't realize how tired you are until things start to straighten out.

  19. Good news! Remember to take care of yourself, stress can have a terrible effect on a person. Houdini allowed himself to be picked up? Very good.

    1. My Son-in law picked him up. He did not like it, but he tolerated it. Best part was that it did not stop him from coming out for a visit with me later. He is very close to climbing in my lap.

  20. This is very good news. Take care of yourself - you probably need as much rest as Tim after all the stress of the past couple of days. Thanks for sharing by the way - I won't forget the importance of hydration - and the risk of taking too many rounds of antibiotics - anytime soon - neither of which I knew about before. Cat.

  21. Copacetic is the word that comes to mind. I'm glad things are improving all around. Is he not coughing anymore?

  22. This is great news all round. As Tim improves and you can gently let go of the stress and worry you will feel exhausted and maybe even a bit weepy. It's normal. Be kind to yourself. I think Houdini senses this.

  23. Cat and man are both coming around. Now you need to sleep.


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