Saturday, November 13, 2021


 Today, William and I spent a pleasant day making a special supper. We baked a cake, made two quiches. We chopped things for an Italian salad. He's pretty cheerful about helping out. He enjoys cooking a lot. He has his own apron. He fried the bacon and sauteed the onions, and boiled the spinach. He sliced the cheese and arranged it at around the bottom of the crust. He decided that he liked the smokey gruyere, so he nibbled while he sliced, and he ate olives and artichoke hearts while we were chopping things for the salad. 

Unfortunately, by dinner time, he didn't like any of it and wouldn't eat, which meant that he did not get his strawberry shortcake for dessert which led to an epic tantrum, something kind of unusual for him. The night was cut short and he was whisked home to soak in a lavender scented bubble bath. He then had the beginnings of another meltdown over a book, and was sent to bed before 7PM. The fact that he didn't argue about it and was asleep almost immediately is a bit suspicious.  Hopefully he's not coming down with something. 

On a recommendation from Northsider, I began looking at the author Laurie Lee. I ordered the book from my favorite place. I got an e-mail today that it's been dropped in the mail from Dunfermline, Scotland. The internet is a wonder, isn't it? 

That's all really. It's cold here and snowing. We're supposed to have 4 inches by tomorrow morning. 


  1. Sure hope he is not coming down with something. Maybe he nibbled on so much he was not hungry for dinner. Kids just get to tired sometimes to function.

  2. It does sound like he's coming down with something. Much as I complain about the internet, it is a wonder. By the way, your meal sounds utterly delicious.

  3. I hope you enjoy the book. I read Laurie Lee many years ago. Perhaps J should dig out some to re-read.

  4. Sometimes I feel like having a tantrum myself - lying on my belly screaming while I beat the floor with my fists. William is quite lucky that he can do it without being thought crazy.

  5. JayCee, you're going to be way too busy to read. You've got a new house to get together. The DIY projects will go on for some time.

    YP, from where I sat, they look pretty exhausting.

    I woke up in the night with a killer headache. I would not be surprised at all if he's coming down with something.

    And, once again, the weather man was in error. We received no snow at all, which doesn't make me one bit sad.

  6. I can't say that I am a fan of punishing kids over food or with food, but I don't know the ins and outs of your situation.

  7. I don't know that I have ever seen it as punishment. You just don't get to refuse supper to fill up on sweets. To me, it is just sensible.

  8. Oh, you will like Laurie Lee - a marvellous writer and wonderful evocation of time and place. Regarding your kind comment on my blog, I had forgotten that your son was named Dylan as is mine - another connection then, between us and to Wales. There is a piece in my book called For Dylan, which I wrote on his 5th birthday - it is one of the few pieces that I wrote 'straight off' without editing or careful composition - in fact, I wrote it in minutes - and yet it is one of my favourites among all that I have written.

  9. Oh, yikes! Hope he's stayed well. Sounds like maybe he just nibbled too much while cooking and lost his appetite? I guess that doesn't explain the fatigue, though.

  10. I remember years ago my kids would be acting like monsters and I would be at the end of my rope and the next day they would be sick and I would feel guilty for having been angry with them. Then they would be angles while sick, so sweet and wanting to snuggle with no energy to bicker. I would know they were on the mend when they started fighting again. :)

    Also a possibility for William's meltdown-he was eating new foods and perhaps he has a sensitivity to one? Behavior issues can be triggered by foods.

  11. My next blog post will be about Laurie Lee Debby. His writing is wonderful.


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