Monday, May 1, 2023

Customer (Dis)Service

 Miss me? 


Well, the house has been beset by problems which required customer service calls. I haaaaaate customer service calls, because usually, no actual service is provided. The people are sweet and wonderful but it's a big old bunch of nonsense. I usually get provoked, and I try very hard to keep my voice patient and kind because I know it is not their faults. 

Case number one. 

I had a health care savings account provided by my employer. I've been retired for a year now, and I decided to simply cash that account out. It's not a fortune, but $1481 is nothing to sneeze at either. so I made the call to OptumFinancial to begin the process. A very sweet young lady answered, I told her what I needed. She said that I would have to fill out a form and send it in. Okay. I can do that. She said she'd e-mail me the form. 

No form showed up, so I called back and spoke with another sweet person. She explained that my account was not active. I explained that I'd been retired for a year. She explained that my account had been closed and that the money reverted back to Optum Financial. 

"They KEEP it? How is that even legal? I was not notified that this could even happen!" I was flabbergasted. To just take someone's account without even telling them? 

Sweetly, she told me that she would reactivate my account. I answered a bunch of questions. My account is reactivated. She then promised to e-mail me the form I needed. 

I checked my e-mail and lo, it was there. I noticed that it can take 6-10 weeks for the account to be closed and that there would be service charges but they gave no indication of what those charges would be.

In a grumpy mood I began filling out the paperwork. I had the statement from the company, and it kerflumoxes me that they send out monthly paperwork telling me how much money I have only to learn that my account is inactive and that they are claiming THEY own the money. Something doesn't make sense here. 

You know what else doesn't make sense? The fact that the paperwork requires a 12 digit account number, yet on the statement, you are given only the last four digits of that number. 

I resolutely picked up the phone again, waded through all the preamble for the third time, pressing one for yes, and picking options, etc. 

Another sweet voice answered the phone. I explained, trying to modulate my own voice into something that sounded kind (IT IS NOT HER FAULT! IT IS NOT HER FAULT!) and I finished with "and so I need that full account number." 

And very sweetly she said, "I'm sorry but I cannot provide that number to you. I will mail it to you and you should receive it within 10 business days." 

I choked back the words that came immediately to my lips and said, "That really doesn't seem fair to me," as sweetly as I could manage, because really, I was feeling not all that sweet. 

She said, "You received that account number in your welcome packet." I said, "But that was YEARS ago. I don't have that." 

She was so very sorry, and even heaved a sympathetic sigh. She would send it to me. "Is there anything else I can help you with today?" she asked. 


Case number 2:

And then there is Breezeline. That bill covers our internet, our television, and the stupid landline that receives mostly scam calls, so we don't answer it. However, if you try to drop the stupid landline, that messes up the bundle and it will actually cost you more for your television and your internet. 

Argh again. 

This weekend, we lost our television, our internet and our landline (we probably would not have noticed the phone for days, actually). The simultaneous loss meant one thing. We had a past due amount. This happened once before. They do not send out paper statements. Tim made our regular monthly payment of $250+, but there had been a rate adjustment. We were past due by $10, so they shut it all off. 

This happened last year. Probably about the same time. The young man was very apologetic and assured us that we never should have been shut down over such a small amount. He was very nice, got it all taken care of, and we assumed it was a system fluke. 

Alas. It was not. The same thing happened THIS year over $11.43.

We talked about it and decided to scrap the television service. We get 9 channels. That's it. Of those 9 channels, 3 are the same station. Two are PBS (which as sustaining members, we have PBS passport for free). That's a lot of money every month for such a paltry offering. We already knew that we didn't want the landline. 

I called Breezeline customer service. 

A sweet voice answered. She sounded suspiciously like the sweet voices that answered over at Optum Financial. I explained that I was calling to settle up the past due $11.43 and to cancel the television service and landline, that we were only keeping the internet. She was glad to take the payment but she could not cancel our services. That required a Retention Specialist (the way she said it, I'm sure the name is capitalized). These important people do not work on the weekends, but she would be glad to have one call me on Monday. 

(IT'S NOT HER FAULT! IT'S NOT HER FAULT!) Sweetly, I said, "Thank you." 

She brightly told me she was ready to take my payment. I told her that I did not want to make that payment until I was certain that the cancellations were done. 

"I understand," she said, "Is there anything else I can help you with today?" 


The Retention Specialist did not call, and so I called this morning. 

I explained what I needed done. She said that she couldn't do anything until the past due amount was taken care of. I paid the $11.43. 

She wanted to tell me about some promotions. 

"No," I said firmly. "We are not happy with this service. This happened last year and we were assured that it was a mistake. Now it has happened again. It seems like to me, when someone has a record of regular monthly payments of $250+, a rate hike for something as small as $11.43 should be seen as a mistake, a reminder sent out that the rates have gone up." They mail past dues, but the regular bills need to be accessed by going to their website and logging in to your account.

I was trying awfully hard to be sweet. Truly. 

She said, "Well, I can't shut off your phone without the passcode." 

Me: "What passcode?"

"You have a four digit passcode." 

"I never set that up. We've had this landline for like 12 years." 

"Legally, I cannot make changes to your phone without that code."

It was getting harder to be sweet. "Well," I said, "You're going to have to tell me how I'm going to find out what that code is." 

"Top right hand corner of your past due bill." 

Okay. Little bit of passive aggressive there. I gave her that number. She took off the landline. She took off the television. Our new monthly bill would be $65.88. 

"Can I help you with anything else, today?" 

Grit teeth. "No thank you." 

So Tim and I went out and got a ROKU, and I did all manner of technical things that always make me nervous. I even scanned my first QR code. I got everything set up, and by the time that Tim got home, I had found a very old favorite that he loved: The Red Green Show. (The immortal words of wisdom: 'If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy' or the Man's Prayer: 'I am a man. I can change. If I have to. I guess.' The Possum Lodge Motto: 'Quando omni flunkus, moritati' ~translation: When all else fails, play dead. ) All was well. 

Later that night, I was sitting at home watching Antique Roadshow, and feeling pretty happy with my day's accomplishments. Out of the blue, the landline rang. The landline that had been canceled that morning. 

Resolutely, I picked up my cell phone and called Breezeline once again. I sat through all the prompts and finally I was speaking to a live person. She was just as sweet as she could be. I explained that I canceled my television and landline that very morning, but that my landline had just rung. I explained that I wanted to make sure that it was shut off because I did not want to be charged for it. 

She explained that my account had been reactivated when I paid the past due $11.43. 

I explained that I didn't want it reactivated. We went through it all again. 

When she was done, I said, "I was quoted a price of $65.88 this morning. Is that where we are at?" 

And she said, "Well. Yes. Until the promotion expires. August's bill will be $133. plus tax." 

I swear to you. There was not one bit of sweetness left in me. I said, "I was not told that this was a promotion. I was not told the bill would double after three months. Not one word."

She apologized just as sweetly as could be. 



  1. Yikes! Wow! I can understand your frustration.

    1. If I didn't know any better, I would ask if you were a customer service representative. Glad to see you're back!

  2. Look up “Cancelling Cable - SNL”. Not now but maybe in a couple of months time. Yes, I missed you.

    1. You're right. I'll give it time. So far though, the ROKU is a bit of a whirlwind. We've never had this much choice before. Ever.

  3. This is insane…. And I betcha internet service in your area is provided by a monopoly, right? First world problems, but SO frustrating!!!!! Sympathy!!

    1. There are not a lot of options in our area, but I am looking at all of them.

    2. So far, it seems to be a monopoly.

  4. OMG, I am shocked that this happens to other people; I thought it was just me. Medical places are the worst, insurance companies too. Cable and telephone companies. Etc. If you don't ask ALL the right questions (that you don't even know to ask) or don't get everything in writing, you're (excuse my language) screwed.

    1. Oh, my frustrated sister. You are NOT alone.

  5. Everyone's daily nightmare. Oh for the days of companies having a shop front or an office where you went and dealt with a human Bean!!
    Even those that do, like our internet, mobile and landline provider...can't do everything there..but at least can tell you the steps to follow.
    Television? Good old Freeview!!

    1. It was astounding just how much free tv is available. We paid $30 for the ROKU and it opened up the world. Really, we can watch ANYTHING. You think that fact alone would make the television companies a bit more gracious and easier to deal with!

  6. Poor you, the world has changed for the worse. Now they demand your money and then hold on to it! At least the phone operators all had sweet voices when they gave out the bad news.

    1. It just seems to me that the two companies I had to deal with (unfortunately consecutively) are designed to make things just as difficult as they can, which annoys me mightily.

  7. I'm worn out just reading.
    Hope you had a lie down in a dark room to recover!

    1. I did not. I got the ROKU set up and downloaded our PBS Passport.

  8. Are they even in the same country as you. In Australia they almost never are which adds a whole new layer of fun

    1. Optum Financial was all overseas. They are always so very nice, though. The Rentention Specialists were American. The first was not very nice. I was, I suppose, very businesslike with her, which she did not appreciate. She had a spiel, and I simply wanted to get done what I wanted to get done, not get talked into continuing my phone and television service. That seemed to irk her that I did not want to listen. I believe that she purposely did not tell me about the promotion and that our payment would more than double after three months. And why our service was reinstated, I could not tell you.

  9. Oh Debby. I would be having to be dragged away by men in white coats by now.

    1. I was pretty grumpy. And then I had to launch right in to the technology part of it. That did not help.

  10. I've never had a tooth pulled, but I would rank dealing with customer service via phone right up there... without anesthesia.

    Red Green is the bomb! Back when he was still on, I used to tape his shows on VHS tapes, it's been awhile, and I would take them to share with my dad at the cabin over holidays. We would laugh ourselves silly.

    I'm about to the point to do what you just did, to cancel everything but the internet. But I'm not sure I want the hassle yet so haven't done anything.

    1. We're still working out the streaming. How to locate shows, etc. but quite seriously, we have NEVER had such a variety of programing.

  11. I feel your pain. I've been known to shed tears at these situations. However, I've never had THAT much trouble all at once. I would feel like resorting to suicide! (Not really, but what a terrible experience.)

    1. It just makes me aggravated. It seems to me that it is designed to be deceitful and difficult, and that is not right.

  12. Last time I called about tv phone etc. there was a rooster crowing so loud I asked the fellow where he was…. Indonesia, he told me rooster crowed all day. At least I got a laugh along with the service which is usually good if you can understand the accent! GG

    1. That's funny. The call centers I seem to get are just filled with the buzz of other representatives not assisting other customers. (Forgive me for being sour, but the experience is fresh in my mind.) The all important 'Retention Specialists' were from this country. I've had to call about cell phone assistance before, and sometimes I've gotten very good service. The last time I needed them, I simply got a young man who repeated everything that I said to him, and excused himself. The wait for him to come back would be two or three minutes. Then he would come back on and repeat back what we discussed before I went on hold. After about 20 minutes of that, I simply hung up and called back. Blessedly I got another representative. I felt terrible for the young man. He was obviously just learning the ropes and did not have adequate supervision, but to coin a phrase...."ARRRRRRRRGGGHHHH!"

  13. I just went through this all last week. Up here in Canada , the phone company (Bell) call centers is in India, Mexico, everywhere else but Canada. While trying to discuss my problem to someone I couldn't understand , and he couldn't understand me a Rooster was crowing in the background . He was working from home...........Barb

    1. You and GG must have spoken to the same person.

  14. This is all insane. INSANE! And it is all completely rigged to rob you of your money. From the health account to the service accounts. Can you imagine the hell it must be to work for one of those companies as customer support?
    Legal criminals are what those companies are.

  15. The only thing that keeps me pleasant during those calls is the fact that those customer service reps have the WORST jobs, don't they? All day, every day they must deal with unhappy customers. But they really don't help the situation AT ALL! Poor workers and poor us!

    1. I worked in customer service for a while, and I try to remember how awful it was dealing with mad people. We had a script. If you didn't complete the script, the great powers that be would deduct points, which affected your future raises. If your phone conversation ran too long, they deducted points. If they thought your tone displayed any negative attitude, they deducted points. If they felt that it took you too long to do the computer screens to address the issue, they deducted points. It was a horrible job. The customers were not the worst of it.

  16. My number seems to be stuck in a computer somewhere, I got 42 calls in one day, I answered the first few and realized it was robo calls so I just let it ring. The phone company (Spectrum) said all they could do was change my number. I have had this number for 23 years and don't want to change it. I just started letting it ring, all the numbers or names on the caller ID are different so I can't just block the numbers. The calls have tapered off since I don't pick up now unless I know the name or company, maybe10 a day so I guess it is getting better. The calls stop at 7pm so that is good. The phone company said these people use a computer to make most of these calls and sometimes it just sticks on one number. I could just unplug the phone but it is the phone I use most, everyone knows this number. I guess living alone it is a little noise in the house and I can turn the volume on low. You are so right, these service calls can drive you mad, especially with push this number, than another number and end up being hung up on at some point.

    1. Oh my gosh. That would have driven me nuts.

  17. I'm glad I took my BP med before reading this, as I could feel my pressure rising! Debby, I went through something strikingly similar last summer when I canceled my Comcast Triple Play. Glad you kept your cool. 👍

    1. I did not swear out loud, Doug. I was swearing like a sailor in my head though.

  18. I would play them: "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister. Awful inconsiderate people.

    1. Well...we didn't take it from the television company. However, I'd definately like to take it from the HSA account....

  19. I thought some of the probems I've had were bad enough, but they heally have got it in for you.

    1. 😳they have it in for me???

      😠well, by cracky, I am done trying so hard to be polite.

  20. Whew, Nellie! They sure know how to give ya the runaround, don't they? Aggravating, for sure. I love your word "kerflumoxes" and shall keep it for my own use, thank you.

    My blogging friend Maggie Turner keeps a notebook by her phone. She records the details of every phone call she makes to these "services" and notes, as well, what happens (and doesn't happen) afterward. I have adopted her routine because otherwise there are times when there is no way to hold these services to account, or even to remember, oneself, what the sam hill went on.


    1. Kerflumox is one of the more innocuous words you should take from me.

  21. HI there Debby - definitely do as Kate above has suggested and keep notes of phone calls - nothing better in subsequent phone calls than to say "as Devok said on April 29 when I called at 7.15pm, this matter would be resolved" - it gives that little thrill in the endless loops that are such phone calls. Jeanie.

    1. I need to stop expecting a problem to be resolved on the first call.

  22. What a horror show. Re the internet/television issue, is Xfinity an option for you? They're not perfect, but seem to be somewhat better than Breezeline.

    1. Xfinity doesn't serve our area.

    2. Too bad, a little competition for Breezeline might be a good thing.....

  23. It is perversely comforting to know that this a world wide phenomenon. Maybe they are trained in how to bamboozle customers out of their money.

    1. It is a corporate bamboozle. The customer service is a contracted service and they are constrained by the parameters the corporation itself dictates.

  24. OMG, Debby. I am so sorry. I could feel your pain as I was reading. I had a very similar experience with our internet provider last week and it took all of my patience to not unload on someone who was just trying to do their job. It wasn't their fault but I wanted to say some really horrible things to them. Hope it all gets straightened out and good luck with the Roku. It is great cutting the cord.

    1. It sounds strange but I actually think we have too much to pick from.

  25. I cannot believe that you were paying that much. Cable is really obsolete and they know it so they are trying to hang on to as many "customers" as possible that is why you need to speak to a special sales person in order to quit your service. There are always special deals that they will offer the longer that you talk to them but the best deal is to get rid of everything but of course you still need internet. If at all possible shop around for that even in remote areas there are usually other options.

    1. It was not cable. Our television was streamed through through the modem. The problem was that we have a basic package. Over the last three years, we have 'lost' channels. I believe they were trying to force people to a higher priced package.

  26. Oh my God. This stresses ME out just to read it! Why is it such a nightmare to get anything done? I agree, the health care savings account reverting to the employer sounds VERY shady.

    (And now I'm wondering about the status of my NY Times pension, which I haven't thought about in years...)

    1. I want to add:

      We have BT (which I think was once British Telecom or something like that) for Internet. Several years ago they pressured us to take a package including a landline and television, neither of which we use. The landline doesn't even have a phone plugged into it. We pay about £75 a month, I think. And weirdly, the account is in the name of the landlord at our former apartment, because we took over his account when we moved in -- and we CANNOT convince them to take him off the account no matter how hard we try. The whole thing is a nightmare. I've been tempted to cancel it and start fresh but I'm afraid that will let the demons out of the box.

    2. Oh my gosh. That's a lot of money. But yeah. Those demons...hard to get them back in the box once they've gotten out.

  27. Hmmmm...I seem to be going to spam.

  28. Ouch…! I always dread it when I have to make those kinds of calls😩Ricki


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